Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 181 The church door opens (additional update, 55)

Chapter 181 The church door opens (additional update, 55)

"Come, come!"

"Doing good is the happiest thing. Let's all donate together. Come, come, come. Doing good is the happiest thing."

The restaurant lady Yue, who had returned from studying abroad, was dressed in a red dress. She walked to the donation box with a smile and called on the villagers to donate money to the church.

The mayor's son was the first to be affected. He took out his wallet from his trouser pocket and stuffed a bunch of dollars into it.

"Thank you."

Miss Yue, who was guarding the box, smiled happily and began to kiss the other person's cheek.


Very loud sound.

I heard that many young people present were fascinated, thinking that if they donated money, they would be kissed by beautiful women, and they rushed to get there, but they didn't know that everything was just self-inflicted.

In the crowd, Meng Fan also saw Ah Xing. He was asking a girl for money to give to the church...

Lick the dog is not good to die.

After just one glance, he looked away.

And the villagers who took the gifts dispersed one after another.

Everyone is very interested in receiving gifts.

Being taken advantage of?Take a break.

"There's nothing to do when you're full. The villagers work hard every day to farm the land to barely support their family. They can't afford to get sick. Just like that, let's ask for donations? Damn!"

"Yes, the happiest thing is to do good deeds? What the Yue family said is better than what she sings.

Her father was the stingiest person. He wouldn't even let a beggar touch his swill bucket. He would rather give it to his own dog. If the dog couldn't eat it, he would throw it all away! "

Listening to the ridicule of the village heroes, Meng Fan's impression of her became even worse. He was so busy in his own house that he wouldn't even let a beggar take a bite of the unwanted swill. But now he was shouting in front of a large audience that doing good deeds is the most joyful...

However, the attitude of the six local heroes is worthy of recognition. They ate the sugar-coated shells and then shot them back when necessary——

They all returned home with great achievements, but in their hearts they had no sense of belonging to paganism at all.

In fact, Father Ma does not expect to gain too many believers at once.

Time to see people's hearts!
As long as you insist on giving small favors from time to time, insist on singing hymns and ringing bells to attract people's attention, more and more villagers will not be able to help but walk into the church and listen to them preaching the Bible, and this will continue to develop... …

Thinking of this, Father Ma put a faint smile on his face and began to greet the monks in the door to work.

Since the church had been abandoned for many years and had been sealed with wooden boards and iron nails, he needed to open the door and use the money raised to renovate it.



"It's time to get to work. Stop these monks and don't let them reopen the church. There is a lot of evil in it. Once it is opened, it will be haunted."

In order to prevent this kid from misunderstanding and causing any further trouble, Meng Fan didn't hold back and spoke directly.

Hearing this, Ah Wei and the fellow warriors did not dare to neglect and rushed forward with guns in hand.

After all, Meng Fan has dealt with many supernatural incidents during this period, especially the case of left-handed horse thieves, which has allowed him to establish a high prestige among the militia.

Therefore, when he gave the order, the village heroes immediately followed, and the mere missionaries suppressed them easily!

Looking at the soldiers rushing up, Father Wu paused with a smile, went to the leader Awei, and said kindly:

"I am Brother Wu, coming from the Vatican."

Listening to the priest who announced his family status, Awei put his hands on his hips and snorted: "I don't care what Jingyanggang or Wollongong you do. My senior brother said that this church is haunted and must not be reopened!"

On the side, the mayor's son, who originally wanted to apologize and find out what was going on, was stunned. He knew that Ah Wei was the captain of the Renjia Town Villagers' Protection Corps, but when did this guy show up as a senior?

"Once this door is opened, I don't know how many people will die. Didn't the Almighty Heavenly Father in your mouth send a warning?"

Meng Fan stepped forward.

From a normal perspective, the center of the town is a prosperous area. The church can be built here, which will be of great help to missionary work. It should be a treasured place.

But from a Feng Shui perspective, this place is very dangerous!

However, he was too lazy to communicate with this old priest who looked like a Chinese but didn't understand any traditional culture.

Judging from the original work, it doesn’t make sense at all.Qin Ruo said: Once this door is opened, the whole town becomes restless.

Then he would answer: The chickens and dogs are restless?If God blesses people, won’t that person be fine?

So, just make it clear that people will die.

However, Father Wu's thinking was no longer on the same channel as normal people. He held the cross, covered his heart, and said piously: "If someone dies, I will say mass for him."

"Yeah yeah."

The mayor of the town agreed: "God is very spiritual. He will definitely allow everyone to go to heaven after death and sleep peacefully in the arms of the Lord."

Seeing this dog-like thing approaching, Meng Fan couldn't help but smile. Once the church opened, this little beast would have a place to hide his poison.

At that time, by sucking the blood of the people in the whole town, the whole county, and even nearby states and counties, he will fatten up his family, the fathers and sons of countless people, and the mainstay of the family will become neither human nor ghost.

"Heaven? Bah!"

Awei was disdainful.

"It's useless to talk too much. It's better to just present the evidence and tell the facts."

Seeing that most of the townspeople gathered here looked unkind, and the priests and monks were resolute, Meng Fan didn't hesitate and kicked the door sealed with wooden bars.

Amidst the loud noise, the church door was like paper, shattered into countless pieces, and collapsed.

Miss Yue exclaimed.

The mayor's eyelids twitched.

The priest shouted in foreign languages ​​that God had appeared.

"Don't make unnecessary claims. I am a naturalized Taoist priest and have no connection with Jesus Christ."

Meng Fan could naturally understand that Father Wu was praising his Heavenly Father just now, and he felt uncomfortable.

"The six of you keep an eye on the door and don't let anyone in, lest the situation changes suddenly and your lives are lost in vain."

Not long ago, Meng Fan's refusal to open the church door aroused the hostility of some townspeople, but he was too lazy to care about it and just acted on his heart.

Isn’t it necessary to watch these people die just because they believe in paganism and glanced at me sideways?

The six gun-wielding men stood upright at attention.

The sound of pulling the bolt sounded.

Two guns were pointed at the inside of the church, and four guns were pointed at the outside, instantly suppressing the scene.

"Father, let's go."

The sound of urging sounded, and Awei motioned for everyone to follow.

Father Wu, a group of monks, the mayor's son, three town representatives, and Miss Yue.

Strong musty smell.

Broken church pews littered the ground.

"Senior brother, the last priest turned into a vampire. Can our Eastern Taoism cure him?"

After entering the church, Awei looked around, holding a gun in one hand and a talisman in the other, on guard.

"It is difficult for Talisman and Peach Wood Sword to be effective, but other methods are not affected. After all, Sky Thunder Breaker and Fire Cloud Curse can cause damage to all entities, including people."

"And vampires are tangible things, too."

"Based on my experience of traveling to various European countries, sunlight, silverware, and garlic can work..."

Meng Fan recalled the extra memory, and while walking towards the basement, he reminded Junior Brother Awei.

"Oh, bragging."

The muttering of the brainless woman reached my ears and was ignored.

Why bother with this kind of person?

"But the last priest was different. According to my inference, he not only became a vampire, but also had the characteristics of an Eastern zombie."

In the low voice of explanation, Meng Fan punched out and punched through the keyhole of the basement door.

(End of this chapter)

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