Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 59 Aunt's Another Tea Club Invitation

Chapter 59 Auntie's Another Tea Party Invitation

Adri left, after just one month of residency.

Before leaving, Ace only knew that Adri had a private chat with Dadan. Later, Dadan burst into tears. Obviously Ace knew that Adri did not bully Dadan.

When Adri was leaving, he also came to them. At that time, Adri patted Ace on the head and taught:

"As a big brother, you have to look like a big brother and protect your younger brothers at all times."

At that time, it was rare for Ace to resist and refute. Adri talked to all three of them one by one. Ace didn't know what he said. He only knew that Sabo seemed to be a lot better after listening to Adri's words. , As for Luffy, he was just happier and changed the depression of parting.

In the end, Adri took a phone bug from the suitcase and handed it to the three little ones, and told them his personal phone number, and he could call him when something happened. He also said that he was waiting for them at sea. When they go out to sea one day, remember to come to him to catch up with this old man.

Adri left anyway, took a deep look at Sabo and Ace, and Luffy, who was still eating meat heartlessly and happily, turned and left.

Adri returned to the Windmill Village at the foot of the mountain with his suitcase, just like when he first came here, he was still so gentlemanly and polite.

Adri of the Goa Kingdom is not going to go, it is not very good there, Adri is too lazy to go, Adri went to the bar and said goodbye to Makino briefly, and then came to the port, where there were already ships waiting, Adri is like a passer-by in the Windmill Village and hastily left.

But the old village head looked at Adri's back in a daze, and he finally remembered that he had seen exactly the same figure before.

Back in the cabin, No. [-], [-], and [-] are already on standby. This time, Adri is preparing to go back.

It's been far enough, and the time is a bit long, and Adri has to go back to see his grandson.

But what Adri didn't know was that after he finished telling Sabo, the plot continued to flow.

But this kind of thing is irrelevant to Adri, what he is after is just a happy ending.

Since what will happen in the middle is inevitable, then take it as a test, as long as the ending is good, the previous test will not be in vain.

After a while, Adri returned home.

Luo Xinan looked at her father who was wandering around the house with a resentful expression, and was very dissatisfied with his father's behavior of throwing away the shopkeeper, but in fact, when he was older, he hadn't handed over all the rights, but handed over all the obvious things to Luo Xinan Di, the secret carnival is still under Adri's private control, not to mention whether Rossindi can control it, it's good if there is no conflict in his heart.

Sure enough, in this regard, Rossindi didn't see it clearly, and he needed to correct it.

So as soon as he got home, Adri approached Luo, ignored this guy, Luo Xindi, and let him experience the dangers in the world, hum.

Luo also misses Adri a lot. After all, he is an extremely kind old man. Of course, if this word is heard by others, Luo may just be sprayed.

Adri went to the East China Sea this time and collected a lot of medical books and notes of famous doctors, enough for Luo to read for a while, and Luo's love for this aspect is no less than Robin's enthusiasm for historical texts.

Luo spent almost most of his time at Adri's private doctor, discussing with these doctors. Through the convenience of the surgical results, he successfully solved many problems with the doctors, which made Luo have an excellent reputation among the doctors at home and everyone liked him very much. This talented young master.A certain young master also liked the atmosphere here very much, which made him feel like a spring breeze.

Of course, on weekdays, I will also help Luo Xidi a little, and occasionally call Adri, an old man who is away from home. Although Adri looks young, his actual age always makes Luo worry about Adri’s health, so he is still careful. better.

Every time he enters his library, it is like following a maze. If he is not guided by someone, he is afraid that he will not be able to get out, but sometimes in the library, he will see the hands and eyes of his aunt Robin. It was scary when I saw it for the first time, but I was relieved when I found out that it was my aunt's fruit ability.

The reason why Luo can live a happy life is also due to Luo Xindi.

Since Luo recovered, Luoxindi has been saying there not to trust others, for fear that Luo will perform immortality surgery on others, and then he can only watch Luo die. Luoxindi is not sure about his father's ability, but this does not hinder him Worry.

Luo also asked curiously if he could perform an operation on Rocindi, but Rocindi refused sternly and seriously, saying that he had no idea about that, but instead kept saying that he should not trust others. , except the family, excluding Doflamingo.

He also deliberately warned Doflamingo, although Doflamingo has repeatedly stated that he does not want the ageless surgery, but he has no idea that Luo will come to him to help him. The fruit of the surgery is also very popular in combat, and his nephew helped him There is nothing wrong with helping his uncle.

So Luo Xindi specially gave Luo a small class about not trusting her brother.

But Luo actually doesn’t have a good impression of Doflamingo if he doesn’t use these things. He has decided. Didn’t Grandpa Adri say that when he grows up, he can fight Doflamingo? To avenge Rosindy, let Doflamingo try to die, hum.

Tsundere Luo said so.

Naturally, now that Grandpa Adri is back, naturally he can't tell Rosindi directly.

I have to say that the only person in the whole family who is most favored is naturally Aunt Robin.

Luo is also very clear, after all, Robin is the only girl in the family. Both Rosindy and Doflamingo cherish this little girl very much, and it is probably formed under the leadership of Adri.

As a result, Luo also knew that he had to protect his aunt from childhood and keep her from being harassed by smelly men outside.

Also because of Adri's return, another family dinner was held at home.

Adri is still drinking red wine as a gentleman, but if you are careful, you will find that Adri wears a jade finger ring on his hand.

A family dinner was over, and Adrien's life was peaceful again, except for the occasional tea party at Big Mom's.

Because this time, it is not only for the birth of the 80th son of the aunt, but also for the first time that Adri will appear at the tea party as the dark force and the king of the sea, instead of going to the cake island in a private name in the past.

The tea party this time is not for the 80th son who came from the aunt, but to celebrate the current status of Wandao, and hold a marriage wedding incidentally.

So this tea party has an unprecedented lineup, countless invitations were sent out, and Adri just received one.

 Come on, criticize me to your heart's content!
  (whispering softly)
(End of this chapter)

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