Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 98 Doflamingo's Daily Life in Dressrosa

Chapter 98 Doflamingo's Daily Life in Dressrosa
Morning in Dressrosa.

seven o'clock
Doflamingo woke up from his four-meter big bed, got up, got out of bed, opened the curtains, and stretched while looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Then I came to the bathroom, took a simple shower, and took a towel from the maid to dry off.

Doflamingo changed into his usual clothes, and then put on a pink feather coat, so he started a busy morning.

eight o'clock
Had breakfast with family members.

At the dinner table, Doflamingo habitually picked up today's newspaper and began to read it.

"Dover, there is big news today~"

Torrebol spoke on the side, using a fork to fork a piece of food into his mouth.

Doflamingo nodded, indicating that he understood. He picked up the cup of morning tea and planned to take a sip.But being stopped by the maid on the side, Doflamingo was not angry, because this person was not an ordinary maid, but was brought by Doflamingo from home, and belonged to a confidant.

Doflamingo looked at the maid, waiting for her explanation

"Master, you can't drink tea on an empty stomach."

Doflamingo put down his teacup helplessly, he knew that the other party was doing it for his own good.

This maid arranges Doflamingo's daily life arrangements, and is also equivalent to half a secretary

"Need me to explain the main principles to you?"

The maid bowed and asked.

Doflamingo shook his head.

Everyone in the Don Quixote family has also gotten used to it. Under the careful arrangement of this maid, some medicinal food and eating habits have followed, and the whole body has also improved. However, this maid has a small shortcoming, that is, The principle is that the mouth is eloquent and it is difficult to stop, but as long as it is stopped in time, it is still possible.

Doflamingo put down the tea in his hand and took a sip of the special breakfast first.

Then take the newspaper from the maid.

It's written in the newspaper
Brother Ming took a look, sneered and said:
"What a mess, Crocodile."

Then he threw the newspaper aside and ignored it.

"Where's Letina? Why didn't you come?"

Doflamingo scanned the table and saw that one seat was still vacant.

"Young master, the young lady is still training, and she said she will eat later."

Diamanti said that not long ago he was sparring with Letina.

"Really. That child is really, forget it."

Everyone could see that Doflamingo was in a bad mood, and there was nothing he could do, because in Doflamingo's opinion, with a father like him, Letina, as a daughter, didn't need to do that, she just wanted to be a little princess with peace of mind Enough.

This is also what worries Doflamingo. Under the exaggeration of the family cadres, Letina admires force very much. Since she was a child, she made a promise to be as strong as her father. DC.

After breakfast, Doflamingo came to his office to process the documents.

Let the maid from before do it.

It takes more to govern a country than one might imagine.

At the suggestion of his own father, Doflamingo exhibited some talents and helped himself with some chores

Doflamingo will let trusted people handle some slightly important things, and some extremely important things will still be delivered to Doflamingo to handle them personally.

Brother Ming helped his forehead, feeling a bit tired. He was actually not good at these things. He suddenly understood the resentment that Rosindi felt every day. I really don’t know how Adri persisted. They are together.

When it was a short lunch break, because each cadre had work to do, they didn't get together to eat.

Not even Letina came to see Doflamingo in the castle.

This made Doflamingo, the old father who could only eat on his stomach, feel sour.

My daughter has grown up, and she doesn't pester herself like she did when she was a child.

This made Doflamingo's heart ache.

in the afternoon
Doflamingo finds Letina.

At this time, Letina was practicing sword with Diamanti.

Diamanti personally came to teach, but it is a pity that Diamanti is a fruit capable person, and he can't teach much in pure swordsmanship.

Technically, it wasn't suitable for Letina either.

Letina can only think about it by herself now, holding a sharp sword and waving it seriously, but she didn't notice Doflamingo's arrival. Doflamingo motioned Diamanti to keep quiet, and he was right there Watch from the sidelines.

"89, 9099, 100!"

Leitina finally reached the target, took a breath, put down the sword, rubbed her sore shoulders, and then realized that her father was beside her.Leitina wanted to say hello at first, but she remembered something and immediately looked away, pouting and saying nothing.

Doflamingo sighed helplessly, and stepped forward:

"What's wrong, my little princess."

"Hmph! Father has been dealing with official business in the morning, and he doesn't care about others at all."

Letina said stubbornly, still insisting not to look at her father.

Doflamingo had no choice but to explain and promise:

"This is my father's fault, and I won't do it again next time."

Letina was a little happier when she heard that.

Turning his head, he gave his father a smile.

Doflamingo said in his heart, there is no way, he has to be pampered, who is his own son.

After a brief coaxing, Letina's confidence doubled, and she had the strength to practice again.


"What's the matter, father."

Letina picked up the sword again.

Doflamingo said bluntly:

"Girls are not good with swords."

"Huh? Then I'll switch to gymnastics?"


"Instead of a whip?"

"..., Letina, I mean you don't have to work so hard, you can enjoy it, kid."

Letina's expression became disappointed:

"Father always said that."

Eventually the two parted ways.

It was only at night that Doflamingo coaxed Letina well again, at least not for now.

It was not easy for Diamanti, who was standing aside, to intervene, but in his opinion, the young master's thoughts were not too much, and the young master was for the sake of the young lady.

But the original intention of the little lady is for her young master
What a pair of contradictory father and daughter, they are clearly looking out for each other.

in the afternoon
Doflamingo was reading a book by the windowsill, admiring the scenery from time to time.

The wind gently blows the leaves, making beautiful melodies, and the kingdom is filled with happiness and joy because of the existence of toys. Doflamingo takes a panoramic view of everything with satisfaction.


Simple Dinner Together for the Don Quixote Family

Doflamingo is looking down from the castle at the brightly lit towns below, this is the country he rules.
10 points

The vibration rang, it was Doflamingo's cell phone.

Doflamingo took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Adri's call.

Doflamingo connects.

"Moses, Adri, what's the matter?"

"Dover, I'll come to your place tomorrow."

Adri's voice came from the opposite side, and Adri added:

"You don't need to come to the port to look for me, I will wander around your kingdom by myself, don't come to pick me up."

"Understood, what? No need to answer? It's up to you."

"Are you alright?"

"No, no,... that good night?"

"Good night."

 Thanks to Qiao Muercha for the reward of 200 points. Thanks to Sheep Dolly for the reward of 100 points. Thank Uchiha Teru for the reward of 588 points. Thank you for the reward of 1500 points from the former captain of the [-]th team of Goutei.

(End of this chapter)

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