Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 338 Everyone is busy, go slay the dragon

Chapter 338 Everyone is busy, go slay the dragon
Is my personal understanding correct?

Are the predictions for the past year correct?

These factors make the last hexagram of "Tui Bei Tu" confusing.

To be honest, Meng Fan was quite surprised when he heard that Li Chunfeng from this world had chosen to turn his corpse into an immortal. This strange man should be an earthly immortal at worst.

"That person who speculated on the fate of the country and the general trend of the world has spent too much of his personal luck, especially his merits. He was able to successfully exhume his body only through external forces."

Old Huang shook his head and told many old stories. It turned out that not only Li Chunfeng suffered a backlash when he took office as Taishi, but Yuan Tiangang also suffered from the same.

It's just that the latter was unwilling to be dismembered, so he chose a geomantic treasure place, arranged the follow-up matters, and then took the initiative to go to the place of reincarnation, looking forward to reincarnation and rebuilding.

"The world is boundless, and I don't know where to stop."

"The cycle of the sun and the moon, again and again."

What Li Chunfeng said in the past seems to have truly glimpsed a corner of heaven, but it also seems to be just the moon in the well.

Anyway, Meng Fan used the topic to chat with Lao Huang for a while, sighed in his heart, and stopped worrying about such mysterious and mysterious issues.

Can immortals know all the mysteries of heaven?

I'm afraid I'm still searching.

"The road has no boundaries."

After leaving a few words, Meng Fan walked out of the hall. Instead of thinking about illusory things and speculating on the way of heaven without relying on his own abilities, it is better to be down-to-earth and fulfill his wish when he entered the way:


To break it down further, revitalize the Taoist sect, prolong the Tang Dynasty, become a national teacher to protect all people, use endless merits and more profound Taoist practices, and soar to the heaven with the great power of soaring into the clouds and mists.

At this moment, the rain was still falling, and the sky and the earth were dim. Officials from various ministries left the government office in twos and threes and headed towards the imperial city.

Water droplets pattered on the oil-paper umbrella, gathering into water lines and sliding down along the edge of the umbrella. There were constant sounds of laughter and conversation.

"My colleagues appreciate the honor..."


"The girls of the Shu Wu family are all like fairies. We borrowed your light from Zhang Shiba."

Spring has passed, but money can buy spring back, which is called buying spring.

At night, the doors of all the buildings are closed tightly, and Wu Hou and Jin Wuwei patrol the streets. Anyone who breaks the night will be severely punished.

Only the rich and powerful are exceptions.

Sometimes when a saint is in a good mood and encounters a major national event, he will stay with civil and military officials to have a banquet in the palace. After drinking to his heart's content, he leaves the imperial city and walks on the street. How dare the soldiers go up to reward him?
I'm afraid I think it's too long to live.

In the same way, if the officials find it boring during the long night and finally take a break, but don't want to stay in the mansion to play, they must find a way to do it.

Pingkangfang came into being.

In this place, although there are still Jinwu disciples who watch the night, they will not make it too difficult for those who commit night crimes, because they are either high-ranking officials or literati. The former has power, and the latter will soon have power and is qualified to contact them. officials.

Meng Fan heard Dr. Li say that there are no plaques such as "XX Museum", "XX Courtyard", "XX Building" and so on in Pingkangfang. Such names were not popular in the Tang Dynasty, and they usually called someone's house.

Huang Si's family is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are low on the branches.

Lilian plays with butterflies and dances from time to time.

Needless to say, Lao Du also went shopping.

"It's a pity that although the girls from the Shu Wu family are good-looking, they don't have a perfect wife."

"You all know? You Yang Liulang, you just want me to have trouble in the future!" Laughter came.

Everyone knows = oiran.

Come to think of it, not only does the color need to be good, I'm afraid it also has to pass in all aspects...

For a moment, a certain Taoist priest who was about to kill the dragon was distracted because the name Pingkangfang was too magical.

I have to say that Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty is really the first choice for experienced travelers to travel through time. If you have an official position, you can walk a short distance away from the imperial city every time you get off work and just turn a corner. It is very convenient to relax——

The two face each other across a crossroad.

After silently criticizing these officials in his heart, Meng Fan walked away from the imperial city amidst the friendly greetings from the people he came and went. Then he found a secluded place, said goodbye and took off.

When the sky clears after the rain and the sky and earth are exceptionally clear, it is a pleasure to overlook the majestic Chang'an City with thousands of buildings.

The rain was hazy at night, looking down from a high place, Meng Fan felt a different interest, the ancient flavor rushed to his face, his chest was broadened, and his poetic feeling immediately burst forth.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much culture, so I can’t write any original poems, but I can’t help but feel that good poems need the background and environment of the times.

In addition, since receiving Deng Tianjun's teaching, Meng Fan has always wanted to fly in the sky. He had been wandering around Chang'an City before, but he always felt that it was not very satisfying.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and put a piece of five-color satin into his cuffs, with dragon patterns and auspicious clouds embroidered on it, and the emperor's seal printed on the inside.

It's an imperial edict!
Even if Meng Fan has natural talents and strong luck, it would be too reluctant to kill him in a single fight, but it will be different after he takes up the title of righteousness. The Dragon God, no, the evil dragon has been despised by the world. .

The main stream of Huai River is deep.

In a crack that looks like a deep valley, the biting cold current cannot enter. It is obvious that there is an invisible barrier that isolates all the turbulent undercurrents from the outside world.

But inside the diaphragm, in the deep valley, it is not as gloomy as imagined. There are rockeries all around, and countless luminous pearls are like gravel.

They are just hanging on the stone wall, each one is round and full, and while emitting light, they are full of luxury and a hint of fairy style.

However... there was a vague sound of dissoluteness echoing.

Through various myths and legends, it is not difficult to see that creatures like dragons are actually quite able to sow seeds, and there is no reproductive isolation from most existences.

For some reason, after a period of stability, the Huaishui Dragon God became uneasy again.

So, he once again worked hard to subdue the demon and killed a group of clam girls begging for mercy.

But even so, I still feel uneasy, as if a disaster is about to happen. Not to mention having fun, I can't even devote myself to it, so I just keep my head down and drink a jar of spiritual wine.

In the end what happened?
The last time I was so uneasy, it was because I was depriving a county of rainwater. Deng Tianjun of the Lei Department and Maoshan Taoist discovered that they threatened to send rain in the past.

But the other party clearly wanted benefits and made an appointment to come back later... Could it be that he regretted it.

But a little Taoist priest, no matter how close the relationship is, will not bring him this kind of feeling. If he really had any intention, wouldn't it be better to take it down at that time?
His own behavior can be regarded as violating the laws of heaven, so Deng Tianjun can directly ask this ancient god to his face.

The more Lao Jiao thought about it, the more depressed he became!
After ruling out Meng Fan's correct answer, I started to think wildly...

"Is it possible that someone is jealous of this position of Dragon God? In the past, a dragon turtle who was blessed with the luck of the Northern Wei Dynasty was indeed interested in this, but I found the right time and took the honorable position first."

"Before refining the seal, I fought a fierce battle with a thousand-year-old pig dragon. Could it be that it has made great progress and came to take revenge?"

"By the way, there is also the son of the Dragon God of the Yellow River. I heard that this old guy had some plans for the little beast..."

When you practice to a certain level, you will indeed have various warnings in your mind before a big disaster strikes, and they are extremely accurate!

But even so, the old dragon still didn't want to escape. It held divine power and had the power to control the world, so it wouldn't be frightened and run away in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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