Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 344: What happened on the day of pardon for local officials

Chapter 344: What happened on the day of pardon for local officials

Chang'an, Andingfang.

A young man wearing a green robe sat cross-legged on a futon and recited scriptures in a low voice.

Next to them, two young women sat.

However, they obviously came a bit late and did not arrive before the other party chanted, otherwise such things would not have happened.

For Meng Fan, if there is nothing particularly important, it is better to recite this sutra in full today, so as not to collide with something or not be able to do the full job.

Li Lingyue was also very well-behaved, so she silently sat cross-legged next to him, looking at Meng Fan seriously in front of True Lord San Mao. There was longing in his eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

Seeing the princess being a nymphomaniac, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but sigh secretly. She could also see that this Lu Taishi Ling seemed to be practicing the way of forgetting love, and had no affection for children in his heart. He just regarded Li Lingyue as the youngest sister of the clan. .

That look... is actually similar to that of Prince Li Xian, King Zhou, and King Xiang. However, the Queen of Heaven is also vaguely involved in this matter, and often lets the princess come out of the palace to look for her.

As for how deep the meaning was, Shangguan Wan'er didn't dare to speculate, lest she get involved.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

The sound of knocking wooden fish accompanied the chanting, and the entire dojo seemed hazy and particularly ethereal.

As for why knock wooden fish?
Answer: This is not exclusive to Buddhism. Taoism also has this kind of magical weapon.

However, the wooden fish in Meng Fan's hand was different from ordinary ones. It was about three feet long and had a Tai Chi diagram engraved on it. It consisted of two fish, one black and one white. The white fish was yang and the black fish was yin.

A white fish has a black eye, and a black fish has a white eye, which means there is yin in yang and yang in yin.

"The Supreme Secret" says:

The wooden fish clears the pan and wakes up the world.

Because of this, reciting scriptures and knocking wooden fish in the dojo can frighten demons and spread the sound into the three realms and six realms.

The reason why today is so solemn is because the Hungry Ghost Festival is here, which is also called the Day of Pardon of Sins by Local Officials.

After Meng Fan slayed the dragon, he took a nap in Shuifu for a while. After returning to Chang'an, he began to prepare for the matter. He prayed for the deceased souls of the Li Tang clan, and at the same time, he also did the same for the deceased souls of the Wu family.

In addition, whether it is the original world, the world of Hong Kong Island, or the world of the Republic of China, I am an orphan, and I don't know where my parents are, but it is different now. The two elders are dead, but they have their tombs, names, birth dates, and memorial dates left behind.

In this case, you also need to recite sutras for your loved ones and pray for their blessings.

The green tiles and white walls, the roof decorated with owl tails stretch far and wide, and the incense is lingering. It leads to the golden rouge and the netherworld. It isolates the outside world from all kinds of intrigues and intrigues. It is extremely pure.

Under such an atmosphere, Shangguan Wan'er's heart gradually became peaceful. She had grown up in Yeting Palace since she was a child. She was used to all kinds of calculations and had seen too much of the world's evils. But every time she came to Baoyun Temple where Meng Fan lived, all kinds of things happened. All masks are taken off, and there is no need to put on a fake smile to protect yourself.


The chanting stopped, and Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes, a pair of apricot eyes coming closer.

Needless to say, it is peaceful.

When she was about to speak in a familiar excited tone, Meng Fan put his index finger in front of his lips, shushed slightly, and whispered: "Samao Lord, please be quiet, we will talk later."

"The poor Taoist must read another volume of scriptures for the lonely souls and wild ghosts to help them transcend as soon as possible."

The voice was soothing and full of slow rhythm. Li Lingyue nodded obediently, and after Meng Fan closed his eyes again, he turned his gaze to the statue of San Mao Zhenjun.

I don't know what I thought of, my face turned red, and I saluted respectfully, which was both charming and solemn.

In fact, she originally wanted to create golden bodies for these three gods, as princesses. This is not difficult, according to the ancestral system: three hundred households for princesses.The eldest princess added three hundred households to six hundred households.

The queen mother loved her very much, and now the number of households in the city was [-]. Her father had promised not long ago that the number would continue to increase when he got married, making her the most favored princess in the Tang Dynasty.

According to the historical trajectory, the title of Princess Taiping will be preceded by two words: Zhenguo.

But Meng Fan refused at that time. After fasting and bathing, he used clay to make statues of the gods in the temple, saying that it would be good if he was not limited to external objects and was pious enough.

In front of the Lingguan Hall dedicated to the Guardian God, the couplet also means the same thing:
If you have evil intentions, burning incense will do no good;

Be upright, it doesn't matter if you don't worship me.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the sound of the wooden fish stopped.

"Mr. Lang, are you okay?"

"There is one more essay to be written."

Faced with this younger sister who had just reached the age of cardamom, Meng Fan was extremely patient. After finishing the chanting, he first answered Li Lingyue, then put away the magical and sacrificial vessels, and saluted to the statue of Sanmao Zhenjun.

The local officials of Zhongyuan released all the ghosts from the underworld on July [-]th and pardoned or mitigated their crimes.

On this day, the ghosts of all walks of life have to leave the underworld and take the examination. On this day, Taoist temples in various places follow the ancestral rules and routinely hold rituals to celebrate the birthdays of local officials.

At the same time, good believers from all over the world invested money to set up fasts to pray for the blessings of their ancestors, and asked the local officials to forgive their sins and ascend to heaven early.

One volume of scriptures is for the Li Tang clan.

A volume of scriptures is the ancestors of the Wu family.

A book of scriptures gives birth to parents for this purpose.

A volume of scriptures is given to lonely souls and wild ghosts.

There is only one thing left that has not been done today, which is to congratulate the local official Qingxu on his birthday.

"Miss Wan'er, have you ever helped Pindao draft a good essay?"


As we all know, Taoist priests are not good at writing, so it is best to write this birthday message. After all, spiritual practice is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

Needless to say, the seniors and ancestors of the master's sect are very protective of their shortcomings.

Previously there was the Dantianfu Demon Academy, and then there was the Leizu Tianzun, and the relationship was maintained seriously.

Shangguan Wan'er stood up smartly and handed out a folded silk cloth from her sleeve.

Women in the Tang Dynasty liked men's clothing.

In this way, you not only complete the etiquette, but also meet your own needs for travel and play.

Just like Taiping, she was wearing a light and thin hat, a narrow-sleeved, tight-fitting lapel robe, trousers, and high-waisted boots. She was no different from the man on the street, except that the patterns and materials were very exquisite. She was obviously from a wealthy family. .

However, the two of them did not really dress up as men. They both had makeup on their faces, their eyebrows were painted like willow leaves, and there were flower patches on their foreheads.With rouge on her lips, she looked dignified yet charming.

His eyes quickly glanced at Wen Shu, and Meng Fan showed a satisfied smile on his face. She was worthy of being a talented lady of the royal family. Later in the Tang Dynasty, she would have to trouble her to wish birthdays to the great gods during festivals.

The next step is to copy it myself.

Well, Taoist Master Meng still knows how to do this, and there is no need to rely on other people's hands. After all, drawing talismans is the most test of calligraphy skills. Taoist masters are generally famous calligraphers, highly praised by Su Shi and other literary giants of the past dynasties.

"Disciple Meng Fan holds the incense in his hands and kowtows the incense."

"When you are in a prosperous age, you are a human being. Every time you feel the endless kindness of heaven and earth, you suddenly feel that the blessing of the three yuan is hard to repay. Today is the [-]th day of July in the second year of Tianyun Yifeng, which coincides with the [Zhongyuan Purdue] .”

"Just in front of the altar, burn incense and kowtow. The top is the Great Sage of the Ten Directions, the middle is the Three-Yuan Heavenly Lord, and the bottom is the Nine Nether Realms. It has the rites of the court, and respectfully declares it." "Fuyi, the Great Sage of the Northern Capital, the case is judged by the Ten Directions. The Netherworld. Forgive sins and honor God, and provide grace to the eight-dimensional world. Prayers are offered in the mortal world, and the Holy Spirit comes to visit."

"Fu heard that the fight hangs in the middle of the sky, and the moon orders are combined with the seven political affairs. The Qi moves through Mengqiu, and the schedule corresponds to the three yuan. In the metropolitan palace, in the Miaowei Palace. The blue and black books are on the case, and the names of misfortunes and blessings are recorded in the posts. It governs the three mountains. The spirit is in charge of the essence of the five mountains. It inherits the method of blessing from the top, and unifies the cause of disaster from the bottom. In the netherworld, there is no gap in the net of law. Within the nine states, there is selflessness."

"Follow your vows, save the heavenly people, and save the ghost souls below. 18 hells, sins are destroyed, and blessings are born. 33 heavenly palaces, attain the Tao and be free. Eternally free from toil, eternal life and bliss. The wonderful response of the three yuan, the earth official forgives sins. The power of magic is hidden, Grace to the three realms. Save all sentient beings and bathe in heaven's grace. I have no responsibility and dare to risk heaven's wisdom. I look up to the profound grace of the lotus and look down at the cave to see. I am blessed by grace and receive universal blessings."

"I have nothing to show for my hard work, so I would like to offer my sincere words to you. In the Zhongyuan Dynasty, Qin You Mansion, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Northern Capital Forgiveness of Sins came forward to express my respect to Hong Ci."

"Zhaoge Wenshu, Tianyun Yifeng's second year, July [-]th."

Literary talent is flying, parallel prose is decent.

The text was transcribed in one go, and after reading it again, Meng Fan burned it in front of the shrine and tribute.

Green smoke curls.

A majestic aura flew up to Qingjing along with the offerings and literature in various dojos in Chang'an City.

at the same time.

In the upper realm, in Qingxu Palace.

Taoist music abounded, cranes danced, and the 42 Cao gods of the Three Palaces and Nine Houses raised their glasses together to honor Emperor Qingxu and congratulate him on his birthday.

Gods from heaven, the underworld, Emperor Dongyue, Emperor Gouchen, etc. all sent their envoys.

The palace was immersed in endless joy, and the priests who were reciting literature and literature kept their voices up, expressing congratulations to Emperor Qingxu on behalf of Taoists from all over the world.

Although the status of the Tang Dynasty was not high, the identity of Beidou Qiyuan was not low. The priest quickly got Meng Fan's essay and read it aloud.

Shangguan Wan'er's literary talent is remarkable, but looking at the world, she still can't stand out compared to the gods of other prefectures. Besides, the birthday wishes are all the same, so there is no need to compete for superiority and inferiority, as long as you feel good about it.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Qingxu seemed to have no special grace. He raised his wine cup to Zhenjun Sanmao and several heavenly masters who were sitting not far away, drank alone with the immortals of Maoshan Dharma Lineage, and ordered:
"Give me a pot of wine and share this joy."

"According to the order."

The priest responded, feeling a little surprised. He vaguely guessed that this Beidou Qiyuan master had a heel, and he might eventually ascend to the world.

Holding the clouds and looking inside.

Meng Fan waited patiently. He was writing a letter to congratulate his birthday as usual, and he didn't ask for anything, so he didn't expect any favors.

However, he suddenly saw a spiritual light flying towards him. After catching his eyes, he immediately separated into two rays.

One fell on the blank talisman paper: The emperor has something to say, give a pot of wine, and share the joy.

The other one turned into a jade wine pot, held by a wisp of auspicious clouds, and filled with immortal energy.

Even though he was used to drinking spiritual wine in Shui Mansion and boasted that he was never greedy for drinks, Meng Fan still almost lost his composure and let unsatisfactory saliva flow from the corner of his mouth.

Hurry up to thank Emperor Qingxu, and sincerely say something to the minister Jishou before worshiping Yunyun.

At the same time, he is looking forward to the birth of his ancestor who has achieved immortality and left his name in all realms, and there should be a reward for him.

In Qingxu Palace, Zhenjun Sanmao, who was invited to the banquet, felt something, shook his head helplessly, and then made a toast to Emperor Qingxu, appreciating the energetic Daoist sound.

"Seeers have a share."

"The wine given by the local official has the effect of pardoning sins and eliminating all cause and effect."

The heavenly officials give blessings, and the masters of all heavenly gods and kings, Sage Gaozhen, and the Three Luo and All-Seeing Heavenly Lords.

The local officials pardoned sins, the emperors of the Five Mountains and the 24th Mountains governed the mountains and rivers, the earth emperors of the nine places, and the divine emperors of the four dimensions and eight extremes.

The water official solves the disaster, and the general master is the Jiujiang Water Emperor, Sidu Shenjun, Twelve Streams Zhen, and Three Rivers and Four Plums Shenjun.

When Shangguan Wan'er heard this, she couldn't help but be shocked. She knew Meng Fan's abilities, and he had once told himself in front of the two saints:
May I ask for sweet rain to help the people and save them from poverty;
He can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, control thunder and lightning, wherever he goes, the devil bows his head, ghosts and gods worship him, the land and mountains are greeted by guards;

You can fast, start playing, and summon the generals from heaven;

In the future, if your merits and virtues are perfect, you will attain enlightenment and ascend to immortality, your star will descend, and the gate of heaven will open by itself.

These are mysterious enough, but they are far less shocking than the gift of wine from the local official Qingxu.

The three official emperors are all the objects that the court needs to pay tribute to, especially the Tianguan Emperor Ziwei. The sacrificial etiquette is extremely high and requires saints to personally offer tribute.

"Is it really okay to drink it? The Earth Official Emperor didn't reward it..."


Meng Fan interrupted, and at the same time, like a magic trick, he conjured a stone table, three stone benches, and three jade cups.

As he said, whoever sees gets a share.

After all, this pot of wine was made possible by Shangguan Wan'er.

In addition, a pot of wine cannot increase cultivation. In addition to the mellow fragrance, it has the effect of reducing cause and effect and absolving sins. Drinking a pot of wine has the same effect as taking a sip.

In this case, everyone is happy, the three of them have a drink first, and the rest fall together with the gentle rain on the towering Chang'an City.

As for whether he will be held accountable by the Emperor?

How could a local official be so stingy? Besides, there is a custom of pardoning sins on the emperor's birthday. Acting like this would make that person happy before it was too late and there was no need to think too much.


The Taoist temple still retains the layout of the prince's residence, with pavilions, pavilions, mullioned windows and corridors. The scenery is quiet and willow branches sway gently in the breeze.

Shangguan Wan'er's face was slightly red, with a fragrant fragrance emanating from her face. Together with Meng Fan, she listened to Li Lingyue's brisk narration of various interesting things, her expression particularly relaxed.

And Meng Fan drank a full glass of wine and tasted the indescribable taste of the fairy wine, and he was also a little tipsy.

The magic power could not evaporate it, and there was no need to do so. Everything was just right. Therefore, he followed what he said before and used the mysterious method to mix the remainder with drizzle to moisten the city of Chang'an.

After everything was done, the three of them met to visit the scenery of Chang'an and walked out of the Taoist temple directly.

Eight hundred steps away on the left, there was a temple where the incense was at its peak. Seeing the endless flow of people coming and going, the little novice monk, who was carved in pink and jade, immediately jumped for joy and praised: "Today's Hungry Ghost Festival, there are so many pilgrims here. Pay homage to the Buddha, that’s good.”

On the side, the old monk suddenly felt that his apprentice was incompetent and said helplessly: "Don't lie about heretics!"

"Today is the Obon Festival of my Buddhist sect. I will punish you by halving your meals at night...forget it, I will punish you by reciting the Obon Sutra silently once."

When he heard that he had to skip half of the meal, the little novice's nose felt sour and he almost cried, but the master's next words made him laugh again.

I had only been ordained last month, and the ordination certificate indicating my identity was far away. I didn’t know all the Buddhist allusions. I didn’t know anything about the Ullambana Sutra. I immediately created my own sutra and whispered softly:

"Crystal Dragon and Phoenix Cake, Mandala-like Cake, Ju Sheng Nu, Brahmin Light Noodles, Eternal Life Porridge, Sweet Snow Bafang Cold Food Cake..."

His voice became increasingly muffled and he kept swallowing saliva.

The child's bright nature made Meng Fan, who was passing by, burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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