Chapter 140 Before leaving

Qiu Sheng is highly skilled in martial arts and agile, but what is his literary talent?
Uncle Jiu shook his head secretly.

This apprentice was congenitally deficient, and was abandoned by his parents within a few days of his birth. He met him kindly, and paid for the neighbors to take turns raising him. When he was a little older, he was taught by Yizhuang himself.

How is the result?

Eat well, be lazy, covet life and fear death.

Part of the reason why he chose to settle down instead of being at home all over the world and slaying demons all over the world was because of the ill-fated literary talent.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful a Taoist priest is, he must accept the reality that his disciples are mediocre.

In Maoshan, some apprentices set up a family, inherit the mantle of the master, go down the mountain to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, and glorify the Tao. Some are very mediocre and can only be successful.

Uncle Jiu's greatest wish is that literary talents can grow up, overcome their bad habits, and then stay in Renjia Town honestly, looking after Yizhuang and protecting the people in all the villages.

Leave most of the money saved to him!
Qiu Sheng seems to be escaping, but he has a high chance of being able to change, because he does not run away from danger and is very agile.

Those previous problems can be attributed to:
Teenage heart.

Therefore, Uncle Jiu's plan is to leave most of his abilities and protective tools to Qiu Sheng, so that he can travel around the world and help the right path.

Then, Qiu Sheng got tired, so he found a place to settle down and accepted disciples to pass on his legacy.

Now Qiu Sheng has changed. Although he doesn't know the reason, it is definitely not evil, but a good thing.

Is there any reason to stop An?
In just a short moment, Uncle Jiu thought of too much.

Next to him, Wen Cai wanted to mess around, but he saw his master squinting his eyes with murderous intent.

The whole person immediately felt at ease.

"Junior brother, do you really want to follow me?"

Meng Fan reminded: "I have a hunch that this trip will not be easy, and it is very likely to be dangerous."

According to the development of the original plot, he can rush before the accident occurs, that is, before the traitors and foreign devils steal the zombies, and prevent the tragedy from happening.

However, Meng Fan is not a superstitious person who believes in foresight. In other words, he will take advantage of this, but he will never place all his hopes on it.

Nothing is set in stone.

"It's okay." Qiu Sheng said seriously: "Only through training can you make progress. I'm not afraid of danger."

If others mentioned danger, Uncle Jiu might not take it to heart, but Meng Fan was different.

On a whim?

At this moment, a word came to Uncle Jiu's mind. You must know that for a Taoist with cultivation, this is by no means an idle thing.

In the past, when he encountered any danger involving his life, similar situations would occur——

Difficulty sitting still at night, unexplained heart palpitations.

Under the gaze of everyone, Uncle Jiu began to make calculations with his fingers, his brows getting tighter and tighter.

"It's not easy for Mr. Ren to make money."

"If you don't want to guard your home, I'll accompany you on a trip."

Hearing that there was real danger and seeing his master so serious, Wen Cai secretly felt happy.

Once everyone leaves, he only needs to feed the chickens every day and enjoy the happiness of sleeping until he wakes up naturally.

In any case, Uncle Jiu has a very high status in Renjia Town and has saved a lot of money. He will definitely provide enough living expenses, such as roast chicken, smoked duck, and gadgets from the market...

"What should we do if Uncle Four Eyes comes back from driving away the corpse and can't see us?" Meng Fan asked.

"Don't worry, there is me."

Wencai patted his chest and promised.

It's a pity that his promise is nothing.

"Uncle, you'd better stay. My nephew is not talented, but he has some abilities. Plus Qiu Sheng's fists and kicks are sharp, so even if there is an accident, it will be a near miss."

After some deliberation, Meng Fan added:
"Besides, slaying demons and defending the Way is never a smooth thing. We monks can never shrink back when encountering danger." No matter what happens, it is best to follow Uncle Four Eyes back to Xiangxi as scheduled and accompany the master to deal with the royal zombies. Top priority!

If Wencai stays alone in Yizhuang, it is easy for something to happen, so someone must keep an eye on him.

"Okay, I'll go back and get some magical weapons from the bottom of the box to protect you." Uncle Jiu made a decision.

The road to eliminating demons is destined to not be smooth.

As someone who has experienced this, Uncle Jiu can completely understand this sentence. The young eagle must spread its wings. He believes in his nephew's ability to protect Qiu Sheng.

At the same time, I also look forward to Qiu Sheng's continued transformation.

The dream was shattered, Wencai returned to Yizhuang with a sad face, and began to worry about Qiu Sheng's hero saving the beauty and capturing Ren Tingting's heart.

at night.

The treasure distribution ceremony begins.

300-year-old lightning struck mahogany sword.

This offensive weapon should have been given to Meng Fan, but he already had the Canopy Ruler and its power was even more terrifying, so he gave it to Qiu Sheng in the hope that he could use his martial arts to produce miraculous effects.

The Maoshan jade pendant and all kinds of talismans that only Taoist priests are eligible to distribute were all given to Qiu Sheng.

Meng Fan only wanted two golden talismans:
Mount Tai is overwhelming, and the fire of Samadhi is true.

As the name suggests, once activated, the former can turn into a mountain range to suppress the unknown.

There is definitely an element of exaggeration. It is impossible to create a Mount Tai out of thin air, but it comes from Uncle Jiu's master, the former head of Maoshan. How can its power be simple?
In the same way, Meng Fan, who already had two Samadhi True Fire Talismans, one of which was made of the same material (gold paper), still did not dare to underestimate the latter.

The materials are the same and the talismans are the same.

However, there was a huge gap in the realm of those who drew the talisman. No matter how confident Meng Fan was, he would never compare himself to his ancestor.

The reason why these two talismans were selected is because of the special characteristics of the musical zombies, which are immune to most Taoist spells. Some talismans that can be effective for a short period of time are also because of their huge power.

Mount Tai's Pressure: Once activated, it gathers the earth veins within a ten-mile radius and descends from the sky with unrivaled power to suppress the opponent.

Not to mention the True Fire of Samadhi, which continuously spits out divine fire and causes strange and unknown burns.

It can be considered a physical attack driven by Taoism, and this will definitely cause harm to the musical zombies.

The premise is: hit.

Teleportation, flying, floating, immortality (the head can be reattached after being severed without affecting body movements)...

Weakness: When you hear the famous Cantonese song "A Bird Fell into the Water", you will forget everything else to enjoy it.

Silent all night.

Meng Fan recalled all the details about this film and television drama in his mind, and some curiosity arose in his heart.

What is the relationship between Daoren Lin who appears in the play and Uncle Jiu?

It's definitely not as simple as having the same appearance, and the two of them came from the same mountain.

Could it be a real brother?

However, Uncle Jiu was from the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain, and the other party was definitely not, probably some branch.

Because Uncle Four Eyes once said in a casual conversation that the previous patriarch had four direct disciples, and the others were all nominal disciples.

Among them, Uncle Jiu is the second senior uncle, Taoist Master Four Eyes is the third senior uncle, and his own master is the junior junior brother.

In "Music Zombie", Taoist priest Lin has a senior brother named [Mama Di]. You can tell his character just by his name.

In Cantonese, this word means:

Average, very ordinary.

Therefore, this person is sloppy, self-defeating, and desperate to save face. He likes to pick his toes, buckle..., spit, and spray on the food in front of other people while eating.

Can he succeed as the head of Maoshan?I am afraid that all the heads and elders of the past generations will not agree!

(End of this chapter)

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