Chapter 272 Trial
Streams of black mist poured out from the hole.

The already loose seal could not block the Great Black Buddha Mother. Otherwise, she would not be able to remotely monitor and scare Li Ruonan and Duoduo.

Because of this, he was not completely ignorant of what happened outside Chenjiacun.

As long as there is no problem in the brain, one can guess that the reason why the Buddha Mother was able to completely break the seal and return to freedom was largely due to Meng Fan's deliberate indulgence.

However, he obviously has the ability.

Because of the fear of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, the Big Black Buddha Mother did not rush out of the sealed place immediately, but stayed inside and continued to pretend to be dead.

But when Meng Fan saw that she refused to come out no matter what, he immediately pointed it out.

Low-level spells such as the Fire Cloud Curse are used by Taoist masters with real names. Not only can they be cast instantly, but they are also quite powerful. They immediately turn into a condensing fire dragon and crash into the cave. .

This scene... was far better than the explosion of the yellow talisman.

Huang Huotu, who had been driven away by Chen Jiaju and Ah Hao, had arrived at the entrance of the village with a face full of astonishment.

The sky is full of fire!

Are all my colleagues in Hong Kong cultivating immortality?
To be honest, Huang Huotu had felt that Meng Fan had an unusual origin through his narration. Later, he witnessed the speed with which he leapt across the restaurant, and had a rough understanding of it. Now...

"Just get used to it. I'm afraid there will be a bigger scene soon."

Chen Jiaju shook his head, pointed to the two cars parked nearby, and added: "Let's continue to retreat. There is a hill one kilometer away."

"Let's go." Ahao said concisely.

Regarding the high-definition video materials of Meng Fan's suppression of Chu Renmei, although not all of them have been released to the public, the ghost hunting team has already organized and watched several sessions, and the formation map can cover the entire reservoir——

Half a hectare.

This is already a very exaggerated range. As Meng Fan moves, he will take over the dominance of the area around him, that is, occupying the right time and location, plus his own speed...

For a moment, Ahao thought that he should retreat more based on this.

In the cave.

Insect corpses fell like rain, the fire dragons were wiped out bit by bit by the black air, and the arms of the big black Buddha Mother, which were cut off and hung up with red threads, showed signs of melting to varying degrees.

But even so, the Buddha statue still made no move to be born, just like an old tree taking root.

Seeing that the fire failed to force the mouse out, Meng Fan frowned slightly, but was not in a hurry.

Kun word - soil river car.

River cart: Carry rotation.

For practitioners, it refers to the flow of Qi in the body. For example, in the mythical and strange novel "Journey to the West", the three forces of Chechi Kingdom and the Bull Demon King of the Flame Mountain correspond to the three forces of Chechi and Tongtianru in the practice river car respectively. white ox cart with roof.

And the Kun hexagram corresponds to the image of the earth!

Under the command of Meng Fan, the Tuhe chariot was not only capable of earth-shaking and reclamation of mountains and seas, but it could at least disturb the peace of an earthbag.


Smoke and dust were flying all over the sky, like a sandstorm. During this period, a strange Buddha statue was pushed up.

This was as impressive as the eight-carriage sedan chair. Meng Fan used two moves and finally invited the big black Buddha Mother up.

It's a pity that she does look scary. Not to mention compared to other ladies, even the dark-skinned and abstract-looking earthy Yuan is prettier——

Especially after the red hijab was completely lost in the turbulence of the earth's veins, and the head full of holes was exposed.

Empty the rotten watermelon?
Gums with empty teeth?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with these associations. There is a hole at the top of the metal statue where the head should be. The wall of the hole is full of flesh, and there are countless small holes densely packed on it, shaped like a lotus pod with maggots.

"It turns out I know I'm ugly, so I'm embarrassed to come out and scare people." Meng Fan joked.At the same time, perform a knot with one hand.

Shock - 36 square thunder methods.

The meaning of 36 Leibu Zhengshen.

Huang Huotu, who had been unable to see the battle clearly because of the gloomy sky, suddenly felt that his eyes were blurred and he almost lost his balance.

Dark purple thunder pierced the night sky, one after another, all striking the abominable hollow head of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

This is a test.

If the opponent can't even sustain the spell, there's no need to use the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Of course, Meng Fan felt that she should be able to make it through. After all, the gods will not be indiscriminate. Since he let himself take away the emperor's weapon, it will definitely come in handy later...

Just as he was thinking about it, the Buddha Mother reattached her broken arm and let out a roar, which was no different from the evil intention displayed by the statue.

I saw black energy spurting out all over the sky to resist the powerful thunders that were superimposing on each other.

It's a pity that there is no geometric exponential increase...

It is true that when Meng Fan was released, he relied on the power of the Canopy Ruler he carried with him, and the blessing of the wood and thunder elements in the Bagua Five Elements Diagram, and it was consistent with the number of days. It was still not possible to achieve this level, but the power was only half a point stronger than the previous one.

Over time, the collision ends.

With the cooperation of believer Li Ruonan, the seal was completely broken, and the Buddha Mother, who also absorbed the power of faith through the TV program, successfully survived the "Thunder Tribulation".

However, it is a man-made creation. Even if you get through it, you will not achieve a breakthrough in realm, but will suffer a certain degree of harm.

Harmful but not beneficial.

Today, her reattached arm not only has burn marks but also numerous cracks.

The shower head, which was originally filled with ominous and sinister powers of curse, was scorched black in different degrees in various areas, and no black mist gushed out anymore...

The Mother Buddha was extremely fast. She didn't give herself any time to breathe after she passed through the tribulation, so she immediately attacked her, because what stood in front of her was, after all, a human tribulation!

The next moment, the waving arm was blocked.

Possessed by Gengjin energy, Meng Fan turned his palm into a sword. After completing the block, he immediately cut off the metal Buddha arm and let it fall.

The Buddha Mother seemed to be incapable of fighting, or was too weak, so she used her other arms that were still intact to throw a bastard fist.

As the saying goes, one punch is hard to beat with four hands.

Meng Fan, holding a sword in one hand, finally waved the magic weapon and accepted the incense offered by the mortal soldiers for decades. Under the blessing of the godhead, bursts of dragon roars could be heard.

with no doubt.

Metal fragments scattered.

In the blink of an eye, only the body of the so-called Great Black Buddha Mother was left, like a human pig.

Meng Fan stared at the head and abdomen, focusing on the latter. This evil spirit with a big belly is probably the evil spirit of mother and child, that is:
She was pregnant during her lifetime, and died before giving birth due to some evil reasons. The combination of resentment and evil spirits formed an extremely vicious pattern.

Then it was obtained by a heretic with evil intentions in Southeast Asia. This guy molded a bronze body with four different shapes according to the shape of Tantric Buddha statues, and also made some kind of reverse lotus gesture.

After that, the Big Black Buddha Mother accepted worship from believers, and the metal head gradually transformed into the present organ with a face similar to the birth canal. Finally, it fell into the hands of the ancestor of the Chen family, who used it to curse competitors and make a fortune.

When his thoughts suddenly changed, the evil spirit Buddha Mother, who could not formally fight against Meng Fan, had given up the head-on collision and spoke plausibly.

Unlike the poisonous woman Li Ruonan, this curse comes from the source and looks particularly fierce...

(End of this chapter)

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