Chapter 197 Killing Heart

provincial capital.

Maoshan is also a great religion. Even with the impact of Buddhism and Western Christianity, it still has many believers. The number of Taoist temples inherited from the Shangqing Sect in the world is steadily over a hundred.

Therefore, after a group of people arrived in a hurry, they first settled in a quiet Taoist temple.

Washing, food, special talisman paper, chicken blood, cinnabar...

These things that will be used will be quickly prepared, and the operation can be carried out only at night.

"Master, what should they do if they safely lead the Ghost King and his ilk into the formation?" Shi Shaojian frowned as he looked at the green smoke rising outside the hall.

On the way, Shi Jian had clearly told him that Junior Brother Meng, whom he had never met before, was very profound and not inferior to the older generation.

How to defeat it in the grand ceremony?
It's better to die.

"Right now, all the junior brothers are here, and no disturbance can be hidden from their eyes."

Shi Jian said coldly: "When we finish handling this matter, we won't go back to Maoshan to look for opportunities."

Different from his son's impulsiveness, he likes to plan and act later, because Meng Fan will definitely have to deal with it. After all, he has been planning for nearly 20 years and there is no room for mistakes.

Only in this way can I have the dignity to die for my beloved a hundred years later.

Behind him, there was a slight change in the image of Sanmao Zhenjun.

A look of anger flashed across his face.

After all, they all started practicing as mortals and eventually ascended to immortality. They were more human than divine, and were very concerned about the inheritance of their own traditions.

The dignified leader actually uses the sect's interests to make up for the so-called debt?The person he was entrusted with turned out to be a lecherous and cunning person!

Looking at the father and son, Zhenjun Ermao looked cold. He had dealt with countless evil heretics in the past, but he didn't expect that a fire broke out in his backyard, and a scum father and son appeared in this world!
Shi Jian was not aware of the whole process.

In fact, he was also worried, afraid that what he did would cause dissatisfaction with the patriarch, but after taking the first step, no punishment was imposed, followed by the second and third steps, trembling, and then the fourth step, The fifth step is to feel more relaxed until you are no longer in awe.

the other side.

The master of the temple has ordered his disciples to prepare tofu, which contains beans within beans and red beans within soybeans. The ghosts will tremble when they eat it.

In order to successfully attract them, "fragrance" was specially added to it. Meng Fan didn't know the specific production process, but the elders all swore that ghosts liked the smell.

"It will be dark in two hours. At midnight, you two will go to the streets to sell food."

"After half a quarter of an hour, the uncle will go ahead with a few juniors, and set up an formation in the Fengshui treasure land in the north of the city. The first formation will temporarily disturb the ghost king's consciousness, leaving them with only instincts, and the second formation will depend on the two of you. Only when it is brought here can it be effective."

Uncle Jiu warned him seriously.

Even though he and Simu both had confidence in Meng Fan, they still couldn't help but worry.

You must know that not just any rotten fish or shrimp can be called the "King of Ghosts", otherwise, the two evil commanders of black and white and impermanence will not be attracted to come to the world of ghosts to arrest him personally.

Admittedly, there are a lot of tricks involved, but one thing is clear:
Uncle Jiu thought to himself that if he faced a ghost king one-on-one, his life or death would be unpredictable, so his chances of winning were relatively high.

This time, Meng Fan needs to take Qiu Sheng to face several ghost kings, as well as several ghost generals and ghost soldiers at the same time. However, they have lost their minds and only have their brutal instincts.

Shi Jian's calculation was so accurate that he could only be called a thief who is too old to die. He made it clear that he wanted to harm people and was reluctant to let his precious son die...

However, one person is responsible for the work.

Wen Cai made a big mistake, had no ability to make amends, and lacked responsibility, so he could only rely on Qiu Sheng and Meng Fan.

This made Uncle Jiu feel guilty.Ever since his nephew moved to their Yi Zhuang temporarily, he has done a lot of work and given away many good things. Now he has to risk his life to clean up the mess for his incompetent apprentice Wen Cai.

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu made a decision:
Following Wen Cai's wishes, he was not allowed to enter Taoism. From now on, he would be raised as a lazy idler, with a beginning and an end. When he died, there would be no more relations between the two.

After all, it is soft-hearted.

When Uncle Jiu returned from picking up the abandoned baby out of sympathy, he rescued him, named him Wencai, and fostered him in a villager's home. When he was 16 years old, he decided to settle down and take him to his side to teach him personally.

The results of it?
Rotten wood cannot be carved, and short quills cannot be carved.

After all these years, the only thing that made Uncle Jiu happy was that at his birthday party that day, he was given a bamboo sculpture.

As for Meng Fan... Uncle Jiu couldn't think of how to thank him, because he was too outstanding, his skills were catching up with those of the older generation, he was very lucky, and he had no shortage of magic weapons and spiritual materials around him.

For now, he only lacks experience, but as he joins Junior Brother Qianhe, everything will be solved.

So, with this complicated mentality, Uncle Jiu led all the junior brothers to leave.

Shi Jian didn't move for a while, and sent someone to say that he would arrive after the second round opened.

After all, he is the leader. Some of the uncles may have received some hint, and they also responded like this, saying that they must arrive before dealing with the ghosts.

Not participating in the first team.

And it can minimize the ghost king's sanity and reduce risks for Meng Fan and Qiu Sheng.

"Out of Maoshan's righteousness, we hurriedly came to support, but later, due to factional differences, we were unable to achieve full success." Meng Fan sighed.

After finishing this matter, and celebrating the Hungry Ghost Festival with Uncle Jiu and the others, I will have to go north to Xiangxi with Uncle Four Eyes to join the master...

Before that, if the serious problem could be completely eradicated and the father and son were killed, Meng Fan felt that he would be able to compete in the top game without any worries——

Ever since the meeting in Yizhuang was spied on, Shi Jian has been on guard, fearing that this sanctimonious old viper might take a stab at him.

Given the old guy's nature, it's not unusual for him to take action against his fellow disciples in order to pave the way for his bastard son.

If I remember correctly, Shi Jian's ability to control zombies is top-notch, and even the Zombie King can be remotely controlled to launch a murderous attack on Uncle Jiu.

If this happens... during the peak match...

Meng Fan didn't dare to think further.

Royal Zombies are already difficult to deal with with the blessing of luck, and they have to go through thunder disasters on the way. Once they absorb the power of thunder, the difficulty will be a few more steps.

In this case, if the blood is sucked and the old dog Shi Jian is secretly controlling it, how will the peak match be played?
Just wear the pain mask.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Beside, Qiu Sheng suddenly spoke, interrupting Meng Fan's thinking about the worst-case scenario.

The matter of killing the head father and his son is not that easy to handle. You have to wait for the right time, the right place, and the right people. If you don't handle it well, you can easily be labeled as a passer-by. It doesn't matter if you leave when the time comes.

But the apprentice attacked and killed the head of the sect, and regardless of whether he succeeded or not, the master Qianhe would be implicated.

Therefore, Meng Fan did not tell Qiu Sheng, but shook his head and said: "It's okay."

It's not that he lacks trust in his junior brother. The matter is serious and Qiu Sheng can't help him for the time being. Telling one more person will increase the possibility of leaking the news.

Before he found the opportunity, Meng Fan would not tell anyone, including Uncle Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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