Chapter 313 Hundred Miles of Dry Land
Spirit fruit, eat it.

Spiritual wine, drink it.

Should I help out?
After some deliberation, Meng Fan nodded and agreed.

The people around Hongze live and work in peace and contentment, and the fairies of Shuifu have not been contaminated with karma, and the two live in harmony.

This shows the nature of the latter.

Now, the other party expressed its willingness to accept the jurisdiction of the imperial court and protect the land and water, which is completely a good thing.

The weather was good and the people enjoyed the benefits.

And 200 years later, a group of water fairies ascended to the fairy world by virtue of their merits. Although their status was not as good as that of Taoists who relied on their own cultivation, they also enjoyed immortality.

When Meng Fan left Shuifu, he was seen off by shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and turtle prime minister.

The other party obviously wanted to talk about official status for his master Bing Chi, but there was no need to talk about this matter at all. It was all fixed, and he was on the same level as the local Hong Zeling.

After all, Sidu Dragon God is just the Duke of the country.

For a canonization of this level, the emperor himself does not even need to draft a decree.

"This trip should go smoothly."

"My ancestors and gods bless you."

After re-starting the road, Meng Fan headed westward, and after completely leaving Hongze territory, he found a secluded place again. Seeing that there were no water veins around, he quickly rinsed some jiao meat.

"Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too."

I did eat a lot of good things in Shuifu before, the spiritual fruit and spiritual wine were both good products, but it was a pity that someone still loved meat.

After finishing his hunger, Meng Fan went all the way through Shouzhou, crossed the Huaihe River, and entered Tangzhou. He was about to enter Gyeonggi Province and walk north for two or three days to reach Dongdu.

Of course, his trip was to Chang'an, Xijing.

"Why is this place so dry?"

After leaving the state capital, Meng Fan continued northward and felt something strange in the narrow strip of land between Dengzhou and Shangzhou. Many wild dogs and birds died on the roadside.

It is true that a mountain has four seasons and the sky is different ten miles away.

But there was no abnormality in Dengzhou and Tangzhou. On the way to Shangzhou, it turned out to be so dry.

"There's nothing wrong with the sun."

"That means it hasn't rained in too long."

Meng Fan couldn't help but frown as he murmured. In order to find out what was going on, he randomly found a bluestone slab in the field and directly took out the land.

There is no way, not everyone is Sun Dasheng. If something happens, you can just arrest the local land.

However, Meng Fan was not too polite in his writing. As the green smoke curled up, a little old man on crutches gradually emerged.

"Little old man, I have seen a real person."

"No need, what's going on here?"

"As for the rainfall, you have to ask the City God, the next little earth god." The old man hesitated.

Like this... Needless to say, it's obvious that he knows something, but he doesn't dare to say it.

"Where is the water vein here? Have you ever been granted the title of Dragon God?"

Meng Fan made insinuating remarks.

"Back to the real person, there are no big rivers between Dengzhou and Shangzhou, there are only some streams and small rivers, and they are almost all dry now."

Hearing this, Meng Fan had a vague feeling that after such a long time of leisure, something unfair was coming, and it was not a small matter.

"Who is in charge of Si Yu?"

"The City God is here to play the Huai River Dragon God."

Is there something wrong with the City God?

In the Tang Dynasty, the belief in the City God was quite common, and local officials often wrote sacrificial texts for the City God, praying for good weather and peace for the people.

However, before the mid-Tang Dynasty, the City God was a popular belief. Unless there were special circumstances, the court would not specifically canonize him, so his status was not dare you?
If this alarmed the imperial court, they would probably knock down the statue, extract the soul and beat him to death.

As his thoughts whirled, Meng Fan waved his hand, signaling the locals in this area to leave.

There is no need to embarrass a little god. He was probably just an old man nearby when he was alive. He just pointed out the stakes and let him know who to go to.

According to Taoist records, the origins of the City God can be roughly divided into five types: local officials, meritorious officials, upright people, good deeds, and supernatural powers.

Among them, local officials, Chenghuang, are mainly the first officials of a certain place, or those with a good reputation among the local people.

The hero is better understood. During the Chu-Han War, Han King Liu Bang and his tribe were besieged by the Chu army in Xingyang City. In order to save Liu Bang from the predicament, Ji Xin dressed in Liu Bang's clothes and diverted the Chu army, allowing Liu Bang to escape back. In Guanzhong, he was burned to death by the Chu army.

Therefore, Ji Xin was specially canonized as City God after his death, with a huge fiefdom and a large population under his rule.

Those who are upright and do good deeds need not say much.

The city gods of the above four origins are actually not bad, after all, the people have sharp eyes.

On the contrary, it is the last one.

The magical person Ren Chenghuang, this kind of Taoist who has the most room for manipulation and possesses magical powers during his lifetime, most likely has some relationship with the underworld...

Meng Fan did not shy away from this, and there were also scum in the Taoist sect.

Therefore, the character of this kind of city god is generally difficult to guarantee, and relying on one's own cultivation to become a fairy, there is no hope, so one simply seeks to enjoy oneself.

However, everything is just personal speculation. You have to go to the county seat to investigate in person and go into the City God's Temple to ask what is going on.

at the same time.

in the city.

After a while of blowing and beating, the subordinate staff washed a whole pig and carried it to the City God's Temple.

The county magistrate in green robe is tall and thin, looks quite upright, and is reading the document in his hand:

"The City God has no sacrificial rituals, but Wu and Yue have them. It is custom to pray for floods, droughts, and epidemics."

"In the summer of the second year of Tang Yifeng, there was no rain in June. When it rained in July, the county magistrate prayed to God."

"I made a promise with the god: if it doesn't rain for three days, the temple will be burned down! When heavy rain comes, the situation will be over. Officials and senior officials moved the temple from the north of the city to the top of the mountain to express their gratitude to the god."

This scholar is quite domineering.

It doesn't rain for three days?Burn your temple!

If heavy rains come within the specified time limit and meet the expectations of the people in the county, the local folks will build a new temple for the city god on the top of the mountain and move it from the dilapidated old temple in the north of the city.

At the moment, humanity is still very capable of fighting, and at least the local officials are not afraid of the likes of the City God.

Blue smoke rises.

Just as Meng Fan invited Tu Tu to meet him, Wen Shu was about to be sent to the City God's desk.

What will be the reply?
Not far away, Meng Fan happened to arrive and witnessed this scene with his own eyes. He was a little curious. Faced with such a tough Qipin County Magistrate and the elders in the city, the City God would definitely react immediately as long as his mind was right.

With the power of faith of tens of thousands of people and the pressure of the imperial court, the ceremony said that the temple would be destroyed in three days. This could only be done in advance, and there was no possibility of postponement or cancellation.

However, the direction of things once again exceeded our understanding.

In full view, no miracle or feedback was given.

And Meng Fanfa saw clearly that the Town God's Temple here is not dead and silent, there is a soul body made of incense and incense, and the statue of the Riyou God even sent out fluctuations, giving a clear view of the outside world.

"Everyone, please leave now and continue drilling the well deeper. We will check the situation in three days."

"Oh, if it doesn't work, I will write to the state government and ask for help from the imperial court..."

There is water left in the well today.

There is a severe drought in only one county, and the state capital can provide relief without alarming the court.

In other words.

It's not a small thing, but it's not big either.

(End of this chapter)

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