Chapter 174 Diary of the Republic of China
early morning.

The sun is shining.

Meng Fan was eating breakfast after finishing his training. Awei was still a mortal body after all. Even though he didn't sleep late last night, he still yawned and stretched after going to town to buy food.

"Senior brother, I'm going to patrol the streets, and I'll visit some of the more famous masters from all over the country in a while."

In fact, Meng Fan felt that there was no need to go to trouble and invite a guy from the lion dance team to come over. He was completely qualified. After all, they only practiced the kung fu.

But Awei was in high spirits, so he just let it go and spent little money.


"I haven't been in Yizhuang for the past two days. If you are free, come and see more. Poor families need to use coffins when they encounter funerals. Please collect some things."

"Looking at Feng Shui is not a matter of urgency. Ask them to wait patiently. If they don't want to, find someone else. If it's an urgent matter, a murder has occurred, or it involves something you can't solve, go to the corpse-chopping inn that you passed by last time. "

Obviously, Taoist Meng finished his chores and decided to go to the appointment to help the three poker friends.

"Brother, what if I don't know the specific situation, rush in directly, and die inside?"

Ah Wei was a little scared and looked aggrieved.


With his thoughts turning rapidly, Meng Fan replied:

"This stack is a psychic charm. If you concentrate and flick it, it will light up."

"Soak the talisman ash in water and rub your eyes with grapefruit leaves, and you can see ghosts and gods. If the aura is not strong, just take this century-old peach wood sword or the Little Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword and go straight to it."

Despite Meng Fan's easy words, many small sects and young Taoist priests who have already entered the Tao simply don't dare to be so reckless. After all, they only have ten-year-old peach wood swords in their hands, and it is impossible to have a magical weapon made of top-quality lightning wood.

On the other hand, Ah Wei, even though he has not entered Taoism and has never received a large waistband, the safety buckle he wears on his waist can still make many Taoists covet it, and it is an excellent treasure for self-protection.

In addition, Meng Fan left a lot of yellow talismans, plus the Samadhi True Fire Golden Talisman given to him earlier. As long as he doesn't encounter ghosts that have practiced Taoism for more than 300 years, there will be no danger.

Uncle Jiu, the "protagonist" who is prone to evil spirits and heresy, is gone. Will strange things happen?

With this idea in mind, Meng Fan began to arrange his back-ups. The ancestral hall, Jiu Shu's bedroom, and the study room where various Taoist treasures were stored were all engraved with complex formations that could stop unpredictable people and give timely warnings to people who were hundreds of miles away. You know it yourself.

You can't play happily, and when you come back, you find that your home has been stolen...

"Today is exactly one week since Uncle Jiu moved and temporarily left Renjia Town. He has been addicted to dice for a long time and has been a little slack in his practice."

"On the eighth day, I went to the Zombie Inn, the weather was unknown, I bet on magic weapons with three old friends, and I won a small win."

"On the ninth day, at the Corpse Inn, the weather was unknown. I bet on magic weapons with three old friends and got a small win."

"On the tenth day, the corpse-riding inn, the weather is unknown, continue, big win, all three families take it all, I secretly reflect while being excited:
Meng Fan, ah Meng Fan, how could you be so depraved!He actually stopped practicing meditation for hundreds of days and forgot his great ambition?This can't go on like this! "

"No. 11th, Corpse Inn, new tricks, small losses."

"On the 12th, the Zombie Inn is isolated from the outside world and can be regarded as an independent small world, so...the weather is unknown.

After a huge loss, he almost vomited out all the magic weapons he had gained in the past few days, leaving only two standard Tang Hengdao, which can cut iron like clay.

Alas, that Wang Shiguan is really good and fun-loving. I got most of the magic weapons from him. No matter who I play with, I always lose more and win less. The key is that this guy still enjoys it.

By the way, I learned a piece of news on the way that Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, two street boys, died in the inn.

Hmm... To be precise, he was too greedy. He had no capital but wanted to stand up. He gritted his teeth and risked his life. In the end, he was taken away by an old ghost from the Song Dynasty who had a good reputation in Long Yang. According to Mr. Yang, the old ghost was in After winning, he left the inn in high spirits. "On the 13th, in Yizhuang, the weather turned from sunny to cloudy. I stayed at the Zhanshi Inn for several days and nights. I felt a lot more decadent. I must practice more diligently and spend more time reading Dao Zang!"We must not follow in the footsteps of those two people who threw themselves into the street! "

Recalling this, Meng Fan closed his notebook and stared blankly at the blue sky.

When he walked out of the inn filled with ghost kings in the morning, smelling the fresh air, he felt like he was in another world.

Two standard Tang Hengdao with the luck of the Tang Dynasty and capable of causing damage to ghosts;

During the Ming Dynasty, it was made by the Japanese state. It can be used in the Yang world, but because it is contaminated with the ghost energy of the Yin Dynasty, it can pass through the Yin Cao underworld. There are four pieces, eighty-five in fineness;

An unknown Buddhist relic.

The above is the result of Meng Fan working hard for days without sleep or sleep, without eating or drinking.

If I really regret playing with these old ghosts, it's just because I got an advantage and acted like a good boy.

Ahem... can what is written in the diary be revealed from the heart?
Serious people don’t keep diaries.

After Meng Fan came back, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he simply wrote a diary based on his state of mind at the time, and updated it from time to time, just to record his life across the heavens.

There is a saying that starting the diary with [Gamble] is the only one without a semicolon.

However, he is not addicted to it. The content is mostly ridiculing and he has gained a lot.

For such a long time, it is impossible to just play dice, and you must have small talk, such as how to divide the cultivation realm of another Taoist sect, what are the secrets of the underworld, and what are the differences between the ordinary ghosts living there and the ghost kings in the world.

Meng Fan, a "foreigner", listened with great interest, and in his heart he increasingly recognized the saying that gods and demons have human nature.

If not for the solemn vows of the ghost kings, who would have thought that a certain impermanent master in the underworld would also take a seventeen-room concubine?

And she also kept pace with the times and found a beautiful woman of mixed Chinese and Portuguese descent. It was said that she was the illegitimate daughter of a certain governor. She died of an illness at a young age. Because of the special place of death, she was taken away by the evil circumstances at the time.

It's really eye-opening.

It turns out that the souls of the dead still have jurisdiction.

After drawing inferences from one case to another, Meng Fan began to sort out the extra memories of his life. When he was studying in the West, Taoism was obviously effective. It could restrain some alien ghosts and the speed of his cultivation would not be affected.

Combined with the experience of this time travel, he came to the conclusion: the Tao penetrates all the heavens.

Regardless of whether you correct yourself to the first or complete the truth, the power still belongs to yourself, but the former must respect his teachers and ancestors.

In fact, this kind of restriction is almost non-existent. Who has nothing to do, their brains are caught in the door, and they abandon their great future to deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors?

Quanzhen Taoist cultivator has three flowers and five qi. Is it possible that he can betray his master? I'm afraid he hasn't woken up.

Moreover, practicing physical training and sensing the power of the Bagua and Five Elements also made Meng Fan different from other Zhengyi disciples, with more changes.

After summarizing a little, he gathered his thoughts, picked up the "Maoshan Secret Book of Cure Evil" which he had not read for a long time, and began to study it, becoming obsessed with the Gu Insect Chapter.


Not long after, the courtyard door was knocked open.

Awei hurried in and shouted:
"Senior brother, something bad is going on. Someone died in the town next door..."

 After the last injection, the side effects are acceptable. I will take it a step back tomorrow and start the day after tomorrow for a while. Thank you for your support. Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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