Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 24 Catching monsters?Small scale chopper

Chapter 24 Catching monsters?Small scale chopper

The video recorder is set up.

Facing the statue of Guandi with sinister eyebrows and stern eyes, Meng Fan, who is responsible for casting spells, always appears in the picture.

Zhang Zimei was hiding far behind, holding a jar for wine in her hand, looking straight in front of her with curiosity and expectation in her eyes.

After all, in the Dharma-ending era, there are fake Taoist priests and monks everywhere, not to mention ordinary people, even the rich and powerful have no chance to see Maoshan's true biography to cast down demons.

"Don't worry, my senior brother is of extremely high moral character, and he is protected by the Patriarch's Canopy Ruler..."

In the back, Kim McKee deliberately lowered his voice to explain to Zhang Zimei. He was very sure in his heart that the video recorder could not record this conversation from such a long distance.

Because the next video is likely to be exposed to the people of Hong Kong, including many people with evil intentions, Meng Fan does not want to expose his trump card, and informs his junior brother to put away the Bagua Mirror and use it as a secret trump card.

What's more, in this case, the evil spirit realizes that the crisis is approaching, but still hides in the statue of Guandi, not daring to show up. How strong can Dao Xing be?

Just use it to test your own strength.

Meng Fan's middle finger and index finger were straightened, his thumb pressed tightly on his ring finger and little finger, and he pointed straight at the statue of Guandi.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "The secret eye is born from the divine machine and transported and transformed. It is the basis for cultivating immortals and refining truth, subduing demons and controlling evil."

What he was pinching was the sword technique, which could summon ghosts and gods and subdue evil spirits. It was also an integral part of making the spell come true.

If the demon pretending to be Guan Sheng Emperor comes out of the statue at this moment, it doesn't even need to recite the incantation. It only needs to be infused with mana. The moment it sees the sword formula, it will kneel down immediately.

However, this beast refused to come out, so Meng Fan could only recite a curse silently in his heart.

Immediately, a bolt of thunder burst out from his fingertips, as if he had been preparing for a long time, and with an invincible momentum, he slammed into the statue of Emperor Guan.

The thunder method ranks first among all methods and is the highest representative of Taoist magic. Even though this Heavenly Thunder Breaking technique can only be said to be an elementary spell from Maoshan, its power cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, Meng Fan didn't know what the dirt was that had been stolen from the statue, so it would be safest to use the thunder method to restrain all evil.

Thunder flashed.

The sound of shattering echoed through the villa.

Looking at the statue that exploded from the head, Meng Fan felt magnanimous. The Patriarch said: If you have evil intentions, burning incense will not do any good; if you are upright, it doesn't matter if you don't worship me.

It's just a clay sculpture. If Emperor Guan Sheng knew about this, he would definitely not blame it, and even reward him if he could.

Then, a bolt of lightning burst out from his fingertips again, exploding the lower half of the statue.

Countless dust and debris fell.

"The evil beast has yet to show its true form."

Kim McGee spoke.

Seeing how majestic his senior brother was, he decided to beat up the drowned dog. There was also lightning brewing at his fingertips, but it was not as exaggerated as Meng Fan.

Locked by two thunder methods at the same time, the thing hiding in the statue did not dare to escape anymore and emerged from the ruins. It looked like a human being, kneeling on the ground with both legs and raising its two front paws high, making a gesture of praying for mercy and surrender. .

"Two Taoists, spare your lives."

"Master Dao, please forgive me."

"It turns out to be a rat spirit."

Kim McGee was surprised.

The mouse in front of me was as long as an adult's arm excluding its tail. It was missing an ear, and its teeth were extremely sharp and glowed with blood.

People say rats are cunning, but that doesn't apply to this one!Tough, ugly, ferocious, and exuding an indescribable fishy smell.

If it weren't for the calming spell that was still working, Zhang Zimei would have fainted from fear when she saw such an ugly beast.

"Does the garage being so strong have anything to do with you?"

Meng Fan suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and asked.

The rat demon hesitated for a moment and did not answer.

A thunder light about two fingers wide flew out, and Kim McGee knocked it flying, and the bloody and terrifying rod broke from the middle.

"How to ask, how to answer!"

"If there is half a lie, I will kill you immediately."

"Yes, yes." The rat demon immediately kowtowed and replied quickly:
"Che Fangqiang was indeed killed by me. He refused to sacrifice a living person, only human blood."

"In a rage, the little demon took control of the woman in front of him and killed her... Please spare his life, Master Dao. The little demon regretted it very much afterwards and had nothing to eat during this period."

Sure enough, a demon is a demon, and his way of thinking is different from that of humans. He said he was sincerely repenting, but his words were very natural. He didn't feel guilty at all, but it seemed natural.

It is estimated that he agrees with the law of survival of the weak and the strong in his bones...

Meng Fan sighed in his heart, and without any hesitation, a thunder snake flew out from his fingertips. Unlike his junior brother Jin McGee, his magic power was stronger, and his power naturally increased sharply.

Amid the wails, the smell of burning wafted throughout the room.

The rat demon's tail was completely reduced to charcoal, and he collapsed on the ground. Only one paw was still shaking unconsciously.

"Brother, kill it!"

After winning the first battle, Kim McGee was a little excited.

But Meng Fan shook his head and said:
"Seal this monster into a jar and hand it over to the master."

After finishing speaking, he turned off the recording equipment.

In this way, the conversation will be unrestricted.

"This evildoer is pretending to be Emperor Guan Sheng. Let's capture him and bring him to justice. Let him contact the emperor on his behalf. I hope he won't be credited with that case."

Meng Fan made it clear directly.

In order to maximize his interests, his current thinking is particularly clear:

With the video as proof, the high-level police will not go into it, so the case will be closed.

In this case, instead of killing it, it is better to inform the emperor and see how he plans to deal with the rat demon.

It not only expresses respect for Mr. Guan Er, but also lets him know his own merits, killing two birds with one stone.

Jin McGee, who understood the key points, immediately gave a thumbs up and admired his senior brother even more.

"Give me the jar."

"Oh, good."

Hearing this, Zhang Zimei was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and handed the jar to Meng Fan.


"What sign?"

"What do you think, Liujia evil talisman."

Jin McGee reacted and took out a handful of yellow talismans from his trouser pocket, one of which had the name of God Liujia written on it.

With one hand, he grabbed the half-dead rat demon like coke, stuffed it into the wine jar, sealed the red cloth with the other hand, and pasted the yellow talisman.

The whole process was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water. Meng Fan dared to conclude that this daring bastard would not be able to break free from the Liujia seal, especially after taking two thunderbolts head-on, it would be a good thing to be able to hold his breath.

"Miss Amei, this matter has come to light. Once the video tape is handed over to the senior management and confirmed to be correct, you can leave the villa."

Not long after, Meng Fan handed the jar to his junior brother and said to Zhang Zimei in front of him: "If Superintendent Ashin handles official duties quickly enough, there will be good news tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he walked downstairs.

"Sir, I'm afraid."

A hand on the shoulder.

Jin McGee hesitated to speak. He didn't want to stick to his cold butt again. As long as his eyes were not blind, he could see that this gorgeous woman liked his senior brother.

"Ji Zai, give Miss A Mei a Liujia Evil Talisman. If you encounter any problems in the future, you can call the office of the ghost catching team at any time. There are guys on duty 24 hours a day."

Considering that the rat demon might have some accomplices, Meng Fan decided to leave a yellow talisman behind. Anyway, he could draw as many as he wanted at an auspicious time, using just some cinnabar and chicken blood.

After saying that, a business card was handed over along with the talisman. It was very simple, only the name of the department and the phone number.

"But I want private contact information..."

(End of this chapter)

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