Chapter 165

Renjia Town is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

If you want to easily attack without taking a detour, you can only go through Baizhuang. Now, the horse thief has proved it with actual actions:

Meng Fan did not trust the wrong person.

As for how to treat this group of honest people?

Of course I will send them to hell!

Even the highly respected Uncle Jiu felt that they had killed so many innocent villagers and there was a reason to let An live.

Anyway, this style of conduct makes Meng Fan feel comfortable. He was previously a high-ranking member of the Hong Kong police, and he has always been decisive and decisive.

Under the cold moonlight.

Two riders riding side by side.

The night wind blew in his face, Qiu Sheng felt excited as he listened to his senior brother explaining the tasks to him.

"When the time comes, I will activate the formation to separate the battlefield from the outside world. You lead Xiang Yong to deal with other horse thieves, and senior brother is responsible for killing the thieves."

"Be careful. This group of warlocks and their ilk live in the open all year round. They must eat a lot of five poisons and collect all kinds of poisons. Be careful of the dirty tricks they use to jump over the wall."

Meng Fan must have remembered correctly. In the movie, after these thieves fell into a tight siege, they used a spherical disposable magic weapon——

Crush it into pieces and sprinkle the powder on the Xiang Yong who rushed over. As scattered firelight exploded on their bodies, they immediately collapsed to the ground. Not only did they lose their fighting ability, but they also suffered from heartbreaking pain.

In addition, there are also abilities similar to God's Strike, which is invulnerability.

But these things cannot be discussed in detail. After all, this is Meng Fan’s first contact with these right-wing thieves.

Moreover, if his uncle is passing by, he will definitely remind him in time. Qiu Sheng also needs to accept some surprises and unknowns, otherwise there will be no experience.

"it is good."

"I must live up to senior brother's high expectations."

Qiu Sheng said seriously.

After awakening Tianbao's memory, he became more mature and courageous, daring to face challenges and eager to challenge.

To be honest, the current situation looks like the big brother is about to take his little brother to compete in the peak competition together, and the big brother is Tong Tiandai, and the little brother will not hold back, and he is sure to win.

clatter!Da da!

The mountain road is not rugged, and the village and town usually pay for repairs, leveling and widening the road, and the two of them are excellent riders.

After a while, Meng Fan reined in his horse and came to a high ground, looking down at the road ahead into the village.

Ah Wei, who hurried from behind and planned to hide in the bushes for a sneak attack, saw this and immediately came to the two senior brothers Meng Fan and Qiu Sheng without fear.

As time went by, more and more people gathered.

The guys were just standing in the middle of the road carefree. The locals who knew the situation would definitely praise their courage. If the passers-by who didn't know the situation saw them, they would think they were strongmen robbing homes and houses.

What's more, some people were infected by the atmosphere and directly put the machete on their shoulders. They were full of gangsterism, which made Uncle Jiu shake his head inwardly, worried that the village heroes would capsize in the gutter.

However, when his eyes fell on the nephew at the front, Uncle Jiu felt that he was too careful.

They are just a group of horse thieves who have not accepted the orthodox inheritance. Meng Fan and himself together can cover it no matter what happens!
Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu also became confident and silently jumped to a big tree by the road to take charge of the overall situation.


Meng Fan looked far into the distance, practiced magical body-building techniques, and was constantly nourished by mana. His five senses were far beyond those of ordinary people, and he discovered the horse thief earlier than Uncle Jiu.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Sheng said solemnly:

"Coming." "Where?"

Awei picked up a slightly rusty kitchen knife and looked around. After a few breaths passed, he realized it later and said to himself:
"I saw!"

"You listen to Qiu Sheng's arrangements and remember to carry the Liujia Evil Talisman with you."

After saying this, Meng Fan stopped being distracted and raised his fingers to make the seal. At the same time, he estimated the distance between the horse thief and here, and said to himself:
"The stream flows endlessly, reflected in the clear water."

In an instant, the pontoon that the horse thief had previously stepped on began to shake violently, and the water began to surge.

Obviously, this is a water spell.

Considering that the river is still far away from here, mobilizing them here would be thankless and exhausting their mana. It would be difficult to kill this group of leftist sorcerers, so Meng Fan just used this to cut off their retreat.

"The chaotic clouds are low in the evening, and the rain is dancing with the wind."

Wind spells!

I saw the Dharma flag planted in Xun's position fluttering, and immediately two pillars of wind appeared in the forest, rushing towards the bandits who were killing the culprits along the official road to Baizhuang.

Caught off guard, all the thieves except the thief's wife staggered and fell from their horses.

Before they could react, Meng Fan took advantage of the terrain and the majestic earth energy nearby, and whispered: "Earth Dragon."

Generally speaking, earthworms are also called earthworms.

But in the hands of a Taoist like Meng Fan, who can activate the human and earth disks and can easily mobilize the energy of the Bagua and Five Elements, this technique should refer to the creatures in the earth.

The idea comes from the Gen hexagram. The image of this hexagram is not simply static. The combination of static and dynamic is the essence, as the "Xiang Ci" said:
When it stops, it stops, when it moves, it moves, when movement and stillness do not lose its time, the way is clear.



In an instant, where the horse thieves stopped, soil and rocks poured out from the ground, as if something huge was churning.

Even after special training, an ordinary horse is still an ordinary horse. Such a movement under the hooves has already been frightened to the point of losing its mind and running around randomly on the owner's body.

Unfortunately, the rocks protruding from the ground were sharp. The faster they moved in this area, the faster they died. Soon they were stabbed through each other, and hot blood spurted out from their cavities, and screams were heard. wilderness.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

The thief woman had a strange tone of voice, with a strong Miao accent, and she ran wildly on the huge rocks alone.

However, the younger brothers were not strong enough, and each one of them was stabbed before they could use the iron bone and copper tendon technique, and fell into an embarrassing situation where it was difficult to move.

However, the thief is very loyal.

Looking back, she saw that her brothers who were following her were either seriously injured, dripping with blood, or stuck between boulders, unable to break free. She immediately gave up her best chance of escape and began to rescue them.

Those whose wounds bleed are healed with maggots in their mouths.

A fat white maggot spurts out, just press the affected area to make it return to normal.

For those who were trapped by rocks, the thief woman shouted loudly, veins popped out in her neck and wrists, and she used her flesh and blood to overturn them.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, the terrifying power of the thief woman is inseparable from the various Miao Gu insects that fill her body.

During this period, Meng Fan used his last move. Everyone who was shocked by the miracle saw that the already tall ancient trees began to grow wildly around the rock circle where the thief was.

Soon, the already narrow space between the trees was covered with thick branches and vines, like an ancient Roman Colosseum with vegetation.

After doing all this, Meng Fan did not dare to hesitate and used three talismans drawn by Uncle Jiu to replenish the mana consumed in his body. The Maoshan jade pendant worn around his neck also began to work, and a trace of mana was poured into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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