Chapter 292 Landing
"There were some strange things before the business trip, and then the frequency became more and more frequent."


Meng Fan rested his head on the back of the seat. Since it was a first-class cabin, there was definitely enough space. It would be no problem to just lie down and sleep. He closed his eyes and said:
"You can ask Dasha about this. There are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"Yeah." Ahao nodded.


more than an hour later.

The plane is slightly delayed.

"Hey, hey, boss, look over there."

Chen Jiaju was holding the suitcase with one hand and pushing Meng Fan's waist with the other hand.

"Well, I saw it."

"The two of them have had nothing to do recently and want to experience the various customs and customs of the new era."

It was Fang Xianzi and Xie Yali.

For some reason, the two did not buy first-class tickets and chose the relatively quiet and spacious business class.

After waving from afar and saying hello, Meng Fan led his two younger brothers out of the airport, found the scooter that had been parked there before the business trip, started it, and thought about things.

"Don't make an appointment for dinner? It's so beautiful."

Chen Jiaju's face was full of envy. This kind of real fairy would only have an intersection with the boss.


Meng Fan said helplessly: "They have my personal phone number. If there is a problem, they will notify me in time."

Not only do I know the number, I even have my home address.

To be honest, Meng Sir did not want the two of them to come over. He was not worried about Amin misunderstanding. There was really no story between them, and they were just pure Taoist friends.

The main reason is that Xiao Xie drives too hard and gets drunk. In addition, his family is relatively ordinary and far from the fairy-like style of the world.

in short.

Rather feel inferior.

You know, on the day Xie Yali was transformed into an immortal, Meng Fan didn't even bring any gifts. He just ate and drank all kinds of immortal brews and spiritual fruits for two days and two nights.

Coupled with the several Taoist magical powers that I had previously acquired for free.

It's really hard to's just a convenience after all.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan speeded up the car slightly. He was going to go home and start refining the elixir. This was the only one he could use at the moment.

Isn’t it necessary to send magic cards?

These are all tools for protecting the Tao, and are exclusive to individuals. What's more, the two sisters have both achieved immortality, so these things are needed.

"Boss, just put me at the intersection ahead. It's not far from home, just a few steps away."

With that said, Chen Jiaju handed over a written report, and all he needed to do was stamp it and Meng Fan could take a 20-day paid vacation.

During this period, unless there is a special emergency or there is a pre-holiday meeting of the police community, all time will be at your disposal. Even if you go abroad for vacation, there is no problem. You can report it in advance and leave your contact information, and you can give it to the leader for signature. .

As for whether Meng Fan will stop it.

The answer is definitely: no.

As for where Chen Jiaju wants to travel, it depends on his girlfriend A Mei's wishes. It is probably to various countries in Southeast Asia.

Although Hong Kong Island is not particularly cold in winter, around [-] degrees Celsius is considered significant, but it is certainly not as cold as Thailand and other places whose latitudes are closer to the equator.

"What about you?"

After Chen Jiaju got out of the car, Meng Fan turned his eyes to Ahao and heard the answer before he could speak:
"I plan to go back to the dormitory to rest for a day and stay at the headquarters as normal during the Spring Festival."

"Okay, starting from today, your salary will be tripled. On the day of the Spring Festival, I will notify the finance department to send you a red envelope."

After all, it is a special department. Even if the overall situation is good, the holidays cannot be completely relaxed.

To be honest, Meng Fan was still struggling with how to arrange the Spring Festival duty schedule. He didn't expect Ahao to be so enlightened that he actually offered to stay behind.

"Then let's go to the police building first, meet with Brother No. [-], and then return to the office area."

"it is good."

Ahao nodded, pulled out the cigarette lighter, and started puffing away.

Meng Fan had been acquiescing to this for a long time without any complaints, even though he was not addicted to smoking, let alone had any need for it.


After receiving a few words of verbal praise and accepting the hint that he could look forward to the end of the year conference, Meng Fan drove back to the exclusive office area of ​​the ghost catching team.

"The prison is almost full." "Yes, if we hadn't executed some of the guys and handed over their souls to the underworld, there would be no place to stay."

Kim McGee and Dasha sing along.

The two of them didn't mention the other dharma lineages causing trouble, and Meng Fan didn't bother to ask. As long as his brothers didn't suffer, they deserved it if a few of them were killed on the spot.

"Where's Junior Sister?"

"I've been on vacation for two days. I occasionally come to the office to sit and sit. I also have a travel brochure in my hand. It seems that I plan to go to Thailand for vacation."

After saying that, Jin McGee asked curiously: "Brother, forget about other people, when are you going to take your sister-in-law on vacation? I heard from the above that you and Amin must not be on the duty list at the end of the year. It's too hard, and you must have annual leave plus marriage leave. stop."

so good?
Meng Fan was a little moved after hearing this.

"Who's on duty then?"


Jin McGee patted his chest and said, "After having New Year's Eve dinner with my mother, and then wishing Master and his family a happy New Year, there's nothing left to do."


Some time ago, if I wasn't having a heated fight with Miss Bai Fumei Jian, why would I...

As his thoughts whirled around, Meng Fan stopped thinking about it.

Don't ask other people's personal questions unless necessary.

"What do you think?"

"You can go anywhere."

Dasha smiled and added: "I am an orphan. I have an extra project this year. In the meantime, I wish Master a Happy New Year."

"Then just listen to my arrangements then."


At this time, a playful voice came from outside the office, and Ayun said with a smile: "Brother, you are finally back, how is it? Everything goes well."

"Smooth, smooth."

After saying that, his eyes shifted slightly and fell into her hands. As Kim McGee said, they were really several Thailand travel guides.

"How about we go on vacation together after the festival? I have already agreed with Sister Min."

Ayun said happily.

His wife agreed... Meng Fan was quietly puzzled, but was soon dismissed.

Some time ago, they did take some time to talk on the phone. Later, after Xie Yali completed his military disbandment, he went to the cave to have a banquet. There was no signal there.

Later, I and my group directly booked flights for the return trip, so we didn’t think too much about it.

It seems that the decision was made at that time...


After figuring out the key, Meng Fan readily agreed. You should know that after the Spring Festival and the vacation, he would leave for other worlds. The return date has not yet been determined, and he must follow his wife's wishes.

"Where are the Amin people?"

"I just had a vacation. Chief Ashin approved it."

Listening to Ayun's words, Meng Fan smiled and said, "That's it. I'll ask for leave from my uncle soon."

Others ask for leave.

I asked my immediate boss to ask for leave.

There is no need to worry about being delayed. Uncle Ashin is happy to see him take leave at home, both in business and private matters.

"I'll trouble you this year."

"What did senior brother say? This year I am on duty, but next year and the year after that it will be your turn. Anyway, there is only one mother at home."

Jin McGee smiled calmly: "When you are on vacation, don't forget to bring some local specialties to Master and me."

"rest assured."

Not long after, Ayou, who was picking his feet while looking at the door, opened the door and watched Meng Fan drive away with a smile on his face.

 A few chapters of daily transition, and then the Thailand copy, and then time travel again after writing. The protagonist has no future if he relies on his strength, which is a bit superficial.

  ps. Do you have any recommendations?If you don't say it, it will be gone.

  ps. Let’s start updating tomorrow. I’m a little busy today. I finished writing the old book and updated it at almost [-] o’clock. I just want to go to bed early and adjust my schedule. I need to organize the outlines of both books.


(End of this chapter)

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