Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 38 Rosindy's Identity Exposed

Chapter 38 Rosindy's Identity Exposed
The first thing that catches the eye is the huge speedboat of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce.

When the speedboat approached, the watchmen reported that there was a fast-moving object approaching, and even provoked Zefa. After confirming that it belonged to his own chamber of commerce, Rosindi quickly stopped Zefa and explained:
"Teacher, I called those people and brought the equipment and personnel needed for the Dalmesia operation."

Although this was different from what he had imagined, Zefa still let the opponent's ship approach.

As soon as the boat got close, a fat man jumped up, shot the surroundings directly, and said calmly:

"Where is the second young master of our family?"

Obviously this is Sheldon, but it seems that he doesn't take the navy very seriously. In his opinion, the second young master should only be here temporarily because of his injured friend.

For this fat man with an arrogant face and head raised high, Smoker said he wanted to beat him up.

That's right, Sheldon's flip operation made everyone on the warship feel baffled. Where did this fat man come from?

Rossindi also only told his teacher about this matter, and did not tell anyone else.

But it was obvious that Zefa was also confused, after all, Rosindi had never told him about the "Second Young Master".

But Zefa still stepped forward and introduced:

"I am the instructor of this warship, Zefa. Are you here to deliver the personnel and equipment needed for the operation?"

Shelton was attracted by Zefa, and when he saw the person, his face was a little surprised, and he nodded slightly:

"General Zefa, I have admired your name for a long time, and I am indeed here to deliver these."

Of course, Sheldon knew Zefa's name, and even knew Zefa's appearance. When seeing Zefa, Sheldon's first feeling was to lament the power of the second young master, who was able to stay temporarily on the warship of the former admiral. Live, maybe we still know each other.

"You don't need to call me a general anymore. I've already retired. You need someone to deliver everything first. Some of us need it urgently."

Shelton nodded, and then someone brought over a bunch of large and small surgical equipment, and several others in white coats followed.

Shelton nodded in satisfaction and then asked:
"I don't know where my young master is, I want to pay a visit."

At this moment, Rosindi, who was standing behind Zefa, was about to speak when he was interrupted by a voice.

"You didn't even say what your young master's name is, who knows! Hmph, merchant, what are you?"

It was Smoker who was talking. He didn't have a good impression of this fat man. He also recognized the merchant's banner, but the fat man in front of him was really irritating. When he came up, he was virtuous and became obsequious when he saw Teacher Zefa.

He, Smoker, hates this kind of people the most. Of course, in Smoker's eyes, all businessmen are like this!

Shelton seemed particularly displeased and annoyed by this statement. He didn't want to argue with a small soldier, but this matter is related to the honor of the chamber of commerce!What's more, the second young master is still here, so I have to behave well!

Sheldon looked at Little Smoker, who was uttering wild words, sneered, and shook the robe he was wearing (in order to meet the second young master, he was naturally dressed in a serious manner)

"I am the president of the Macedonian Kingdom branch under the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce, Sheldon. And the young master is the second son of the president of the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce that commands all the branches of the Four Seas and the Great Airway. He has the supreme right of succession and a huge fortune! "

Sheldon became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice became higher:

"I, Shelton, was ordered by the second young master, Mr. Rossindi, to rescue his best friend!"

In an instant, the entire warship fell into silence.

Sheldon smiled proudly, thinking that the group of people were shocked by the background, but he carefully discovered that all the navy members on the warship were all looking in the same direction. Following their eyes, the eyes of the entire warship were focused on Behind Zefa, even Zefa couldn't help turning his head to look.

Sheldon felt strange, stepped forward to check, and found behind Zefa was a young man with blond hair and wearing a navy suit.

Smoker opened his mouth so wide that the jaws of the entire warship almost touched the ground.

"How is that possible? Brother Rossi is the second young master of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce!" Smoker shouted in surprise.

At this time, Luo Xindi looked at the crowd, and wanted to find a hole to get in, and blame this Shelton!

At this time, Luo Xindi could only pretend to be calm, and took out the pendant she put in her clothes.

"This is a real blood-red pendant!"

Sheldon couldn't control his expression, outsiders didn't know, and he from the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce would not know!
At this time, a middle-aged man with dark blue eyes also jumped off the boat, stepped forward to take a look carefully, and then bowed to Rossindi:
"The executive director of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Macedonia, Alexander, has met the second young master, Mr. Luoxi Nandi."

With the executive director's confirmation, Sheldon immediately saluted:

"Sheldon has met the second young master Rosindi."

With this salute, it can be said that it was a solid hammer. The navy that was originally surprised was changed to surprise, and the most popular one was the person who loaned money to Rossindi.

Everyone has different ideas in their minds, there is no way, they know, everyone here knows a little bit, the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce is not an ordinary small chamber of commerce, but a chamber of commerce that spreads all over the world, and can even be said to be the world.

And Zefa knows that the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce already has the title of King of the Sea in the dark world, because the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce is widely spread, no matter the weather in the new world is different, no matter how dangerous the island is, the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce can deliver it.

At this moment, Zefa looked at his students full of complexity.

Luo Xindi helplessly helped his forehead and shook his hands.

"Well, your name is Sheldon, right? I will tell my father, and you will be notified of the transfer within a month. Also, your name is Alexander, right, and you are the same."

Sheldon's expression immediately became excited, and he began to tell his loyalty and respect for the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, and his respect and awe for the president.

On the contrary, Alexander seemed much calmer.

In fact, if Dalmesia knew the news, he might lie down on the spot without treatment, because he lent the most money to Rossindi in the entire navy.

There are still many marines on the scene who have not reacted, and are still in shock and unable to come out.

"Tina was shocked, Tina was mad at Rosie."

"I'll go, Brother Rossi, you are too awesome, you actually have such a powerful father."

"Tsk tsk, Rossindi, I didn't expect you to be able to hide it so deeply."

"Yo, Rosie, it's your responsibility to go back and treat the guests!"

"That's right, Rossindi, you haven't told us all this time! You will be punished with alcohol!"

"Rosindi, don't forget the last time we went there, I paid for it for you!"

"Rosindy, you."


Luo Xindi could only respond with a stiff smile to these, thinking, MMP, if I have a dime in my pocket, I will lose!It is a fact that labor and capital have money, and it is also a fact that Lao Tzu has no money now.

The most unbearable thing for him now is that this Sheldon is still interacting with the navy, bragging about how awesome and rich the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce is.Most importantly, Sheldon also signaled to Rossindi:

"My lord, you don't need to thank me, this is what I should do!"

(End of this chapter)

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