Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 74 A Chapter Recall

Chapter 74

Senor Pique, a cadre of the Don Quixote family, a person with the ability of water fruits.

But he has someone he likes, and it's absurd that he himself is the one his wife hates, the pirate.

Therefore, he can only lie that he is a bank employee, from acquaintance, to confirming the relationship, and finally entering the palace of marriage.

He can kill a life without mercy, but he will always be a gentle gentleman in front of his wife.

He didn't tell the family about his marriage. People in the family may or may not know, but they don't tell, because everything is fine as long as they can take responsibility.

In 1510 of the Haiyuan calendar, after his marriage, he and his wife, Lucian, ushered in the crystallization of their love, a son named Jimlet.

But in a heavy rain a few days later, a guest was ushered in, a guest who took shelter from the rain.

"My dear, there is a young man who shelters from the rain."

Lucien heard the doorbell and went to open the door, saying so.

Xignor was a little restless holding Gimlet in his arms, and he could only respond hastily when he heard Lucian's words. Just as he was finally coaxing the child, he saw the so-called young man in Lucian's mouth, and the cigarette in his mouth fell unconsciously. down.

Because this person is none other than Adri.

At this time, Adri was still negotiating with Lucian, talking happily:
"Ma'am, I'm not a young man, but I have a grandson."

"Ah, I can't tell, sorry."

There was a turmoil in Senior's heart, and he was stunned for a moment, just because the other party's identity was too special, he was the father of his young master, and for a while, Senior didn't know what to say.

Lucian looked at her husband strangely:

"What's the matter, husband, do you know each other?"

Adri was very calm, and seemed not surprised to see Xignol, but greeted:

"Yo, Senior."

"Honey, you know, I'm a bank clerk."

Senior said, but in fact he said it to Adri. As for the next choice, it belongs to Adri, whether to accompany him to pretend or expose it.

Adri naturally stepped forward to tease Gimlet, then turned to Lucian and said:
"Ma'am, my name is Adri, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me. I am Senior's boss at the bank, and we can be regarded as acquaintances."

Senior looked at Adrian in shock, nodded in acquiescence.

Lucian was a little surprised, and said quickly:

"Ah, sir, that's really negligent, our Senior has been taken care of by you."

Senior also sighed softly:

"I really appreciate your care."

Afterwards, Senior dismissed Lucian with a business talk.

After confirming that Lucian had left, Senior got up respectfully and saluted:
"I've seen adults."

This is a necessary etiquette.

When meeting alone.

Adri found a chair and sat down, looked at Senior who got up, and asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Senior also sat down, lowered his head, still thinking.

"Senior, you know, everything will be troublesome if you have a child."

Senior's eyes dimmed a lot.

Adrian continued:

"What do you think? Dover will definitely go to the new world in the future. What will the mother and daughter do then?"

Senior seemed to have thought of something, then got up, knelt down slowly, put his head directly on the ground, and said solemnly:
"Sir, I can accept any punishment, but I beg you to let them go." Adri looked down at Senior and remained silent for a long time, making it impossible to see through his heart.

He spoke:

"Senior, what will happen if you choose you between the family and this family?"

Senior didn't move, and finally said with difficulty:

"Both sides are family members, it's hard to choose."

He said this sentence already implied the tendency to offend Adri, and he did not express his allegiance immediately. This will make it difficult for people to believe him in the future. Doflamingo may not even reuse him in the future. But he couldn't lie to himself, couldn't lie about it.

He waited for Adri's drop of responsibility.

"Get up."

Adrian's tone seemed a little tired.

Senior was a little unbelievable, but he followed the instructions.

I saw Adri holding his forehead and said softly:

"You are now a registered employee of our Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, and the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce has the right to support your family."

Senior quickly thanked him.

But Adri blocked:

"But I will tell Dover about this. After all, you belong to him. You can continue to do your business in the future. I will let someone take care of your side. Don't forget, they are very important to you. "

Adri's words also made Senior understand that it was because of his previous answer that he got this return.

Adri told Senior to invite his wife over.

Lucian came in with a fruit plate and said gently:
"Is the matter over, I took some fruit."

Adri unceremoniously ate a small piece of fruit, smiled and said:
"Yes, it's over, ma'am." Then Adri took out a phone bug and handed it over.

"This is owned by the family members of some special employees in our bank. Because Senior has some special positions and often needs to travel on business, he will be very busy. Then, if you have anything, you can use this phone bug. We will send Professionals are here to help you."

"Is this like this? It turned out to be so optimized."

"That's right, the latest one, given Senior's excellent work."

Senior didn't say a word, he could only express his gratitude silently.

Not long after, the rain stopped outside, and Adri left.

Lucian hugged little Gimlet and watched him off.

Adri looked at Jimlet's little face, smiled and left.

Doflamingo over there.

"Dover, you should know, right?"

"Fufurofur, Adri, I will not stop my family from looking for his love, as long as he can take care of himself, don't affect the operation here, and don't let those people become weak points."

"Yes, Nadover, there are certain things you ought to learn."


a stormy night

Lucian was a little nervous because her husband was out, but Gimlet had a fever and had to go to the doctor right away.

She dialed her husband's phone but no one answered her. Her heart sank a little, and she comforted the crying Jimlet. She suddenly remembered the phone bug that Senior's boss had handed over to her. She hurriedly searched for it and took it. After picking up the phone bug, I dialed out, only to hear it say:

"Hello, family members of Xinghai Bank, what do you need?"

 Dedicated only to the most tender tough guy, the one-of-a-kind Seonil Pique.

  (Seonier actually has a prototype, and those who are interested can search for Bob Carey)
(End of this chapter)

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