Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 71 Rossindi's Business Trip

Chapter 71 Rossindi's Business Trip

Recently, there is a legend of a swordsman circulating in the sea. It is said that this faceless swordsman cuts ships when he sees them, especially pirate ships. It is even said that a naval warship suffered an impact in the aftermath and overturned directly. But the warship was 5000 meters away from the incident.

Recently, many pirates have complained a lot, because the other party simply cut the ship and did nothing else.

It was even heard that the other party cut several huge mountains in a row, resulting in sword marks on the edge of the Red Earth Continent, and the Holy Land also suffered a slight shock when it spread out.

Not long ago, that swordsman chopped off the millennium ice again, directly splitting the huge glacier into two.

Some people speculate that this mysterious swordsman is Hawkeye Mihawk, who is known as the world's number one swordsman.

But it was quickly rejected. Mihawk's eagle eye logo and black knife symbol are too conspicuous. If it were him, it would have been confirmed long ago.

Some people also speculated that it was red hair. Anyway, there are different opinions, and no one can confirm it. They only know that the other party is a sharp sword studded with gemstones. The feeling of being daunting at a glance is something that the pirates can't forget for a long time.Many pirates even felt hopeless because of this, and quit this rough sea one after another.Others are left with indelible scars.

They still remember that when the other party lightly waved the sword in his hand, the black sword light enveloped them like endless darkness, and they couldn't sleep until it was dark.

But soon after, this swordsman disappeared, no one knew what he looked like, no one knew what his name was, everything became a mystery, only the flattened mountains, the mottled sword marks on the edge of the red earth continent and the The glacier that was split in half proved the existence of this swordsman.

The turmoil of the swordsman has subsided like this, but his legend still remains in the world, and there are still many swordsmen fighting for his goal.

Among them, some sword masters wanted to challenge him.

For example, Mihawk, who is looking for each other to no avail.

Just as many people were obsessed with the disappearance of the great swordsman, Luo Xidi also took Luo away from home, because he is now the general manager and has many things to do, such as this business trip, to finalize the plan of the Seven Waters. As for the business in the capital, Luo Xidi will personally inspect several shipbuilding companies in the capital of seven waters.The capital of seven waters is also a famous scenic spot. Luo Xindi took Luo with him as a tourist by the way. After all, Luo was almost moldy when he stayed at home.

So Rossindi dragged some nerd out of his infirmary and onto the boat.

In this regard, Luo said that he is very dry, he obviously still has a lot to study!

But once in a while it's fine.

On the other hand, Luo Xindi felt that Luo too seldom communicated with his peers, and he would become unable to communicate. It is also good to be able to make friends in Seven Waters this time.

The two of them went to the capital of seven waters in an ordinary merchant ship.

The nature of this time was similar to a private visit on a micro-service. Luo Xidi flipped through the documents in his hand, paused in one of them, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

Luo Ze was blowing the sea breeze boredly, just hoping that no one would bother him.

From a distance, the capital of seven waters looks more like a large fountain.

Soon the mediocre father and son went ashore. As soon as they landed, Rossindi's overall temperament attracted the attention of many people, because it was not a formal meeting, and it was mainly for inspection. Rossindi's clothes were more Leisurely, Rossindi also successfully persuaded Luo to wear father-son outfits with him.

"Well, are you this kid's brother?"

A pretty young lady couldn't help but approach her.

Luo Renjun couldn't help but bumped into the dazed Rossindi:

"I'm calling you, Nissan."

Luo emphasized the latter two words.

"No, no, that, sorry, I am the father of this child."

"I see, I'm so sorry."


The woman walked away.

Luo is a little dissatisfied with Rossindi's behavior, and he has assisted, and Luoxindi deserves to be single.

Rossindi also pulled Luo aside.

"You bastard, what are you talking about, just now!"

"I'm helping you. How old are you and don't know what to do?" "I, my name is Luo, listen up, I don't need a partner, I just have you as my son."

Rossindi bent down and said.

Luo sighed helplessly:

"Hey, no wonder Grandpa Adri is too lazy to talk about it."

"Huh? Father hasn't found a partner yet. Why am I in such a hurry? Besides, I have an older brother."

"That's it."

Luo has given up persuasion, and Luo Xidi is a bit straightforward. If Luo Xidi hadn't explained the reason, Luo would have thought it was because of his adopted son.

The reason why the woman approached Rossindi was because the carnival was coming and she wanted to find a dance partner.

As a matter of fact, Luo Xindi came here just in time, just to play with Luo.

They rented a small two-seater Blue for a thousand berry, a common means of sea transportation here.

Soon after admiring the scenery, they came to their primary target this time, the Carrera Company.

Among the many shipbuilding companies at present, Rossindi is the most optimistic one.

The boss of this company is called Bingshan, and Luo Nandi hopes that the other party will not be too cold, otherwise it will be very difficult to negotiate.

They wandered to Dock One first.

Someone came out to receive them.

Luo first asked curiously, pointing outside.

"Uncle, do those trains travel by sea?"

"Boy, do you mean the sea train? It looks like you are from outside, right?"

Luo froze for a moment, then nodded.

"It was done by our boss' master and the boss and the boss's younger brother. How about it, it's amazing!"

Luo nodded thoughtfully and praised:
"Very spectacular."

The other party was also very happy, and asked Rossindi:

"Are the two guests here to book a boat? This is the dock, so we can take a look at it, but it's best to go to the boss to discuss it."

Rossindi nodded and signaled:

"Yeah, we're going to take a look first, see which one is generally good, we have big business."

"Oh, big business, then you have to visit us carefully. In my opinion, our company is ranked second in the capital of seven waters, and no one dares to be the first."

The boatman in front of the two had a big beard and was shirtless, praising his industry without exaggeration.

This boatman should be one of the foremen, after all, many people are listening to him.

At this time, a yellow-haired man wearing ski glasses and smoking a cigar came up, saw them, and came over and reprimanded:

"Hey! Thalstone, how can you let a child in, he's still an outsider."

"Baoli, don't be like this all the time, these two may be big customers."

 Is this chapter a little bit off?

(End of this chapter)

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