Chapter 268 The Buddha Mother Appears
The punishment of amputating one's hand!

In Meng Fan's eyes, ordinary people's flesh and blood bodies are too weak. There is no need to touch the opponent's entity. By waving his torso, he can use the wind to cause effective damage within a few steps.

Now, Li Ruonan's hands, which were used to form seals and curse everyone, were completely broken.

If you send it to the hospital for filming, the professional doctor will definitely sigh:

Why send it here like this?
It extends from the fingers upwards and is broken all the way to the upper arm. Judging from the appearance, it is abnormally twisted.

But even so, Li Ruonan fainted without pain, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and repeated crazily:

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi..."

In the shadow that appeared behind her, something strange appeared, like a spider protruding its limbs.

"Thousand-Hand Guanyin? Haha."

His tone was full of disdain.

If the evil spirit behind the scenes really touched another realm and was unable to defeat it, how could it be so timid now that it still doesn't dare to reveal its true form?

Furthermore, with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, which is contaminated by the power of incense and blessed by divinity, why should we be afraid of mere evil spirits?
Meng Fan was about to control his power and break the poisonous woman's teeth without killing her, causing her to lose the ability to speak, when suddenly the bedroom door opened.

A little girl came out.

He looked only five or six years old, with a pale face and a strange expression, and his shawl hair seemed to be floating.

Point out with your fingertips.

Suddenly, Meng Fan disappeared on the spot, and the next moment he appeared in front of Duoduo, stretched out a finger that condensed the pure thunder attribute, and touched her forehead.

There is no burnt smell, and there is no sight of blood and flesh splattering. This is only for the incorporeal evil spirits.

Almost at the same time, blue veins popped out on Duoduo's forehead and cheeks, as dense as a spider web, and her eyes were particularly vicious. She screamed and uttered waves of vague words, which were undoubtedly curses.

However, evil does not prevail over good.

The so-called curse was shattered by the roar of the dragon without even getting close, and was easily resolved invisibly, without Meng Fan having to use any additional means.

The file shows:

This girl is very poor.

He lost his father when he was young, his mother was evil-minded, and she also suffered from mental illness. Judging from the current situation, he was poisoned before he was born and was cursed by evil spirits.

Of course, the actual situation must be even worse. Meng Fan knew all this.

When he was slightly distracted, an evil wind hit him from behind. Li Ruonan, who was huddled on the ground and unable to move, launched an attack like a wild beast with the support of an unknown force.

back kick.

A mediocre back kick.

This woman relived the experience of being a cannonball, and her whole body smashed into the wall, leaving countless cracks behind her.

"Instead of possessing him, it's better to reveal his real body and let's meet head-on."

Meng Fan lowered his head very confidently and looked towards an inconspicuous corner further away.

There was a small pile of maggots there.

Its function is similar to that of a clone, monitoring the mother and daughter. Meng Fan knows the function of these things because he has studied "Maoshan Secret Book of Evil Cure: Gu Chong Chapter".

A kind of clone that can share vision with its owner, and can also carry some power at critical moments.

This is also how the blindness at night is used.


An obscure voice penetrated into my mind. It was not offensive, it was just elaborating.The evil spirit who called herself the "Big Black Buddha Mother" told Meng Fan that Li Ruonan was about to have a miscarriage and her blood had already flowed out. She only managed to survive with her help. According to the original contract, the girl named Duoduo should be his. all.

"Tell me to mind my own business?"

"You deserve it too."

While whispering, Meng Fan gave an answer.

Duoduo is now in a coma, but her condition is much better than before. The Gu worms in her body have long been destroyed by lightning, and only part of the curse, like gangrene attached to the bones, still remains.

After all, this was something that had been rooted in her body long before she was born into the world, and it would take some time to pull it out completely.

For Meng Fan, this matter is a bit unnecessary. Why not kill that big black Buddha Mother?

She is the source of the curse, and if she is simply erased, there will be no more trouble.

Also, Buddha Mother?
In Tibetan legend, there is a Peacock King Ming, who has boundless magical power.

In addition, there is also the mother of Chunti Buddha, who is called the Subduing Vajra. Because she is the mother of all the deities of the Lotus Division, the word "Mother of Buddha" is added, and the secret name is: The Supreme Vajra.

How dare a mere evil spirit touch the words "Porcelain Buddha Mother"?
Is it true that those monks who claim to be vegetarians, smile at everyone, and call Amitabha Buddha with kind faces are easy to talk and don't kill?
Faced with Meng Fan's provocation, the Great Black Buddha Mother made no response. Those inconspicuous maggots were quickly drying up, as if their vitality had been sucked out.

As for where?

An evil ghost with a big belly, a head covered with blood, and several pairs of arms took shape. She seemed not to be born in this country, and she spoke stumblingly:

"You...are not from the Chen family, why...are you going against me?"

"At the beginning, I used the power of the curse to devour people and complete the family... Now is the time to pay off the debt..."

The voice was eerie and staccato.

But this was enough for the experienced Meng Fan to speculate. The Ming Dynasty had implemented a sea ban a long time ago, and the demand for trade, and even the enviable profits, were bound to make some people take risks and go to Southeast Asia.

Sailing is naturally accompanied by cultural exchanges, so many strange and weird things will be brought back!

Where there is no Zhang Tianshi cutting down mountains and destroying temples, what kind of things will breed?

Meng Fan, who has been based in Hong Kong Island for a long time, often sees celebrities sneaking to Southeast Asia.Make something that is not on the market, play Gumantong.

Borrowing luck from ghosts, it is a good thing to be unlucky in your own old age, and it is not guaranteed to affect future generations.

I don’t know why, but the great black Buddha Mother who usurped the title of Buddha was used by the ancestor of the Chen family to curse and kill his competitors. After that, his descendants were constantly attacked.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door was kicked open.

Ah Hao hurried over and saw the big black Buddha lying in the middle of the living room. He raised his hand and shot three times.

Thanks to Meng Fan's formation map that had been used to secure the area in advance, no matter what kind of fighting broke out, the neighbors would not be alerted. Otherwise, the police district phone number would have been blasted by panicked citizens.

The cinnabar bullets almost formed a line, and hit the center of the eyebrows of the Great Black Buddha Mother one after another, causing waves of shock, and because of the red hijab blocking it, it was impossible to see what effect it had.

Just when Ahao was about to throw his personal talisman and launch an attack with his own yang energy, lightning pierced the dim room.

Dark purple sky thunder flew out from Meng Fan's fingertips. This time it was not a seal or removal of poison, but a pure attack.

Everything is fast.

The Big Black Buddha Mother seemed to think that there was still more to talk about, and did not realize that they would be so decisive in their actions. After the lightning hit the target, it immediately came out of the body.

The huge and strange phantom of the Buddha split into countless textures, clicked, and turned into fragments all over the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the fragments turned into corpses of various poisonous insects.

If a Buddhist cultivator saw this scene, he would probably break his power immediately and roar at the mighty dragon, but a mere evil spirit would blaspheme their faith like this.

(End of this chapter)

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