Chapter 259 Cursing through the TV?

The prison is getting busier and busier.

All kinds of ghosts were imprisoned.

Under the circumstances, public security is getting better day by day. At the same time, various fake masters are also using their banners to cheat and deceive, and then they are hit hard.

Meng Fan had never been used to the evil gods' obscene priests, lest these guys come up with something difficult to deal with and cause unnecessary trouble and crisis.

As for those formal Dharma sects, as long as they do not discredit their own ancestors and teachings, they can just let it go and leave it to the believers to identify and make their own decisions.

Anyway, the Taoist brothers at Xuanzhen Temple are already very busy. As the Taoist temples built with the help of the Chamber of Commerce are completed, they have to allocate manpower to take charge of various matters——

If he hadn't adhered to the principle of "better than indiscriminate", he would have recruited many disciples long ago.

In contrast, Meng Fan did have a little leisure time. Finally, he no longer had to deal with various cases day and night. He was either in meetings every day, drinking tea, spending time with his wife, and occasionally refining elixirs to ensure that there were no mistakes in the general direction.

"It's almost time for the plan to be implemented."


Naihe plans are often meant to be broken.

When the relevant details were worked out and they were just waiting for an order to be implemented, the first brother approached Meng Fan.

"Taipei? What's the purpose of issuing a co-investigation letter to us..."

The files were flipped.

Meng Fan frowned, not because the case was too complicated and tricky, but because he didn't have any valuable information, and only said that a bizarre serial murder happened there.

Currently known:

The chairman of a company died mysteriously while wrapped in a blanket. The cause of death was drowning, and the medical examiner also removed small ice crystals from his nostrils.

The mistress of a congressman had just come out of the shower and suddenly called the police to report that there was a fire in her home. As a result, there were no signs of burning at all, but the autopsy report showed that she was indeed burned by the flames and died of dehydration.

The stomach of a church priest was cut open and his organs were taken out. The murderer carefully cleaned them, stuffed them back into his belly, and sewed them up in a mysterious stitching style.

Is there an inevitable connection between them?

Meng Fan didn't know. Maybe the police over there made a mistake, but there was a high probability that something supernatural was involved.

There is no need to mention the first two.

The disemboweled priest at the's hard not to be reminded of a man named Jack in the Victorian era.

Of course, what worries Meng Fan the most is the stitching. How mysterious is it?
"These guys just ask for help. They hide it and refuse to attach pictures."

"Are you interested in going there?"

"But what's going on here..."

"Don't worry, I've read the schedule. It's very complete. There will be no mistakes if you leave it to your junior brothers and them to complete it."

Brother Yi heard that this matter was interesting and immediately added:
"You don't have to always put the burden on yourself, let them experience it too. After the Spring Festival, I will grant you a long vacation with double pay, and take your wife to make up for your honeymoon."


Meng Fan thought about how when he first met Jin McGee, his personality and handling style were indeed too out of the ordinary compared to now.

As for the reason, it is precisely after experiencing various exercises.


There are no particularly troublesome things on Hong Kong Island, and Meng Fan also knows in his heart that his business pressure has been almost zero in the recent period, so he simply hands over the power to his junior brothers and the others.

Acting according to the plan, Jin McGee, Dasha, and Ayun will lead the colleagues in the department to successfully complete this event.

"By the way, you can bring a few assistants. After all, we are also handling cases across regions, so the scene cannot be too simple."

"Whether it's round-trip air tickets, hotel stays or meals, they will be reimbursed in full."

Brother Yi's words echoed in his ears.

After leaving the office, Meng Fan thought about this issue seriously. It was best for his wife to stay on Hong Kong Island, even if she completed the relevant training, because of the dangerous location of this trip.Junior and junior sisters have to preside over the overall situation, let alone act rashly...

As a result, there are very few options.

The number one follower, the reliable Chen Jiaju.

The new little brother Li Ang.

Ahao, the dragon and tiger martial artist.

"Jiaju, you take Ahao to apply for a passport. We will go to Taipei tomorrow afternoon."

Soon, Meng Fan made a decision.

The reason why I didn't bring Li Ang was because I wanted to add a defensive force to Hong Kong Island, and this guy is usually normal, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, when he goes out to work across regions... safety is the priority.

Villa area.

"I'm finally home, but unfortunately I can only rest for one day. I have to fly out tomorrow morning."

Meng Fan sighed as he got out of the car, feeling that he was almost synonymous with rescuing people in need.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Amin leaning on the sofa and watching TV. TVB martial arts dramas are currently popular. Although the various special effects are not comparable to those of later generations, they are better than the seriousness of the actors and the hard work of the crew.

"Honey, you're back, are you hungry?"

"It's still early, don't rush, let's watch a show together first."

Sooner or later, the business trip had to be mentioned, but Amin was obviously happy now, so he decided to wait a little longer and bring it up briefly in the evening, promising to go home early.

Ever since, Meng Fan hugged his wife and watched a costume drama, enjoying the rare warmth and leisure.

After a while, the episode ended. Amin stood up with a smile and went to work in the kitchen. Meng Fan sighed helplessly, wondering when and how to say it better.

After all, it was the first time to travel far, so it was easy for her to feel worried.

At the same time, use the remote control to adjust the channel.

Since the home is equipped with a satellite pot, many programs from other regions can also be received.

Switching back and forth between countless channels.

Meng Fan, who was feeling a little irritable due to guilt, suddenly stopped his fingers. He saw a decent-looking woman on the TV, making strange hand gestures and speaking plausibly:
"Fire Buddha Xiu Yi, Xin Sa..."

An uncomfortable breath permeated the whole body, one of the statues of the ancestors enshrined in the main hall opened his eyes, and he was no longer as kind as before.


Using a TV show to spread a curse?
This woman is so vicious.

Across the TV screen and with his profound knowledge, Meng Fan was naturally not afraid of such things, but he was surprised by such underhanded tactics.

I glanced at the station logo in the upper left corner of the TV. It was not from Hong Kong Island...

"Dear viewers, that's it for today's program. Thank you for watching. In order to help you get out of fear, Ruonan is here to send blessings to everyone again. You can read it with me."

"Fire Buddha Xiu Yi, Xin Sa..."

What a poisonous woman.

At this moment, Meng Fan, who was lying on the sofa, had already sat up straight, his brows furrowed into the character "Sichuan", and he was analyzing based on the limited information.

This woman should be Chinese.

Judging by her accent, she came from the Treasure Island area. She hosted some kind of horror and ghost talk show, and deliberately said the curse was a blessing.

If the audience in front of the TV hears this sentence, their fortune will decline and there will be bloody disasters;
If you read it along, whether silently or out loud, you will be stared at by something strange.

Preaching for the evil god?
It was these guys that Master Zhang Tian defeated back then!

 Regarding the time and background of the movies "Two Eyes" and "The Curse", the author will not tell you all the spells in "The Curse", so you can watch it with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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