Chapter 145 Heaven has not returned yet
Awei failed to get what he wanted.

For some reason, there are always some lecherous people with very low bottom lines in the zombie world.

Although Ah Wei had changed a lot recently, Meng Fan did not agree to avoid unnecessary complications.

However, in order to appease his wounded heart, a stack of yellow talismans was given.

As a result, the wealth of ordinary wild Taoists is not as rich as Ah Wei's, not to mention that he still has the golden amulet at the bottom of the box to protect him.

"Brother, tell me, why do Taoist sects have so many branches? We Zhengyi can't help but marry, but Quanzhen is even more strict than a monk."

"Which one is better and which one is worse?"

Looking at the two sisters holding hands in front of him, Qiu Sheng felt something. Of course, he was not moved by beauty, but thought of other fields.

"Everyone has his own merits, no distinction is made between them."

Meng Fan answered very happily.

Now that you have entered Maoshan, don't be greedy for Quanzhen Taoism and think about changing the family.

You must know that everything he cultivates comes from the sect.

When he was shrouded in mist again and fell into an unknown situation, Tao Tianshi personally protected and frightened him. It must be that the gods of Dantianfu Demon Academy were so friendly, partly because of the face of the Shangqing Sect.

It is true that the inner alchemy of the Quanzhen school is also a great way to reach heaven, but you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Anyway, Meng Fan felt that the Talisman and Seal Script was very suitable for him, and he had all the magic power within him. He just needed to upgrade it every few years, or even decades, similar to expanding its capacity.

"Quan Zhen cultivates his mind internally and saves all sentient beings externally; he respects heaven and ancestors, helps the world and saves people.

Both are orthodox and can seek the great road. "

"The former is too difficult, and if you accidentally go wrong, you will die, so there are too few people who have achieved success in the past.

The latter has the support of his seniors, so even if he passes away midway, he will still have the opportunity to take up his post in the Underworld. "

Along the way, Meng Fan shared a lot of his own opinions with Junior Brother Qiu Sheng, who was striving to make progress, which strengthened his belief.

Go to the underworld after death?
This is a choice of last resort.

Thinking of what Zhong Kui had given him that day and the semi-public secret that he could continuously travel through time, Meng Fan did not lack confidence.

The so-called Age of Dharma Ending cannot hold him back at all. He just has to hone step by step, keep calm and slowly rise, and one day he will finally see immortality.

Maybe more than simple immortality.

While Meng Fan, the senior brother, silently set his ambitions, Qiu Sheng also set his goals.

"I want to become a respected master like Master and surpass him."

"Remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and stay grounded."

Hearing this, Meng Fan warned and thought of his own junior brother Jin McGee. He had really changed a lot.

Don't know what's happening in the other world?
How long has it been since the return?

Listening to the sounds of play coming from the lake behind him, Meng Fan cut off his distracting thoughts and concentrated on meditating to comprehend the sect's most important inheritance, the "Shangqing Great Cave Scripture".

On the sidelines, Qiu Sheng silently studied "Maoshan's Secret Book of Cure Evil" and carefully laid the foundation for conquering demons in the future.

at the same time.

Wencai was lying on the rattan bed in Yizhuang, snoring comfortably, with half a watermelon rind lying on the ground.

It is very helpless that famous teachers are too easy to come by, and it is too easy to get started, but they will not be cherished.

Time passed slowly.

From afternoon to evening.

The two girls with wet hair decided to go home, but they still hadn't seen the Maoshan corpse hunter in the movie and TV series.

The same goes for the next day.

Until the night when I welcomed the old man, there was no clue. I only knew that Nintendo had never returned, fearing that something might happen along the way.At this point, Meng Fan, who confirmed that a change was about to occur, began to distribute talismans.

After all, if a person is bitten by a zombie and cannot be treated in time, it will lead to a zombie transformation. You can use talisman paper to protect yourself and suppress it. When you meet the old man himself, just sing.

"Taoist Master, has my father really turned into a vampire zombie? You, Maoshan, are obviously responsible for escorting the corpses, why is it so useless!

I gave him whatever I asked for in advance, he gave me ten taels of gold, he gave me thousands of instructions, I patted my chest and made promises, but what was the result?snort! "

mourning hall.

After waiting in vain, the white flowers and money were put away.

An unfamiliar Mr. Ren chattered endlessly. Unlike Ren Fa, he had never suffered much. He had no respect for Taoists and his words were full of blame.

Ah Wei didn't like him either, so he immediately asked:
"It's not like my senior brother escorted the corpse to your family. There are so many Taoists in Maoshan, but you are blind and chose..."

"No need to say much."

"Xiaodao thinks it's just a possibility. After all, the corpse has not returned for a long time, and there is a high probability that something unexpected will happen. Without the corpse suppressing talisman to suppress it, the danger will be great."

Meng Fan has always adhered to the life creed that good words cannot persuade a damn person. No matter what his attitude is, he should give a few words of advice first.

I saw him speaking: "Don't say that I didn't predict what I said. I'll tell you everything. It's your business whether you listen or not."

"No matter how much the old man cherished his children and offspring during his lifetime, once he becomes a zombie, he will develop an obsession and desire to devour the blood of his loved ones."

"If the talisman is useless in times of crisis, you can try to comfort him with his favorite things during his lifetime, not limited to a specific object."

As for how to explain how singing "A Bird Fell into the Water" could calm Nintendo down, Meng Fan was powerless and could only try to hint as much as possible.

However, Ren Zhuzhu soon revealed that her grandfather had spent a lot of money to customize a music pocket watch, and wound it up in public to play this life-saving song.

In this way, everything that should be provided was provided, and Meng Fan led everyone to leave.

Looking at the backs of a group of more than a dozen people leaving, Master Ren felt a little regretful.

He really shouldn't say harsh words or get involved, but his father's body has not been returned for a long time, and it is very likely that he will transform into a corpse. How can the son not be anxious or angry?
Listening to his father sighing, Ren Zhuzhu comforted him: "Don't worry, after getting along with him these days, my daughter already knows what kind of person Mr. Meng is."

"Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to the inn to visit you and invite him back."


"Yes, cousin Tingting secretly told me just now that Taoist Meng hates evil so much that he cannot just sit idly by and do nothing. He will definitely find a place to stay."

"Oh, dad was so angry that he was confused for a moment."

Master Ren looked at the old housekeeper and ordered:
"Long Bo, go prepare 20 taels of gold and put it in a sandalwood box. I remember that we have a 500-year-old lightning-struck jujube tree in our treasury. Take it out too."

"Eh." The old man nodded in response.

Just as Tingting expected, Meng Fan led Qiu Sheng out of the Ren Mansion, while Ah Wei took the horse and drove him back.

As a result, Meng Fan said:
Find an inn and wait.

Zombies kill people and swallow their blood when they see them. How innocent are the other people in this town?

Besides, he is not so stingy that his reputation will be affected by his incompetent classmates. He will not care about the life and death of his master after a few words of anger. At most, he will move out.

It’s just room and meal money, can’t you afford it?

Ren Tingting, who originally wanted to persuade Meng Fan in a gentle voice, finally summoned up the courage, was about to speak when she heard him say in a cold voice:

"If you don't have the ability, don't drive away the corpses. You will be reckless and ruin the sect's reputation!"


Qiu Sheng sighed and secretly vowed to learn his skills well and not to embarrass Maoshan.

Unknowingly, without even realizing it, Meng Fan was already thinking about Maoshan and was angry at the incompetence of Mamadi's master and apprentice.

In the final analysis, it was Zongmen who had shown him great favor.

(End of this chapter)

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