Chapter 187
A cross, a silver pot of holy water, a parchment Bible, and two irregularly shaped weapon fragments.

That’s it.

Among them, the cross is clearly a holy relic.

At least Father Wu and the monks said so, and Meng Fan couldn't tell whether it was true or not, but he was sure that it contained a strong power of faith and had been worshiped by more than 10 people for hundreds of years -

The county god who came to the restaurant to celebrate Uncle Jiu's birthday earlier was wearing incense and wishing power, but he was not like this.

Therefore, Taoist Meng was very happy and began to treat Father Wu, while people were already surrounding him.

It's not that they deliberately lose face to Christians, but that the melon-eaters are too enthusiastic and, under the leadership of several elders from the town, come here directly in the name of a visit.

"The Taoist priest is still very good. I will go to the county in a few days to offer incense to Grandpa Sanqing in the Taoist temple."

"Yeah, I thought what the foreigners believed in was so powerful, but I didn't expect that the silver gun wax head was useless at all."

The villagers chatted louder and louder, as if they were telling Meng Fan deliberately, but they didn't get any feedback.

"Brother, will these poisonous snakes bite this old boy to death?"

In the middle of the courtyard, Awei held a vine bag and looked at the large vat in front of him, curiously.

"No, fight fire with fire."

Meng Fan answered while grinding the snake gallbladder with a stone mortar: "The more poisonous the snake is, the more poison it can neutralize the corpse poison."

Glutinous rice, snake gall, and a few common detoxifying herbs can be used to make a detoxifying ointment.

Among them, the most important ingredient is not glutinous rice, but snake gall.

Frankly speaking, if it weren't for the clear explanation in "Maoshan's Secret Book of Cure Evil", he wouldn't have dared to believe it.

puff... puff...

The sound of falling water sounded.

Three bungar snakes, two golden krait snakes, two bamboo-leaf green snakes, and a sharp-nosed adder were all poured into the glutinous rice water by Ah Wei like dumplings.

The whole process was done with full concentration and caution, not daring to make any mistakes.

After all, if all the venom in their bodies is extracted, at least 20 people can be killed. Once bitten, they will shed their skin even if they die!
But now, it was all borne by Father Wu. This made him, who had regained his consciousness a little, feel frightened and couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Meng Fan answered very briefly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the doctor in charge of boiling the medicine ran over and said flatteringly: "Little Daoist, the heat is just right."

"sorry to bother you."

A layer of black paste, exuding a faint fragrance and a burnt smell, settled at the bottom of the casserole. No protective gear was needed. Meng Fan directly grabbed it and poured it onto the kraft paper, followed by snake bile and glutinous rice flour.

"do you understand?"

The sudden inquiry left this well-known doctor in Jiuquan Town confused and in a dilemma.

The truth is, I get it.

After all, in the eyes of an experienced doctor, such things as proportions can be known at a glance, and there is no need to weigh them, let alone being responsible for decoction.


Secretly learning prescriptions is a taboo, even if Meng Fan shows it openly.

Looking at the hesitating doctor, Awei immediately guessed what was going on, and was about to beat him up when his senior brother's voice came.

"In the future, if someone is poisoned by corpse poison and comes to the town to seek medical treatment, you can follow this recipe and make whatever you want. You are not allowed to raise the price."

“You must know that cause and effect follow each other like a shadow.”

In an instant, Taoist Meng's image in the eyes of the villagers was infinitely higher.

The doctors at the medical center also rushed to respond.

It's just a prescription, it doesn't involve core inheritance, and any Yin-Yang man who knows a little bit about it will know it.

But maybe at some point, it will work and save someone's life, which is great.

Looking at the little Taoist priest who was winning people's hearts, Father Wu felt uncomfortable, but he did not show it. He still wore a warm smile and was ready to use his time to influence this pagan and pave the way for his own missionary work.

Unfortunately, the old guy didn't know that Meng Fan had dismissed all the monks and had "confiscated" the holy relics and missionary tools.

"The ointment I prepared is a bit painful, please bear with it."

"It's okay, little brother... Ouch!" It's hot and stinging.

Stinky white smoke gushes out.

"You know it hurts? A good thing." Meng Fan nodded.

"Soak in the water for a day today, and drink your own bath water when you are thirsty. It contains glutinous rice and snake venom. It is a great tonic and good for you."

"Drink glutinous rice porridge when you're hungry."

"Continue to soak it tomorrow and the next two days. No need to add snakes. Eat glutinous rice cakes, glutinous rice porridge, and glutinous rice dumplings for ten days in a row. Change the medicine on your neck every two days. Remember to give money to fellow villagers. Don't always want to have free sex. "

Hearing this, Father Wu sighed that his plan to win over had ended in failure before it even started.

Because Meng Fan's meaning couldn't be more obvious, he would only be responsible for the most critical treatment on the first day, and leave the rest to the medical clinic.

As for the money...

Turning his eyes to Miss Yue in the red dress standing in the crowd, Father Wu could see clearly that she admired them from the West, was extremely active in every activity, and had a particularly prosperous family background.

"Father, let's go."

Miss Yue noticed the look of help, and without any hesitation, she dragged her father away.

"..." Father Wu.

Twilight witnesses the devout believers.

The pinnacle is born with hypocritical advocacy.

Facts have proved that when he was lying in the tank and undergoing treatment in a panic, the townspeople who had snatched gifts in the morning, expressed in their words their desire to join Christianity and were looking forward to being baptized, all abandoned their faith and were unwilling to even make a small donation. supply.

"By the way, I almost forgot, it's 15 yuan per person." Ah Wei patted his head.

The cloth bag was thrown in front of the jar, and it was slightly bulging inside.

The moment he landed, there was movement.

It's money!

A kind of silver coin called Longyang has amazing purchasing power.

"Thank you very much, boy."

This time, Awei did not reply, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "You're welcome."

In a few days, after the senior brother has finished his work, they will return to Yizhuang, Renjiazhen. When the old boy realizes that the things are gone, there is no clue at all.


The priest was the only one left in the front yard of the Yamen. He put away his fake smile and had a very complicated expression.


The firewood burned vigorously.

"I haven't eaten snake meat for a long time."

"How long has it been? I only went to the restaurant the day before yesterday, and half of the cauliflower snake got into the kid's stomach."

The village heroes laughed and laughed.

The land of Guangdong and Guangxi likes to eat long insects.

This long worm is a snake.

I just prepared a plaster for Father Wu and used three snake gallbladders, which naturally produced three more long worms. Ah Wei suggested stir-frying and stewing the snake soup.

Although Meng Fan had never eaten it before, as a hidden gourmet, he had the courage to try it.

The oil is cooked over a hot fire, and the pink and tender snake meat is put into the pot.

The fragrance gradually filled the entire Yamen.

The priest, who was thinking about his thoughts, sighed helplessly, lowered his head, swallowed three large mouthfuls of glutinous rice in water, and managed to get seventy percent full, and then...

He was kissed.

Snakes have a tenacious vitality, and they adapt quickly to just glutinous rice water.

A krait took the opportunity to bite Father Wu on the lip. Although there was corpse poison in the body to neutralize it, he was not afraid of being killed by it, but it hurt!
(End of this chapter)

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