Chapter 325 Integrating into the Times
As you can tell from the name, Chengqing Hall is a place for fun and entertainment, and it is indeed the case.

Before Meng Fan arrived, there was dancing, music, food...

Nowadays, it is true that the atmosphere has relaxed, and it does have the meaning of a family dinner. Wu Zetian, who has a strong personality, asked some about the Dragon God of Huaishui, and then talked about the long and short stories back home.

However, it was too empty. Even if there were palace maids and eunuchs, it still seemed deserted.

"In the past, my only friend in the Wu family was your mother-in-law."

Wu Zetian turned her eyes to Meng Fan again, a trace of tenderness flashed across her face, and sighed: "It's a pity that this man has passed away."

When Li Lingyue, who was sitting next to her, heard this, she quickly got up, stepped on the steps, and ran back to her mother's arms, seeming to comfort her in this way.

Compared with the brothers who left the palace early, the princess who was favored and often taken by the two saints knew more things, such as:
My maternal grandfather, Samurai Yun, came from a poor family and made his fortune from lumber. He already had his first wife, Mrs. Li Shi, who later passed away due to illness. In order to improve his grandfather's status, Emperor Gaozu deliberately acted as a matchmaker and married his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Rongguo, who was from the Yang family of Hongnong, a prestigious family for thousands of years.

At that time, evil spirits were prevalent in the north, and the eldest son treated the concubine concubine of his father who died of illness like a servant, especially the younger brothers who were concubines.In some cases, when the father died, he sold his nominal mother in exchange for money, and most of the targets were his former colleagues and old friends, named:

He heard of his death in the morning and kept his concubine in the evening.

The better the relationship between friends, the more they should buy the concubines of their dead friends and enjoy them at home. Not only that, they should also compete with each other to see who bought the most.

It is true that grandmother Yang is a step-mother, her status is comparable to that of a head wife, and her family status is very high, but the environment is so bad, it is inevitable that she will be affected.

After their grandfather, Warrior Xun, died of illness, the children of the Wu family began to treat their grandmother coldly, harshly and contemptuously, especially their elders, not to mention their half-sister?

Every time Princess Taiping heard her mother talk about the past, she saw her eyes were red.

Out of admiration, in Li Lingyue's opinion, all the men in the Wu family are idiots!
At first, my mother gave them all promotions regardless of their past grievances. However, what these guys said was that they were the children of meritorious officials. They were promoted to official positions early. They were proud of being independent and enterprising, but they were ashamed of the nepotism of their half-sisters.

We should kill all the cousins ​​​​and uncles who bullied my mother and grandmother too harshly in the past. My grandfather's title is now a king because of my mother. We must not let the hypocritical Wu family inherit it, and we have to choose a grandson to inherit it!
Among them, Li Lingyue’s most intuitive feeling is that her grandmother had only one last word before she died:

Instead of being buried in the Wenshui tomb of the Wu family, he returned to the ancestral tomb of the Yang family in Hongnong and reunited with his parents and brothers in the underworld.

How much humiliation did you have to endure to refuse to be buried with your late husband after his death?

In order to fulfill her grandmother's wish, both her father and mother agreed to this matter, and specially ordered mages and ceremonial guards to welcome her grandfather's soul.

I would rather welcome my father’s spirit to accompany my mother’s tomb than return my mother’s spirit to accompany my father’s tomb!
This is Wu Zetian's hatred for those nominal brothers and sisters, but to this day, she is no longer willing to talk about it. If there are outstanding people among the Wu family's children, they may be able to support them in the future.

At the same time, Meng Fan, who prides himself on being knowledgeable enough, has only scratched the surface of this period of history and is not aware of these old events. He only remembers how ruthless and ruthless Wu Zetian was.

After confirming that the imperial edict to kill the Dragon God would be issued at the Japanese meeting, the little Taoist priest again talked about his past experiences of slaying demons.

Audience: Queen of Heaven, the princess, the prince, the two princes, and even Shangguan Wan'er.


The moon rises above the branches, and the party disperses.

"Cousin, I have a mansion in Andingfang. If you don't mind it, you can turn it into a Taoist temple."

"To be honest, I wanted to turn my home into a temple..."

At this point, Li Xian stopped talking.

In fact, he wanted to see if he could use this to ease the relationship with his mother, who was influenced by his grandmother who had died of illness and had a favorable impression of Buddhism.

Now that he thought about it seriously, the possibility was slim. It would be better to win over this strange cousin secretly.

"Thank you very much, cousin."

In the same way, Meng Fan did not want to show his side, which was the worst way to do it. After all, the emperor was not dead yet, and his aunt Wu Zetian did not show too many ambitions, so there was no need to act too hastily.

Being impartial and taking action at critical moments may yield miraculous results.

Seeing that the business was over, Zhou Wang Li Xian hurriedly jumped out and asked Meng Fan eagerly where he planned to stay tonight, and why not go to his palace to rest.

On the side, Prime Minister Li Dan also extended an invitation.But Meng Fan politely said that he wanted to visit the prince's old residence, since meditation was not very particular about place.

I want to build a Taoist temple here in the future and get familiar with the environment in advance. There is really no reason to choose.

The two kings had no choice but to give up after hearing this, but they had already promised that they would visit him often in the future.

Behind the group, Li Lingyue hid behind a stone statue and watched secretly.

The girl is pregnant.

Behind her, Shangguan Wan'er, who was ordered by the Queen to hold the lamp, was so quick-thinking. Seeing the princess act like this, she instantly saw through her thoughts.

In her opinion, Taoist Meng is absolutely handsome. I am afraid that even if I searched the entire Tang Dynasty, I would not be able to find such a person. With his mysterious and mysterious temperament, I wonder how many women in Chang'an would be emotionally troubled... …

At this moment, Meng Fan and the Li brothers were walking side by side, looking relaxed and casual. While chatting, they looked at the Tai Chi Palace: it was centered and square, but it didn't feel dull at all.

The flying bridge is elevated, and its arc shape is like a rainbow after a rain. The various patterns are natural, showing the grandeur and flexibility at the same time.

I am used to seeing reinforced concrete and neon lights, and now I look at the magnificent classical buildings. I don't feel any pretentiousness at all. Instead, I feel that it is like a noble woman, dignified but vivid, with a lasting charm...

He glanced behind him.

A figure flashed away.

Meng Fan shook his head helplessly. Although he hid quickly, he knew it was Princess Taiping and her follower Shangguan Wan'er.

The former wears an exquisite golden phoenix crown on his hair, and the exquisite decoration is lifelike.

The latter looked gentle but was actually cold. Mainly, he was a little dazed. His reaction was more than half a beat too slow. He had no time to hide, or he didn't even think about hiding. After being bumped into by him, Taiping gave a hint and hurriedly shrank his body to the dragon head stone statue. Behind the palace lantern.

too small……

Just a young girl who has just started to have a love affair.

To be honest, Meng Fan didn't want to flirt with her.

"Brother, I'm going back to the East Palace. See you tomorrow."

"Brother, go slowly."

The three spoke in unison.

Zhou Wang and Xiang Wang are both younger brothers who grew up with Li Xian, so the relationship is naturally very good.

As for Meng Fan, a distant cousin whom he had just met and who had extraordinary abilities, the prince was overjoyed to call him this in the current situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Crown Princess gave birth to a prince for him and the bloodline continued, Li Xian could not be so excited...

All the heroes in the world have come to my rescue!

Suddenly, the words that Tian Khan's grandfather once said echoed in Li Xian's ears.

 Although it is a copy of Zhiguai, most people who have read the previous book know that Pujie likes some textual research... The writing style is like this. When it comes to strange worlds and maps, he likes to establish the relationship between the characters and the historical background first, and then unfold various plots. .

  Wu Zetian is not evil, people have two sides. When she was young, she, her sister and mother were bullied by the Wu family children for a long time. She endured the hatred and entered the palace at the age of 14.

  When Yang died of illness, he also left his last words: he would not be buried with her husband, but with her father Yang Da, mother, and brother. This shows how wronged she suffered after marrying into the Wu family. She also bluntly said that if she had not taken care of her, Wu Zetian and her sister would find a temple to become monks and pray for their parents and deceased husband.

  As for the custom of bullying and selling concubines in areas north of the Yellow River after the death of fathers and uncles, it was indeed very serious at that time, so much so that Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict prohibiting it: wives above the ninth rank, concubines above the fifth rank, the husband dies. Not allowed to remarry.

  ps. Slowly heat and do not spray. The other two updates will be during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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