Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 65 The Auction of the Don Quixote Family (Beginning)

Chapter 65 The Auction of the Don Quixote Family (Beginning)

"Dover, you are really careless, this can be robbed."

"Fufurfur, Adri, thank you very much this time. I didn't expect this little guy to be able to do this."

Doflamingo sat on the sofa, looked at the devil fruit in his hand, and his face looked a lot better.

Adri, who was sitting opposite, was still drinking coffee calmly.

Beside him lay a half-dead man, still dying.

Adrian couldn't help but sighed.

"What's the matter, Adrian, you rarely sigh."

Doflamingo asked. He thought it was because of this incident that Adri was a little disappointed. Indeed, if it wasn’t for Adri, then this auction would have been ruined, and Adri has already invited many people from the dark world. giant.

For this, Doflamingo also blamed himself a little.

He glanced fiercely at the principal culprit lying at Adri's feet, ready to discourage him.

But stopped by Adri, who smiled and said:
"Thinking about the little brat in the past, it feels like time flies when you become the big guy now. You can even set foot in the dark world. I am very optimistic about you."


Doflamingo's face also softened a lot, and even he couldn't help feeling that it was indeed a long time, and the time passed much faster than he imagined.

Adri glanced at the people on the ground and asked:

"What are you going to do with this kid?"

Doflamingo's smile went wild, and he said:
"This principal criminal can't be easily let go. Tell me, how about that one?"

"Well, I don't agree with that."

"Then what do you think, anyway, you caught the man."

"I'm still useful to all these people, especially the main criminal. I'm of great use to help him recover his health immediately."

Doflamingo stretched his waist and didn't refute Adri's words. Adri had his plan and he didn't participate, just like Adri didn't interfere with his plan.

Doflamingo then walked away, because there was going to be an auction the day after tomorrow, and this incident happened again. Doflamingo was getting angry now, and he asked someone to deal with the little guy who stole his auction item. The thief immediately went to work again.

Seeing Doflamingo's busy figure, Adri showed a gratified expression.

The first important step of my eldest son's entrepreneurial journey, but no one can disturb him.

Then Adri whispered a few words to number one behind him.

One then left.

Adri also returned to the hotel.

The next day, because of Adri's order, the principal criminal had regained his consciousness. Doflamingo heard the news and came to the place where the principal criminal was being held.

Now, he also got the other party's information

Guilder Desolo
29 years old

Formerly a slave of the Draco
Escaped during the slave emancipation incident that year.

This time I gathered a few partners and came to grab it.

I don’t know if it was just luck, but I succeeded.Once it is taken away from him, it will be very difficult for Doflamingo to do anything, or even get it back.So this time, Desolo was really angry with Doflamingo. If it weren't for Adri, Doflamingo would have suffered a lot this time.

Doflamingo came to the cage where Desoro was held and turned away the people on the side. He wanted to talk to the thief alone.

Desolo, who regained his sanity, was surprised at how quickly he recovered from his injuries, and then found that he was not dead and was still locked in a cage.

Desolo knew that he could not escape death, but the opponent's operation was very confusing.

Before Desolo lost consciousness, he only heard a low voice saying:

"that's not allowed."

Desolo then fell unconscious.

Now Desolo looked at the man who was about his own age in a feather coat in front of him, and his heart was not fear, but resentment.

Why are they so different at similar ages!money!It must be money again!
Doflamingo watched as Desolo's face became more and more ferocious, but the corners of Doflamingo's mouth became more and more raised. Then, Doflamingo grabbed Desolo's throat violently, leaned forward, and fiercely Looks right, with a warning:

"Fufurfur, little thief, you really almost ruined my good business. Not only did you almost ruin my auction, you also made my father work hard."


Desolo couldn't speak, he felt like he was out of breath.

Looking at the opponent who was struggling constantly, Doflamingo was satisfied and picked him up and threw him heavily to the corner.

Desolo, who fell on the iron cage, was in pain, and looked at Doflamingo with resentment on his face:
"Ahem, you just have money to rely on. As long as I have money, I will never be worse than you! A big man like you can't understand my feelings at all! If you have the feeling, you will kill me, anyway, you will die sooner or later! "

Doflamingo was silent, looking at the other side dangerously, what he hated most was that someone was discussing this point there.

Everyone is comparing their misery, telling themselves that they are the most miserable person in the world, but in fact, the more miserable person has not even made a sound!

But Doflamingo felt fortunate that he was not miserable. He met his father, who freed him from his nightmare childhood, and it was his father who helped him unconditionally.

This time is also the father, so this auction must be a success!
The name of the auction house of the Don Quixote family has been announced!

In this way, Doflamingo will feel that he has lived up to his father's expectations. Although Adri did not ask for it, it was Doflamingo's own thinking. His father is very tolerant, and he is too tolerant towards his children, even brothers. In his eyes, remnant is just a child's play, anyway, he can't die, he thinks it's just a simple family conflict.

Even so, Doflamingo acts with high demands.

"Fufurfur! Fufurfur! Your idea is really good, you can buy everything if you have money? You are a bit inaccurate.

However, you can't die for the time being, so I kind of understand why my father wanted to save your life. "

Doflamingo closed the cage and walked out leisurely. He seems to be in a much better mood now.

Thinking of his father again, Doflamingo couldn't help thinking.

Perhaps, Adri was thinking about the issue of money, and he left the navy at the beginning. Perhaps it was because he saw the essence of the world clearly that he switched to a businessman.

There are many things that rely on money.Power, wine, beauties, soldiers, men.
Doflamingo also feels that he needs to reflect, and occasionally he seems to need setbacks. Perhaps this is the meaning of Adri letting Doflamingo decide everything by himself.

After all, his goal is to focus on a dark emperor like Adri.

Before that, although he could use Adri's power, it was not absolute, so he could hardly get any experience, and there was no absolute enemy, only permanent benefits.

Perhaps, if there is no Adri, and Doflamingo has nothing to do with Desolo, he will find the other party to cooperate.

 When someone talks, treat it as a chat.

(End of this chapter)

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