Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 91 The Discussion with Cobra

Chapter 91 The Discussion with Cobra

"Porp porp"

Adri pulled out a phone bug, which would surprise anyone who saw it, because the phone bug had a white beard that curved up like a crescent


"Hey, what's the matter..."

"With you, I will become your son from a younger generation."

"Huh? Why don't I know, could it be that the person who took in recently belonged to your family? That's not bad~, cool."


"By the way, what's the name of your junior? Is it your nephew?"

"...that junior is my friend's grandson, named Ace."



"Can you say that again?"

"It's my grandson, he calls you Daddy."


"Tell me, how to calculate this matter."

"Let's talk about how you met Ace first!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business."

The voice on the other side also corrected:
"What made you call me so early in the morning?"

"I met Ace."

"..., did he tell you?"

"Well, that's right."

"That's it"

"What is this? White Beard! Why don't you stop him!"

"Gulu Gulu, I allow it. I will not refuse my children's ideas. If something happens, our Whitebeard Pirates will take care of it!"


Adrian hung up the phone.

Crowe woke up from his sleep, not feeling hungover at all.

He tidied up his clothes, and under the influence of Adrienne, he was used to keeping calm on weekdays.

Except yesterday.

Thinking of this, Crowe's face was covered with black lines.
But when he woke up, the big man with 5 million Pele had left yesterday, and Crowe was relieved.

I saw my boss looking in the direction of the sun in a daze.

Crowe didn't bother, and stood behind him silently.

As a qualified personal chief executive, Crowe felt that he had done a great job.

at least possible
"Let's go, Chloe."

Adri said and got up, and Crowe hurriedly followed.

Because they also have a goal this time.


The capital of Alabasta, Albana.

Although there are rebels outside, the capital Albana is still peaceful, because there are 60 standing troops here, which is also a place where people can feel at ease.

However, the investigation has been strict recently, and the entrances and exits are strictly controlled.

There was a long queue.

Crowe, who was standing at the end of the team, couldn't bear it, but because of Adri's majesty, he still stayed honestly, and he didn't want to cause confusion.

But what surprised him the most was that his lord could face all this calmly.

After a while, it was their turn. Adri didn't say anything, but showed a token. The guard soldier was stunned for a moment, and quickly checked the token, and called many other people, and after confirming After finding out the truth, the soldiers' attitude became respectful, and they quickly called on a few soldiers to escort the other party to the royal city.In this way, the two of them entered the palace unimpeded.

Crowe is constantly observing something.

When they came to the meeting hall, they finally saw the sad-looking king, Cobra.

Cobra has black mid-length hair, but his complexion is not very good at the moment.

Cobra supported his forehead while processing the documents on the desk, and sighed slightly from time to time. When he saw a guest, he tidied up his appearance and returned to normal.

Cobra raised his head and saw Adri, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately hid himself.

Cobra stood up, stepped forward and stretched out his hand:

"Mr. Adrie, long time no see."

"King Cobra, you are welcome."

Then Cobra motioned for Adri to sit down, and Crowe just stood aside.

Cobra sat opposite Adri and took a sip of tea:

"I don't know, why did Mr. Adri find me this time?"

Adri crossed his hands and rested his chin:

"King Cobra, our Star Sea Chamber of Commerce currently has a certain amount of disaster relief resources and water resources."

Cobra's hand holding the tea cup stays in the air:
"It seems that your Excellency knows the situation on my side, hey, but at present I don't have much money to buy these supplies from you."

"I know, Your Majesty, so this time, our Xinghai Chamber of Commerce donated unilaterally, and we don't plan to charge fees."

"Your Excellency, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. I think you should directly mention your opinion."

Cobra said bluntly, although he was very grateful to Adri for his help, but as a king, he had to think a little more.

Adri looked at Cobra's sincere eyes. The other party seemed to be about to discuss business. Adri sat up straight:

"King Cobra, this is not a business, but just our unilateral investment, so that we can better cooperate with your country in the future."

Cobra crossed his hands, looking at Adri's serious eyes, Cobra was still a little uneasy:
"Your Excellency, why don't we do this? Let's take it as an advance payment and pay when my country settles down. As for your help, this country will never forget it."

It is true that, as a member of the world, there is no movement from the world government. It simply tells him to wait. It will take time for the navy to come over. As the former president of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, Adri is willing to do so He was very moved.

"Well, since you insist, I will follow your opinion."

Adri said lightly.

But one more thing to add.

"This time, I'll just transfer the supplies to you directly. Only by giving these supplies to the people in person can your prestige be restored."


"Our Xinghai Chamber of Commerce believes in you. You are not the kind of person who will take advantage of dancing fans, and you will not be so stupid as to personally escort you. In our eyes, you are still a good king who understands the people and governs for the people."

"Thank you for your trust."

"This is natural. To do business, we must pay attention to the trust of both parties."

Adri's action this time was actually reported to Rosindi. Although Adri is the original president and still has some rights, he still has to tell the current president about this kind of donation, even if the other party is his own. Son, the distinction between public and private is very important in a family business.

Anyway, Rossindi readily accepted it, and was very satisfied with this action under the persuasion of Crowe's plan.

As the president of the president, Luo Xidi naturally now also knows about planning interests for his own company.Appropriate investment is necessary, as long as my father can be sure to earn it back.

Admittedly, Adri believes that Alabasta can tide over the difficulties. With a king like Cobra, it is inevitable that it will thrive in the future.

Adri said sincerely:

"I believe that things in your country will be calmed down soon."

"Thank you, but the recent things have given me a little headache."

Cobra said.

Obviously, he himself is starting to feel a little uncertain, and he only hopes that this time he can restore some people's hearts.

Adri suggests:

"Actually, there is a younger generation who might be able to help you."

"Oh, really."

(End of this chapter)

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