Chapter 234

"Senior brother, I'm sorry to bother you on the second day of my wedding. Well... the new office address has been chosen. It's an isolated mountain in Kowloon. Not to mention the remote location, there is still enough Yang energy and the environment is good."

"Well, let the construction team start work quickly. There is no need to worry about funds."

With the revival of spiritual energy, there are more and more strange incidents. The establishment of a ghost-catching unit alone can no longer meet the needs.

After Meng Fan's proposal and high-level approval, they wanted to build a new office area to integrate members' daily life, interrogation, detention, and execution.

Kim McKee is in charge of site selection.

Meng Fan was responsible for drawing the talismans and affixing these talismans during construction to suppress evil spirits.

Nowadays, there is no need to go to such trouble.

While reading the Taoist Canon at Maoshan Sutra Pavilion, Meng Fan not only learned alchemy and thunder techniques from various sects, but also dabbled in formations: dozens of talismans, combined with formation flags of various attributes, were enough to achieve the desired effect.

"Baozi, have another cup of soy milk."

After waking up, Amin came to the study and handed her the breakfast. Meng Fan hugged her and kept it tender for a moment.

Then, continue to make phone calls to coordinate with various departments, striving to complete the work as soon as possible and realize the department relocation.

"By the way, I have to go to the police building later and bring back some files."

Amin, who was about to leave, was stunned for a moment:
"In such a hurry to work?"

"There is nothing to do when we are idle, and the situation is unstable. We can't go out for our honeymoon at all, alas."

Meng Fan had just returned from the Republic of China, and his behavior was unfathomable. Meng Fan wanted to find his status and accumulate merit at the same time.

"Okay, okay, if you are so serious, it can't be justified if Brother Yi doesn't give you a bonus."

Amin said half-jokingly.

After all, she is a sensible girl. She is a colleague with Meng Fan. She has been a pioneer in the international counterfeit banknote case. She knows that one day less rest for her men can save a family or even dozens of lives.

nine in the morning.

The sun is just right.

"Morning, Inspector Meng."

"Good morning, Miss Jane."

When he went out, Meng Fan met Miss Jian who lived nearby. He didn't know if there was any progress between her, the bridesmaid, and her junior brother.

"Is Amin at home? There's nothing going on in the company recently..."

"Yes, you two talk, I have to go out."

After saying this, Meng Fan walked towards the parking space.

According to his understanding, Jane's Investment Company has now changed its profession and become a ghost-catching company. After all, the employees have come out of the training camp and mastered some methods of combating evil, and can cooperate with the police stations in various jurisdictions, so they don't have to worry about orders and remuneration.

Of course, those employees were not too complacent. They knew how much they weighed and would use psychic charms to open their eyes to detect the situation in advance. Troublesome cases would be reported directly to professionals.

Because of this, Miss Jane, who makes easy money, is often free.

At around eleven o'clock, the white sports car arrived at the police building after experiencing several small traffic jams.

"Sir Meng, I heard that you are married?"

The female police officers who came to take charge of the reception were full of gossip.

"Yes, this is wedding candy."

The co-pilot placed a bunch of candies wrapped in advance, and Meng Fan distributed them along the way.

Especially the old man in charge of the kitchen, who has taken good care of himself since he joined the job, so he also gave me a red envelope of [-] Hong Kong dollars.

"Boss, no."

"So dedicated? It makes us so stressed."

At the work station of the headquarters, some clerks were teasing me.

"It's hard to get taxpayers' money. Here, I'll give you candies and do your best."

"Don't worry, boss."

"Where's the foal?"

"This kid took a day off. Uncle Biao from the anti-gang group downstairs left his job and said he was going to be a senior designer. He helped move things."

Uncle Biao?

A familiar face appeared in Meng Fan's mind. Maybe some plot was unfolding, but he had no impression.

I haven't been to the office for just a few days, and a thick stack of documents has accumulated on my desk.Most of them are not important, just sign and finish.

Some are not.

"Easy to apply for transfer to the ghost hunting team?"

"Well, it's approved, but training is required."

Seeing this little fat man on the wedding day, Meng Fan thought of Ah Wei and felt a little nostalgic for him.

In addition, it’s really time to recruit new blood to the ghost-catching force. It’s almost time to expand the organization by another two hundred.

After more than half an hour, all the documents were reviewed. Meng Fan took the time to eat a box lunch delivered by the outside clerk, then brought the new case file in front of him and began to identify targets.

Jingle Bell……

The phone rang.


Meng Fan was flipping through the pages while answering the phone.

Not many people can skip the front desk of the headquarters and call the Inspector General's office directly.

"Brother, I just called your home, but my sister-in-law said you were at the office and asked me to call this number."

A slightly shy female voice came from the other side.

Junior sister Ayun.

"Well, just call my private number from now on. I was so busy that day that I almost forgot to mention it." Meng Fan temporarily moved his eyes away from the file, lying on the office chair, and asked: "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

"I will join, and Master also agrees."

"it is good!"

For a moment, Meng Fan felt like a weird kid who kidnapped a child. There was a hint of urgency in his voice: "When are you free to go through the onboarding procedures?"

"Anytime...I'll be at the bus phone box under your building."

The call was quickly hung up.

Meng Fan walked out of the office area in a hurry and went down to pick up Ayun——

At the wedding banquet, he tried to ask his junior sister if she would like to join the ghost catching team.

This girl who was born on the tenth day of the tenth day has an extremely exaggerated cultivation speed, and she definitely cannot compare with her. However, as a younger generation, she started practicing later than Kim McGee, but she is only a step behind now, and she will not help maintain society. Order, it would be a pity.

"Senior brother, I will ask you to take care of me from now on."

Ayun was dressed in a Taoist robe and saluted seriously.

"My family, don't be so polite."

Master Mei came out to express his love for the wedding a few days ago. Meng Fanzheng didn't know how to express his gratitude. Now that the junior sister has taken the initiative to report here, he must take good care of her.

I'm afraid what Master Mei means is to let Ayun slowly practice and accumulate merit with him.

Besides, it's easier to do things after entering the yamen.

"Sit down first, what do you want to drink?"

"Just boil water."

The two came to the office. Meng Fan pushed the file aside first and started to help fill in the job form.

"Let's start with the sergeant first, okay? When we handle two major cases, my senior brother will definitely promote you to the position of inspector."

"Everything is subject to senior brother's arrangements."

Seeing Ayun's personality, Meng Fan nodded secretly in his heart. Apart from this girl having no independent opinions, she didn't need to worry too much.

"You sit down first, and I'll hand over the order to the management department. The documents and guns will be processed in an hour at the latest."

Normally, the newlyweds should be on their honeymoon at this moment, but Officer Meng has officially entered work mode.

Ayun sat across from the desk, with nothing to do, picked up the file and started reading.

【2442 Twin Ghost Girl Case】

She originally thought it was very impolite to read the documents on her senior brother's desk privately. Even if it was spread out, it was not labeled top secret.

However, as his eyes swept across, Ayun quickly devoted himself to investigating the case.

 There will be more updates later
(End of this chapter)

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