Chapter 250 Finally meeting Li Ang
Get the bodies out before nightfall.

Then the coffins were mobilized, various magical instruments were prepared to suppress them, and then they were sent to the new prison for detention.

It took more than two hours here and there.

In terms of efficiency, there is no doubt about it.

It was about nine o'clock.

Seeing all the photography equipment being taken over by his own people, Meng Fan couldn't help stretching.

Who would have thought that a random column would provoke a female ghost of this level?
It's considered a disaster for Chen Jiaju.

In addition, it can also be reflected from the side that the situation on Hong Kong Island, which has only improved for a short time, is deteriorating again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey, they say that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Why are there no talented people applying for the job?"

After inspecting the new office area and settling a case, Meng Fan shook his head and sighed with emotion. Then he took off his coat and handed it to his wife:

"You haven't had dinner. I'll treat you to a midnight snack. I heard there's a good chicken soup restaurant nearby."

Amin, who had been waiting in the car outside for a while, nodded, looking quite sensible.


If Hong Kong Island can calm down, even if it is only a dozen or 20 days, Meng Fan did not hesitate and immediately took his wife on vacation.

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go.

Of course, it was this idea that provided Meng Fan with an idea, but he had to wait until the time was right and sufficient police force was available.

Two days later, in the evening.

Police Building, sixteenth floor.

Office of the Inspector.

The phone is on speakerphone.

"Sir Meng, there is news about the Li Ang you were following before. He called and asked for a re-interview and asked us who is available here."

Hearing this, Meng Fan, who was concentrating on approving various documents, immediately put down his pen and replied:

"at any time."

"Is he still talking to the operator? Transfer it to me immediately."

Good things are hard to come by.

Meng Fan, who was thirsty for talents, felt that after he traveled back in time, besides getting married, something exciting finally happened.


A slightly childish voice came from the receiver. After all, Li Ang himself is at most seventeen or eighteen years old now.

"Hello, when can we arrange a re-interview? If it takes too long, those people may come over again."

those people?
Presumably a reference to a mental hospital.

With his thoughts turning rapidly, Meng Fan replied:

"Now is the right time. Come to the police building. Forget it, where are you now? I'll send my guy to pick you up."

"The person wearing black clothes and holding a pot of flowers in the Duojiali Nightclub on Bollan Street in Yau Ma Tei is me."

"Okay, we'll be there in half an hour."

The microphone was immediately put down. Meng Fan, who walked out of the office quickly, passed by the wiring area. He first said hello to Amin and asked her to go to a nearby porridge shop for a late-night snack at nine o'clock. Then, he took the stairs and quickly went downstairs.

To be honest, he didn't understand Li Ang's choice of meeting place.

Bo Lan Street was built in the early years of the Republic of China, and has a history of more than [-] years. It is extremely densely populated and is considered one of the most prosperous business districts in Hong Kong.

Therefore, the street, which is about two kilometers long, is dotted with dozens of nightclubs, clock hotels, mahjong parlors, theaters, restaurants and restaurants...

It is a paradise in the eyes of ordinary citizens, especially men.

At the same time, it is also favored by the Young and Dangerous. After all, prosperous business means plenty of money and money. The major gangs in Hong Kong movies have appeared here too many times to count.

Prosperity and chaos.

These two words can say it all.

Frankly speaking, this is the first time Meng Fan has set foot in this place since he came to this world. After taking a serious look at it, it is indeed called the Golden Cave.

Since there were some basic magic weapons in the back seat and the surroundings were crowded, after parking the sports car on the outside, he asked the traffic police on duty to help keep an eye on it before heading towards the destination.

"I hope this trip won't be in vain."

Naturally, Li Ang is included among the talented people that he yearns for, but he is a bit out of bounds... The upper limit is not clear.

Lower limit, can't tell.

Since he had not changed his clothes, Meng Fan immediately became the center of attention in the nightclub as soon as he entered the venue. The street boys watching the scene looked as if they were petrified with cigarettes in their mouths.

"Such a young chief inspector? I choose!"


"Raid inspection? Impossible! Just one policeman and plainclothes police?! Come on, come on, where are the guys selling goods in the place? Let them get out of here."

Where there is white, there is black. Meng Fan will not cross the line to interfere with the affairs of other departments.

I think back when I first came to Hong Kong Island, I was transferred from the Central and Western District, which has the most rich people and the most prosperous district in Hong Kong, to a remote subdivision——

It looks like he was promoted, but he was actually demoted.

Because he dared to fight hard, he solved an illegal smuggling case of ice powder.

Is there something fishy in it?
Which society leader's goods did you sweep?

Later, Meng Fan became more discerning, dealt with both gods and ghosts, and was involved in various important cases, so he didn't bother to pursue it anymore.

"I only care about you
Willing to infect your breath
How often in life can you gain a close friend and lose the power of your life? So I beg you.

don't let me leave you

I can't feel anything but you
A trace of affection. "

Step inside.

On the stage, a female singer wearing a light red cheongsam was singing a cover of Teresa Teng's famous song.

Warm-colored lighting makes the environment dim and ambiguous. Men and women are paired up on the dance floor, and the booths are even more lively. There are bursts of coquettishness, making people feel like they are on the beach.

Obviously, Meng Fan's low-key arrival did not attract much attention, nor did it interrupt the nightclub's lively atmosphere.

In such an environment, it is not easy to find a single person.

As soon as Meng Fan glanced around, he saw a man in black sitting with a potted plant.

At the same time, Li Ang seemed to be aware of it and subconsciously raised his eyes.

Star Lord.

Star Master with a childish face.

Even though he had seen so many Hong Kong stars, and his junior brother had a kingly face, Meng Fan was still a little happy after seeing Li Ang.


Looking at the hand handed to him, Li Ang immediately took it and mumbled: "Lily just told me that you are very strong. Do you want to say hello to her?"

The eyes of the law are opened.

Meng Fan looked at the pot of flowers attentively, and immediately noticed the clue, and said with a smile: "Hello."

In response, Lily nodded anthropomorphically, and at the same time a faint mental wave came into her mind, releasing kindness.

Plants and trees become refined!

I can't say how powerful he is, otherwise he would just speak directly, but his spiritual sense is very keen, and he can be regarded as the best helper around the spirit remover.

However, Meng Fan was still more interested in Li Ang and wanted to know the scope of his abilities, what level of ghosts he could deal with, and what his upper limit was.

"Are you the interviewer?"


Li Ang didn't seem to recognize the police rank and couldn't understand the value of the three flowers.

Or, simply don’t care about worldly power.

His expression was unusually calm.

"Sorry, I'm very poor, so I can only buy you a beer with ice."

"It's okay, the police force has special funds, and our consumption tonight is within the scope of reimbursement."

While they were chatting, two four-eyed guys in vests and bow ties were smiling, and they leaned over and interrupted: "Sir, you look so cool, do you need any help? Police? When the people cooperate, we become a family.”

 Kavin...I'm going to update the old book first, and sort out the follow-up development tonight. If you have any Hong Kong stories you want to see, you can leave a message. Later, we will develop the Wanwan dungeon, the Thai dungeon, and the South Korean dungeon.

  ps. There is a very important character, Dragon Snake. This one needs to be at the back. It would be too inconsistent to appear in a modern dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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