Chapter 305 Closing the Cause and Effect
In the continuous rain, a group of four people came to the small town and entered the temple.

"Donate money?"

“Which donor wants to donate money?!”

"The poor monk is here!"

"Ah, how could it be you!"

"You...don't come here!"

In the middle of the year, the monk, who was half-baked, was startled. Finally, Dasha ruthlessly suppressed him in front of the Buddha statue. He began to sit cross-legged on the ground and gradually calmed down.

"Just leave it to the generals. There is nothing we can do. The Buddhist temple is in disrepair for a long time. This is what it looks like during the rainy season."

Meng Fan and others could not understand Thai, so they just nodded silently and returned the all-powerful Savadika gesture to express their goodwill.

later on...

Dasha began to communicate with him, translating a few words from time to time to tell the three of them roughly what they had just talked about, to increase the sense of participation and avoid being too boring.

The Buddhist temple did not suffer any disaster.

As Amin had guessed before, the siphon phenomenon in big cities means that the cheap labor force working in agriculture is quickly sucked away, leaving only some old people and lonely ghosts, and the incense naturally declines.

Without money, there are no monks.

After all, a master also has to eat and deal with reality. In the past ten years, he either left secular life and went to work in Bangkok, or went to temples in other areas to earn a living.

Finally one person was left.

Nan Shen, who was originally the least qualified, just messed around like this and became the bare host.

However, after all, the small Buddhist temple is enough to accommodate one person. I usually plant rice behind the temple, and occasionally break the rules to catch fish or set traps to catch wild boars and sell them to make some money for incense. I can make do with it and live a comfortable life. Pass.

As for why there was such a big reaction when they first met, it was purely because Dasha looked too fierce.

This guy is young and mature. When he was a teenager, he looked like a middle-aged uncle in his 40s and 40s. Now, at [-] years old, he is still the same as before.

Back then, Dasha came to the temple to collect protection money and took away the Buddhist amulet of the old abbot, which left a deep trauma in his young mind. It is still a nightmare to this day...

"That's all you can do."

Dasha rolled his eyes, the joy on his face couldn't be suppressed at all, after all, cause and effect are not too big.

"Here are ten thousand baht."

The wallet was opened, Dasha took out a thick stack of colorful Thai baht, and without any explanation, he stuffed it into Nan Shen's hand.

"Repair the temple first, these should be enough."

"So generous, you don't want to snatch the Buddha statue, do you? Don't move!"

Nan Shen jumped up and hugged the Buddha's golden body with all his strength. He said pitifully: "It's just gold-plated, not worth anything."

"..." Dasha.

Three other looks came over at the same time. Why did it end up like this while we were talking?
Facing Meng Fan's probing eyes, Dasha smiled awkwardly. How could he be so misunderstood for such an easy-going person?

"Don't think too much. It was my fault for taking away the Buddha amulet back then. Now that I'm rich, I came here specifically to repay the temple." Dasha said as softly as possible.

"To be honest, the Buddha amulet even saved me in a haunted building last year, by the way...ahem."

The narrative voice stopped abruptly.

It's okay not to mention that unbearable past.

"Ten thousand baht, plus a check of US$30 that can be drawn at Ayutthaya Bank in Bangkok."

With that said, Dasha handed over all the things.

"Liang Qing, how are you?"

"Although I robbed the Buddha amulet, it has little impact on you, or it has no impact at all."

"The Buddhist amulet saved me. Now I'm back to help the temple tide over the difficulties. Is it a good deal?"

Have a clear conscience.

Morally speaking, barely can be considered blameless.

After all, Dasha had a low level of education and was a fool. Back then, he only knew how to fight and mix in society, and he took advantage of the situation to grab things without hurting anyone. It was a blessing.

"you sure?"

"It's not about having fun."

Nan Shen couldn't help but feel excited.

As mentioned before, the Buddha amulet is precious, but it cannot be used as food, and it did not cause any major damage when it was taken away.If Dasha, a fierce-looking guy, is really willing to give so much money, even if he doesn't have a check that can be exchanged for 30 US dollars, Nan Shen would still think it's worth just [-] baht.

too poor.

Life is hard.

If there are another few floods during the rainy season this year, the temple will no longer be open. In addition to chanting sutras and getting rid of ordinary imps, the host will have no other money-making skills. He will have to find a way to work in the city and work hard to survive...

"it is good!"

"From today on, let's clear things up!"

Seeing Dasha's gold watch shining on his wrist and his expression so serious that he didn't look like he was joking, Nan Shen took the money and agreed.

"Okay, keep the cash check safe. If anything unexpected happens, just call this number."


When the four of them left the dilapidated and leaky temple, Dasha felt relaxed and comfortable all over.

"It feels good to settle a matter of concern!"

In this regard, Meng Fan said that he could understand it. Practitioners dislike being owed favors the most.

To this day, he feels that he owes the two sisters a little, and he used his magical power for free, and suffered the Five Heart Tribulation...

Just before New Year's Eve, I refined a pot of elixir and sent it over as a belated gift.

"Come on, come on, let's have a barbecue under the roof."

"There are a lot of abandoned houses here."

At the greeting of Ayun and Amin, they set up a grill by a small river.

Raw marinated seafood.

Various quick-frozen meats and sausages.

The smell gradually drifted far away. Dasha took a jar of rice wine and frowned: "Half the town is full of ghosts. People and ghosts live together, but nothing happens."

"It's incredible."

Amin echoed, she was not a flower vase, and she didn't seem scared.

After all, after undergoing relevant training, I have been used to answering one after another about supernatural cases and sorting out the information.

That's all.

Besides, my husband is still beside me.

"As long as no one is killed, there's no need to meddle in other people's business." Meng Fan flipped the charcoal-grilled lobster.

One thing to say, I just visited a small town and the ratio between ghosts and living people was exaggerated.

If this scene were placed in Hong Kong Island, I really don’t dare to think about it. I’m afraid it would have turned into a purgatory on earth.

The result... In a small town called Phra Khanong in the countryside of Bangkok, harmony was unexpectedly achieved between humans and ghosts.

In addition, ghosts do not feel that they are ghosts and are not aware of it, and human eyes cannot detect abnormalities. In addition, there are no ghosts to harm people's lives, so the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

"Open your eyes."

Ayun said while holding his head.

Then, he shouted loudly: "Brother, I want to eat lobster."

"it is good."

Not far away, five young men wearing linen clothes and trendy hairstyles came over. They were attracted by the scent and were also looking at Amin and Ayun.

Who said the two of them are good-looking?

However, who wants their wife to be looked at and talked about like this?Meng Fan waved his hand and signaled them to leave.

Five ghosts who died in battle.

He died about 30 years ago.

He looked just like the other ghosts in the town, and he didn't realize that he had become Piao.

"It is estimated that he just finished his ignorance, recalled the past, and decided to go home from the battlefield, and did not realize that he had become a ghost."

"Oh, Bangkok has also been harmed by little devils, and many people died."

Dasha chewed on a big sizzling chicken leg and added: "What a bunch of inhumane Oriental beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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