Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 106 Travelers during Xiaozong’s reign (1)

Chapter 106 Travelers during Xiaozong’s reign ([-])

"That's the monk."

"Well, I'll keep an eye on it."

After a short rest, the delegation began to go out in twos and threes. Those members who were less suspected were, after being illuminated from a distance by the moiré yin and yang mirror, and confirmed that they did not have too many suspicions and were not heretics, so the members of the delegation led the patrol officers to keep tabs on them.

And that weird little monk named Tachibana was spotted by Kim McGee and took the initiative to join him.

However, for safety reasons, Meng Fan arranged for Dasha to act with him.


The sanatorium became calmer.

For a long period of time in the future, except for Tachibana Tenma, other suspected members of the delegation did not take action, but stayed in the room honestly, not knowing what they were doing.

Because of this, Meng Fan had no choice but to choose to stay behind.

At this time, Uncle Feng and Master unanimously said that just the two of them staying here would be enough to ensure that no accident would happen.

The implication was that he wanted Meng Fan to leave.

"In that case, let me take Jiaju to patrol the streets and search every inch of Hong Kong Island."

There is no doubt that this is a stupid idea.

However, it does work.

It is true that Hong Kong Island has a large population, but its space is very limited. With Meng Fan's control over the magical arts and his eyesight, as long as he is willing to take the time to sharpen and be more detailed, he will definitely find clues.

In fact, Uncle Feng thinks so too——

I am young, can't drive, and rarely come to Hong Kong Island, so I am not familiar with the terrain, so I just stay here and let my juniors help.

That is, task swapping.

"Jiaju, come with me."

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Jiaju got into the passenger seat of the sports car.

Meng Fan didn't hesitate and started the vehicle.

"Assign all the guys who have no tasks for the time being to go to the streets to find people."

"Is it the headquarters, or..."

Chen Jiaju was confused.

"All members of the police force, as long as there are no urgent tasks, please take action, especially those guys sitting in the office drinking tea." Meng Fan drove the car towards the main island radio station broadcasting building.

The times have changed.

While using stupid methods, you must also cooperate with smart people's methods, such as:
Post a missing person notice.

Both Uncle Feng and Dasha saw themselves in ancient costumes in their dreams, and the incident last night was obviously closely related to it.

Then find people based on their faces!
To be honest, both of them look very recognizable, as long as their photos are published.

"In the dream, Dasha is wearing a golden chainmail, and Uncle Feng is wearing ancient clothes, with a bamboo hat on his back and a gray-black gauze coat. Their characteristics are very obvious."

"And I happened to have their photos in my hand."

"Well, first mobilize the masses and offer a reward of [-] Hong Kong dollars. This amount is enough to drive them crazy.

The photos are then developed and printed and sent to traffic police, patrol police, plainclothes officers, and even major detective agencies. "

On the sidelines, after Chen Jiaju heard these words, he immediately picked up Meng Fan's mobile phone and started to contact the TV station leaders.

"Brother, that little demon monk didn't run around anywhere. He traveled on the pretext of debating Buddhism, but he actually went to the temple..."

almost the same time.

On the radio, a voice sounded.

Jin McGee reported the progress to Meng Fan in the internal channel, his tone full of unwillingness.

"Don't worry, keep staring at him." After hearing the reply, Kim McGee asked again:

"By the way, when this guy left, he didn't seem to be carrying the katana, but a suitcase. Is there anything fishy about this?"

Meng Fan could not answer this.

Maybe the katana was put into the suitcase, maybe there is some conspiracy hidden in it, but he is not an omniscient and omnipotent god.

Right now, the most urgent thing is to find the traveler and figure out the situation.

One good and one evil, two breaths.

Needless to say, the evil side must be eliminated by finding a way.

Otherwise, a big disaster will happen on Hong Kong Island.

Based on this, the owner of Zhengqi must be contacted. He, or they, are closely connected with Dasha and Uncle Feng.

In the same way, the Japanese with evil intentions are also taking action. They want to rescue another breath, the owner of the evil spirit.

Tachibana Tenma did not participate in the operation. He handed the family samurai sword to the driver as early as night. The driver came from the consulate and stayed on Hong Kong Island all year round. He was not a passenger on the plane, so he was not under surveillance.


the other side.

The House of the Lord.

Due to historical factors, many people on this island believe in Christianity. Whenever they are free, they will come here to pray and receive holy water——

Nowadays, haunting incidents can often be heard, causing people to panic. In order to protect believers, the priest decided to do something.

You know, after decades of development, the House of God has 20 believers. Because of this, a large amount of faith power has been gathered in the church to restrain evil.

Here, even a bottle of ordinary tap water, after a series of blessings such as prayers and offerings, will have a weak exorcism effect.

Because the power of faith is too strong.

It was so strong that the Fuso Ghost King had just emerged from the Mysterious Gate of Heaven and Earth. Before anyone noticed it, he was surrendered and suppressed by the cross enshrined in the middle.

"Father, what are the origins of those two guys? They suddenly fell from the sky, could they be dirty things..."

"It's impossible. I've tried it with the cross pendant I've worn for decades, and there's no reaction. They should be human beings."

"How can normal people be like this? One wears gold armor and the other wears silver armor. They lock themselves in a room and say all the good things they want, but refuse to answer even a single word."

A cleric looked at the priest in white in front of him and said helplessly: "You still give them food, why not call the police?"

"Don't call the police."

The priest in white didn't want to make the matter a big deal, and at the same time he was also curious about the identities of the two people.

“Our omnipresent Lord forgives even demons, how much less since they are human beings.”

After saying that, the priest smiled and put the lunch outside the door, picked up the small fan, and started fanning leisurely.

inside the room.

Silver-armored general Xiao Hui was reading a book. The dense English letters gave him a headache and made him feel dizzy.

Of course, the most important thing is hunger.

In fact, he is not a god general in the true sense and cannot live without eating or drinking. However, the golden-armored god general next to him was deceived by his master and cannot be exposed.

In fact, this person was originally Ma Shangfeng, a first-class military attache of the Ming Dynasty. He was protected by the dragon and tiger energy of the imperial court, and the imperial energy was added to his body, which could restrain the Fuso Ghost King to a certain extent.

However, he was naturally afraid of death and unwilling to sacrifice, so the layman in the thatched cottage had to set up a trap to deceive him into thinking that he was dead. Now he was channeling after death and was transformed into a god protecting the Tao through magic.

"I'm so hungry. If I don't eat today, I will starve to death tomorrow..." Ma Shangfeng was lying in the corner, humming as if chanting a sutra.

Hearing this, Xiaohui suppressed the feeling of hunger and said deceitfully: "Gods smell their breath and mortals eat their taste. How can you be hungry?"

"It must be an illusion."

(End of this chapter)

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