Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 95 Adrian's Ability

Chapter 95 Adrian's Ability
Number Two dragged Walpo into the cabin.

Adri also put down the teacup in his hand, looked at the thin Walpo and didn't ask anything, but said almost jokingly:
"It seems not very honest."

Walpo could only grit his teeth but he couldn't show it too much.

Because No. [-] and No. [-] stood behind Adri, looking at Walpo.

Walpo felt a chill in his heart, knelt down very simply, and cried with snot and tears:

"Then, boss, why did you arrest me!"

inner os:

Catch me, I don't know you guys at all!

"Well, my lord, as long as you let me go, I am willing to say anything!"

inner os:

When I go back, I will never end with you!
Walpo showed a smile that was uglier than crying while constantly alternating himself.

Adri naturally doesn't care about these small details.

"Walpo, I'm going to be blunt. I've taken a fancy to your fruit. Now you have two choices."

"One, choose to die, and I will get the fruit."

"Two! Two! I choose two!"

Walpo made a decisive choice before Adri finished speaking.

Anyone with a brain can do this kind of thing!

Walpo was exhausted, and all he wanted now was a way out.

Instead of being taken to the sea to play surfing like before.

Adri ignored Valpo and continued:

"Second, work for me and die for me."

Watching Walpo frantically nodding for two.

Adri gestured to Number One.

No. [-] stepped forward to pick up Walpo, and then walked to another room.

"Hey! Hey, what is this for!"

"Didn't I say I'm going to work!"

"Let me go!"

Walpo was inexplicably dragged into another small room.

Number One threw it in and it was over.

Anyway, there are specialized personnel inside.

Number One clapped his hands and closed the door.

Only Walpo's scream of despair was heard!

Then immediately fell into calm.

After waiting for a few minutes.

Number One dragged out the unconscious Walpo from the room again.

"Throw him back."


Then, number one left.

Crowe wondered why he let him go like that, but he knew that his master would not just let him go after torturing him once.

But it also increased Crowe's curiosity about that room.


Crocodile was scowling.

Thinking about what happened before made him feel uncomfortable. It was the same feeling as when he faced Whitebeard, a feeling of powerlessness and disgust.

Crocodile knocked heavily on the table in front of him.


This is no less than the pain Whitebeard gave him back then!

in the parlor at that time
This picture is still vivid.

The deserted Crocodile wraps Adri, trying in vain to absorb all the moisture in the opponent's body, so that the opponent's memory will increase.

But Adri didn't respond and grabbed Crocodile directly.

Seizing Crocodile wasn't what shocked him the most, but Adri didn't use armed colors!

As we all know, armed color domineering is one of the three categories of domineering.It is domineering that can improve its own defense and attack power, and can capture the flowing body of a person with natural fruit abilities.

Crocodile was already surprised by the domineering arrogance of the opponent, but this is the great route after all, not a new world. Crocodile is not sure whether the opponent has the arrogance of the armed color.

Obviously, Crocodile didn't know how extensive the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce was!Crocodile immediately dodged when he felt the contact. It was also at this moment that he discovered that the other party did not use Armament Haki!
How did the other party catch him!

Crocodile growled inwardly.

Also full of puzzlement.

Crocodile kept a distance from the opponent, ready to attack at any time.

But Adri just looked indifferent, but looked at Crocodile with interest.

Adri spread his hands:

"Come on, Sand Crocodile."

Adri's provocative behavior touched Crocodile's nerves very much.

"Hmph, Desert Whip!"

Crocodile's left arm turned into a sand whip and attacked Adri in front, but another amazing scene happened.

The sand whip directly skipped Adri, without touching it at all.

In Crocodile's feeling, it's like hitting the air!

But the surrounding layout has been destroyed by Crocodile, which should prove that Crocodile's own attack has no problem, and Crocodile also saw the sand whip sweeping Adri's body with his own eyes, all of which cannot be faked !
Crocodile could hardly believe his eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that the space here is too small, and he is not at home, Crocodile's constant self-comfort,
But it didn't take long to catch my breath.

"Desert Prison!"

Crocodile's right arm turned into sand and rushed towards Adri.

But Adrian seemed a little impatient.

With the next shot, Crocodile's attack was resolved.

This time, the cigar in Crocodile's mouth also dropped.

This time I saw it with my own eyes.

Adri easily defuses his attack without using weapons

Crocodile pointed at Adri in disbelief.

"You, who the hell are you, how did you do it!"

Crocodile seemed a little crazy, even a little broken.

Adri made a signal to silence.

All of a sudden, the surroundings became quiet.

Crocodile looked around in surprise.

I saw Adri's lips slightly opened.

Crocodile only remembered that his eyes became more frightening and terrifying.

Afterwards, Adrian smiled with satisfaction, waved his hand, and disappeared into the sand all of a sudden.

At this moment, Adrian was sitting alone on the sofa, and there was no one in the room.

Adri held the drink in his hand, put it to his mouth, flicked his fingers lightly, a few more ice cubes were added to the drink instantly, and the temperature dropped instantly.

Adri took out another cigarette, put it to his mouth, blew it lightly, and lit it.

After the cigarette was finished, the remaining cigarette butt was held in his hand. When Adri opened his hand, a beam of light appeared, and the cigarette butt disappeared again.

So, what exactly did Adri say to Crocodile at the time?

Adri just stated a fact lightly.

"Sand can't catch sand."

At that time, Adri's arm turned into sand at that moment.

Crocodile's eyes were full of surprise.

Because this ability can only be achieved by eating the rustling fruit!

Moreover, at that moment, Crocodile felt deeply that the other party was his own kind.

It is not the superior or subordinate of the fruit of oneself.

It's a living rustling fruit ability user.

Even Crocodile can sense the subtle relationship between them.

Crocodile wanted to ask what was going on, but his face had become frightened.

But Adri's big wave of his hand will only make him remember that he has been humiliated, and other details, including what he saw and heard will be blurred.

Adri shook the cup in his hand with a creepy smile on his face.

Otherwise, guess how Adri managed to blur Crocodile's memory
 This chapter is so tiring and a bit rotten!

  Thanks to the scavenger for the reward of 588 book coins
  Thanks to Qiao Muercha for the 100-point reward

(End of this chapter)

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