Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 41 Tour of Alabasta (Poison Spot) Recommended Ticket Added

Chapter 41 Tour of Alabasta (Poison Spot) Recommended Ticket Added
After a few days of rushing, a group of people came to the capital of Alabasta, Albana.

Albana, as the capital, is naturally very prosperous. There are also people here to meet Adri, take them to the place where they are staying, and simply tidy up and put things away. Adri then ordered No. [-]:
"When the time comes, go and take a stroll with Robin."

"Robin, my father is going to talk about something, you just follow Uncle No. [-] to play."

Robin nodded in a very sensible way, expressing clearly that she naturally understands Adri's busy business, and she wants to make her father feel at ease. This is a compulsory course for her father's dearest little padded jacket.

Robin took number one's hand and walked outside, not forgetting to wave goodbye to Adri.

Number one was flattered by the lady holding hands, but fortunately Robin let go of her hand when she got outside and started wandering in this strange city, where there were many things she had never seen before, some people were even selling golden apples, Robin stepped forward very curiously, but walked away as if nothing had happened after finding out that it was just paint

Robin was still curious about the new things around him. It was really interesting to look around. On the way, a little boy with dark tea and short hair accidentally bumped into Robin. After a quick apology, he left quickly , and behind him was a group of children of similar age, shouting:

"Xiasha Tuan is here!"

The adults around looked at these children with kind expressions.

During the next tour, he saw a group of people, said to be Alabasta's escort.

Among them was a young man with an extremely conspicuous appearance. His eye sockets were painted with deep purple makeup of four-pointed star flowers, and he wore two orange necklaces.

Seeing them, the surrounding people backed away respectfully and greeted them warmly. From this, they could also learn that the young man's name was Bell.

On the other side, Adri was already negotiating with the king, and the two had a very happy conversation.

And this king was none other than Naferutali Cobra, who was in his prime.

"Mr. Adri, I heard that you have two sons and a daughter. What a blessing."

"Where, it's better to be a daughter. The other two bastards are always worrying. I heard that your princess is pregnant. I still want to congratulate you."

"I would like to be a daughter, so that she can look as beautiful as her mother. As you said, she is the father's little fan."

Adri and Cobra looked at each other and smiled, while Princess Titi also covered her mouth and smiled lowly.

In the evening, Robin was telling Adri about what he saw and heard today, and Adri listened patiently, and a smooth night passed like this.

On the second day, Robin felt that there was nothing to visit, and Adri decided to take Robin to their primary goal this time, to see rare animals.

Alabasta is still very unique in this respect.

While wandering in the desert on a Karoo duck, Robin saw many interesting small animals, including moving crabs and deceiving birds, especially deceiving birds. Robin was almost deceived, and now he is still a little bit small. bear grudges.Of course, there are also huge lizards, but Robin doesn't intend to bring small animals home, this is the best place for them.

Soon they came to a Gobi Desert near the seaside. At this time, a group of kung fu manatees were entrenched on the Gobi Desert. They were constantly learning from each other. Only he has been grinding his fists and wants to come up at any time.

No. [-] got off the duck immediately after getting Adri's approval, and specially found a Kung Fu Manatee.

"Father, is this a turtle? Or a manatee?"

The kung fu manatee owner has a turtle shell and a manatee's body, very aggressive.

"Robin, this is the Kung Fu manatee, isn't it cute?"

Robin got a blush too

"Indeed, very cute."

Because of the entry of No. [-], all the kung fu manatees are focused on this place at this time, they stretch out one arm, shouting and cheering there.

At this time, the Kung Fu manatee standing opposite No. [-] stretched its arms as if shouting:
"Something is coming!"

Then in an instant, there were a few more bags on the manatee's head just now.

At that moment, all the kung fu manatees came swarming over the place. "Father, what's wrong with them? Are they unable to afford the loss and want to beat up No. [-]?"

Robin asked innocently.

"No, it's just that the rule of Kung Fu Manatee is that whoever wins will worship the other as his teacher."

Saying that, the group of kung fu manatees paid homage to No. [-] in unison.

Number One looked at Adrian helplessly.

"what ever."

No. [-] immediately felt relieved, in his opinion, teaching others things, especially kung fu manatee is a bit awkward.

Then No. [-] taught Kung Fu to the manatees and flicked their tails.

They were very clever and learned it all at once, and they continued to look forward to Number One's teaching, but at this time Number One said:
"Now, you go together, I will hit 100."

No one knew that No. [-]'s face under the mask was already blushing when he said this, and No. [-] felt ashamed, but he had been looking forward to this sentence for a long time, and it was rare to be able to say it like this.

"Wow! Father, number one is so domineering!"

Hearing Robin's praise, the blush on No. [-]'s face deepened a little, and he took a deep breath.

Kung Fu Manatee decided to go together after a short thought.

Obviously, a complete failure.

"You still have shortcomings, keep working hard, and we will meet again by fate."

No. [-] didn't say a word after that, and silently rode on Kaluuya.

Robin also counted the eye addiction, and everyone left.

On the way, No. [-]'s waist bent lower and lower. At this moment, his face under the mask was like a reddish watermelon. If it weren't for Adri's side, he would have wanted to kill himself, and he would have done this kind of thing in a flash , Thinking about it, I want to bury myself in the sun, and I am ashamed to see others.

Robin looked at No. [-]'s abnormality and asked:
"What happened to number one?"

Adri glanced at suicide and replied:

"It's okay, he just read too many martial arts novels recently."

The group came to the beach again, when a cat's head emerged from the bottom of the sea.

"It's a sea cat!"

Robin said excitedly.

"I read it in a book!"

The sea cat has the characteristic that the upper body is a cat and the lower body is a fish, and is regarded as a sacred symbol by the people of Alabasta.

At this time, Hai Mao was squinting his eyes, looking at the group of people, and then approached Robin. Under Hai Mao's huge body, Robin looked very thin.

The sea cat approached Robin and rubbed it fiercely, and Robin couldn't help reaching out to stroke it. It can be seen that Robin's face is already flushed now, and he has used both hands.

Sea Cat also seemed to enjoy Robin's petting and even licked Robin.

So now the question is, does this sea cat eat fish, or does it eat fish, or does it eat fish?
 If there are enough tickets, I can update to 45 chapters in one go

(End of this chapter)

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