Chapter 183 The Birth of Evil Spirits
rustle... rustle...

The invisible wind ropes were broken one by one.

The nearby bulging and cracked walls fell off one after another.

Awei opened his eyes with a grapefruit leaf for the first time, and then saw an unforgettable scene. Black energy filled the entire church. These ominous things stimulated the protective safety buckle to react, sending up bursts of purple thunder.

The initiator, the young monk with thin hair and a shiny middle head, was wrapped in a thick miasma, and it was impossible to see what he had become.

"Awei, lead them out of here and ask the townspeople surrounding the church to move back."

"Also... looking at these monks, anyone who dares to move will be shot to death!"

Meng Fan used a calm tone to express murderous rage.

Of course, this is closely related to the methods he showed before. Everyone is afraid of suddenly getting angry and kicking him in the head.

It was like the sight of a watermelon exploding, and no one dared to think too much about it.

"Go! Go! I'm leaving now!"

The mayor's son was so frightened that he rushed out of the underground secret room with a pale face.

However, before he had gone very far, he turned around and came back, his face turned green, and he said with a ferocious smile:

"Everyone will die, including me."

"..." Awei.

Although his cultivation level was shallow and his Dharma eyes could not see through the miasma, when he heard these words, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Father, the church is occupied by demons, and we are all going to die here."

"How to do?"

"Lord Almighty, please save me."

Amidst the noisy prayers, the yin energy became stronger and stronger, and the wall peeling off became more and more exaggerated.

The monk who was the first to be corrupted by the evil spirit was not only shaking violently at this moment, but was also grinning ferociously.

The previous priest, who had been lying quietly, suddenly opened his eyes and said sarcastically:

"Twenty years ago, the so-called omniscient and omnipotent Lord watched me being corrupted by evil. Now I am a vampire, and I want to completely subvert its teachings and beliefs!"

A priest who traveled across the ocean to preach, when he encountered danger, prayed to Christ to no avail, and died with a cross piercing his chest in the most sacred church in his heart...

For a moment, Meng Fan didn't know whether to lament that the evil spirits were well versed in blasphemy or lament that God was weak and incompetent.

In this case, he even had the idea of ​​quietly watching the excitement.

After all, these monks are authentic banana people. They have even forgotten who their ancestors were, and they are only thinking about proselytizing and converting the people to their faith.


With a trembling voice, Ah Wei spoke weakly, causing Meng Fan to come back to his senses and remember that he still had a junior brother to take care of.

"It's not a big problem. You can stay and experience it. Senior brother can protect you." Meng Fan calmed down and said, "It doesn't matter if you want to leave. I will open a passage."

Can it be covered?
Awei immediately stopped panicking and said with confidence:
"Then stay!"

"As long as I cooperate with senior brother, we will kill each other, hahaha~"

In such a weird and evil environment, Ah Wei's exaggerated laughter actually suppressed the evil spirits.

Vaguely, Meng Fan saw his past self in the fat four-eyed man with a slightly wretched temperament.


In fact, Meng Fan was distracted from time to time, which showed that he was sure to suppress all weirdness.

at the same time.

A continuous covert sound came out.

No external force is needed to remove it. It is inserted into the vampire's back and heart, and the rotten cross he has nailed is moved upward little by little. If no external force interferes, the seal will soon be broken.

Meng Fan believes that the evil spirit paid a certain price for this, otherwise the previous priest would have been born long ago, why wait until today.

"Sir, can you save us poor monks? We are all sons of Heavenly Father."

In despair, a monk saw Meng Fan with a calm face and asked for help.

After all, he didn't hide his words, and he bluntly said that he had the ability to open an escape route.

"Pindao doesn't have the habit of misrecognising his father."

Meng Fan's face was serious: "Let's do this. Each of you shouts "Grandpa Sanqing is on top", and your life will be safe."

"Excuse me, little brother, what is Grandpa Sanqing?" Brother Wu asked seriously.

"No matter what sect or sect you come from, as long as you are on the right path, you will definitely worship Sanqing, who is our highest god."

"As for grandpa, it's a respectful title, higher than your heavenly father."

Father Wu held the cross pendant in his hand and froze in place.

The monks looked at each other.

If you shout this out, wouldn't you be betraying your own beliefs?

They traveled thousands of miles and overcame various difficulties to come to this ignorant, ignorant and backward country in order to spread civilized and advanced Christianity so that everyone could receive the glory of the Lord.

But... the situation has not yet opened up. On this day when the church is reopened, what kind of Sanqings have been recognized? How will the faith be spread in the future?

The most important thing is that if you admit that the Three Pure Ones are above God, your soul will go to hell in the future and become like Satan...

While they were struggling, Meng Fan still looked at them coldly. He did not feel that he was too harsh.

Isn't it a loss to say "Sanqing Grandpa" in exchange for saving one's wealth and life?

Besides, the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty probably still looks down on Banana Man. After Father Wu preached in the play, he got involved with the following three lines:
Gambling stalls, opium dens, brothels.

The person who was in charge of pulling the strings and running the wine shop was the mayor's son, and he even used the church as a place to hide drugs.

The results of it?
The priest said not to discriminate against them. God loves the world. Good people and bad people are the same. They are all sons of the Heavenly Father.

In addition, Father Wu also said that Taoist priests guide people to be good, but they also make the world superstitious.

Since you are superstitious, just hope for good luck.

Otherwise, just call Grandpa Sanqing.

Meng Fan definitely meant what he said.

"Time is running out, make a decision quickly!"

Ah Wei urged impatiently.

"Thank you little brother for your kindness. I have the holy cross and holy water brought from the Vatican here, which are enough to protect myself."

Cultivator Wu sighed as he unloaded his backpack.

"Then find a corner to stay by yourself, so as not to hinder my senior brother's eyes." Ah Wei said disdainfully.

Meng Fan was noncommittal, looked at the other monks, and said, "There is only one cross, and a little less holy water. Your father is mortal, and it is difficult to protect yourself, so how can you protect others."

"Choose quickly."

on the ground.

The Cross of Decay is about to leave the vampire's body.

Infected by evil spirits, the two people shook more and more violently, and one wind rope after another was broken free.

"Little Taoist priest, how about cooperation?"

"Kill all these fake foreign devils together!"

The monk who was first controlled spoke.

Meng Fan felt inexplicably weird when these words came out of his mouth.

At the same time, I became increasingly curious about the origin of evil spirits.

On the one hand, they reject God, and on the other hand, they call banana people fake foreign devils, which they despise from the blood. In addition, they are also connected with Christianity.

"Forget it, poverty and evil are irreconcilable."

"And since they choose to preach, they should follow the example of Sakyamuni. He survived the tribulation of evil spirits and achieved righteousness. These Christians survived the tribulation of evil spirits..."

Not finished.

A shout came from behind Meng Fan.

"Grandpa Sanqing, save the nest!"

A monk closed his eyes, not daring to stare at the gazes from all around, let alone facing vampires and people possessed by evil spirits.

"You can teach a kid, hahaha." Meng Fan rarely smiled and said with a smile: "You are saved."


 Will add more later.

(End of this chapter)

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