Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 142 Little brother, do you want to play tricks?

Chapter 142 Little brother, do you want to play tricks?
"You guys stand here and don't move around. I'll come back after checking the situation."

Meng Fan took out a yellow talisman from his arms.

The Samadhi True Fire Talisman painted by Master Zhong Fabai.

Frankly speaking, the various magical instruments and talismans carried by Qiu Sheng, combined with this talisman, can keep everyone safe as long as he does not commit suicide.

"Brother, then you..."

Qiu Sheng hesitated to speak.

"Don't follow me. If you don't come back for too long, wait until daytime and take someone back to find your uncle immediately."

After saying this, Meng Fan walked quickly towards the zombie inn that suddenly appeared, looking very confident.

After all, he holds the invitation talisman in his hand.

At this critical moment, Emperor Guan can't even protect himself?What a joke.

Anyway, Meng Fan is not afraid of danger, but he never fights an unprepared battle.

Watching his senior brother step into the fog alone and gradually drifting away, Qiu Sheng sighed in his heart. He really wanted to know what kind of strange scene there was in this sudden appearance of the building.

Next to him, Ah Wei was not curious and urged Qiu Sheng to quickly give everyone something for self-defense.

"Lou, Lu, Lu!"

"Pheasant, pheasant, pheasant!"

Approaching the mysterious stone building, Meng Fan heard a clearer voice, and one word came to his mind:

Hulu drinks pheasants.

Above the head, two big red lanterns hung high.

The door was filled with excitement.


The wooden door was pushed open.

Once Meng Fan became curious, it was difficult to look back, and there was no warning from his instinct.

We are fully prepared now, but if we don’t have the courage to explore the unknown, what else can we ask for!

"Open!" "Stop!"

"I won. Get the deed quickly, ten Yin soldiers."

The sound of table slapping, whooshing, and the sound of dice shaking and colliding can be heard endlessly.

"Where did the guest come from?"

A sinister laugh came from Sakon.

A paper man in blue wearing blush saluted.

In Meng Fan's opinion, this etiquette was strange. He clasped his hands together. Although the paper man had no heart, he still pressed it on his chest.

However, the meaning is understandable. It is undoubtedly a friendly gesture. Otherwise, is it necessary to put your hand on your heart?

"Maoshan disciple."

Meng Fan didn't know this courtesy, but he didn't show any stage fright and responded directly with fists clasped.

In fact, the paper man performs a hand-crossing ceremony, which requires that the hands are crossed within a square inch (another name for the heart by the ancients). It was a very popular etiquette in the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Song Dynasties. It is simple and refreshing to perform, and has a strong sense of respect.

No, Meng Fan, who was thousands of years away from modern times, saw this etiquette and knew that others were expressing kindness to him.

"It turns out to be Zhengyi."

The paper man continued to laugh: "This place was originally a resting place for corpse exorcists. It was abandoned during the Daoguang period. But my master got interested and asked the underworld to take it over and set up a gambling house."

"Master Dao, do you want to come and play?"

The round eyes were pitch black without any white spots, and they looked strange.

"I won't gamble."

Meng Fan answered truthfully, with a calm tone, but secretly thought in his heart:
Yin Division?

No wonder the group of old ghosts at the gambling table didn't react at all when they saw that he was wearing apricot robes, and they didn't even bother to lift their buttocks.

It turns out that the owner of this place has a very hard relationship.

As the saying goes: The background reaches the sky.

If you have the ability to rely on the underworld, that's pretty much it. You can't take it lightly.What's more, the ghosts sitting here playing are more and more fierce. A female ghost from the Qing Dynasty with a cultivation level like Dong Xiaoyu is only qualified to serve tea and water.

"Little brother, come, teacher of a certain family."

"Although the sea has changed, the essence of our country cannot be lost. There is just one person missing from this table of generals."

A burly man wearing simple armor waved his hand, and the two people sitting with him, dressed as an old farmer and a scholar respectively, happened to have an empty seat.

"Since it's gambling, there must be winners and losers, right?"

First, I don’t smoke, second, I don’t drink alcohol, and third, I don’t gamble.

This kind of good man was talking about Meng Fan.

However, playing dice with a group of ghosts with mysterious origins is quite novel.

Without showing any signs of timidity, he walked over and sat down, staring into the eyes of the three ghostly gamblers.

"We don't care about your life."

The ghost general stretched out a palm as big as a cattail fan, and patted Meng Fan's shoulder: "Relax."

"As for inheritance, I don't want it either."

The old farmer smiled honestly and added: "The Taoist priests from Maoshan are the most difficult to deal with. If you beat the young ones, you will kill the old ones."

"Besides, I will collect all the magical weapons, including the Maoshan Jade Pendant." The scholar said in a calm tone, "Of course, we will also bring out equivalent items that are unanimously recognized by everyone."

Respect Maoshan, don't do things to perfection, and at the same time, you are not very afraid, and you even dare to accept the inherited items that symbolize the identity of Maoshan's disciples.

After talking about it, Meng Fan became more and more curious about the origins of these ghosts.

"How to play?"

"It's very simple."

Qiu Sheng and others who were watching in the distance never expected that when the senior brother came over with a serious face, he ended up playing dice. To be more precise, it was called:
Five trees.

Similar to ginkgo, it has a square shape in the middle and pointed ends. Each one is dyed black on both sides and white on both sides. Some are carved with a "calf" (calf) pattern on the black side, and some are carved with a "pheasant" (calf) pattern on the black side. Pheasant) pattern.

Five coins are dealt to each position, and ten permutations of chips can be thrown.

Lu: Five trees are all black, totaling sixteen chips.

Pheasants: Two pheasants and three blacks, totaling fourteen chips.

Calf: Two calves and three whites, totaling ten chips.

White: Five trees are all white, eight chips are counted.

These four kinds are called Guicai, and there are six kinds of miscellaneous colors: Kai, plug, pagoda, bald, pout, and pound.

The rules are really simple.

There are several tables nearby that are also playing this game, and there are other ways to play, such as Tang Yin, Bi You, Jiu Xing... I have to sigh with emotion, these scary old ghosts really know how to play.

"Little Taoist priest, it's your first time to play. Please place your bet first. We'll watch and take care of the younger ones."

Is this to test whether our family’s financial background is strong?

Meng Fan guessed in his mind and took out a stack of talisman papers from his pocket. The top one was the magic talisman.

Looking at the name of Emperor Guan Sheng, the three old ghosts at the same table felt frightened and said in unison:
"Please don't accept the talisman."

"Okay." Meng Fan put it away.

He just took it out to shock him again. He was not stupid enough to gamble on the talisman with the name of the emperor and god, because it would purely ruin his impression points.

"A golden talisman."

Looking at this formation, it has a background in the underworld and a thousand-year-old ghost. Ordinary corpse-suppressing talismans and Liujia evil-eliminating talismans cannot be put on the stage at all.

Meng Fan simply took out the Samadhi True Fire Talisman that he had just drawn using precious materials as a lucky draw.

"Not bad." The ghost general commented seriously.

Then, he raised his hand and took off the black tiger-headed beast-swallowing shoulder guard on his arm, and introduced: "I wore it during the battle in Dashi during my lifetime. When I besieged Talos City, I personally beheaded more than thirty people. The evil aura is strong and can suppress all evils. "

A ghost general actually said that his shoulder pads can ward off all evil, which is really weird.

But the amount of information revealed in the words is not small.

Big food?It seems to be the Tang Dynasty's unique name for the Arab Empire...

A Tang Army general!
(End of this chapter)

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