Chapter 346 Chang'an Daily Life ([-])

Buddha did not respond to Meng Fan.

Sometimes, the gods can even see through unspoken thoughts, but sometimes they act extremely cold, as if they don't know anything.

Frankly speaking, he was well prepared for fighting techniques. For example, an old monk suddenly appeared, and everyone started to fight with each other after a few words of wit.

Unfortunately... nothing.

The golden body of Sakyamuni remains the same, without any reaction. The shadow is like a clay sculpture, silently eating incense and faith.

If the Taoist priests were asked to lower their dignity and engage in such tricks to fool the people, to be honest, it would most likely be impossible.

If Meng Fan saw this, he would definitely clean up the city households. He really couldn't afford to lose this person.

Pretending to be an old woman?
Making money?

Poor illusion?

The originally good mood was gone in an instant, and I wanted to leave immediately, with disdain.

Shangguan Wan'er's mind was quick, and she instantly saw that Meng Fan was very unhappy. After all, the vulgar talk was too childish, and the purpose was vulgar, which was to get believers to donate money. The more the better.

"Mr. Lang, let's go."

Because the other party was a few years older and she was very gentle, Li Lingyue let Shangguan Wan'er help decide many things. Now when she heard the proposal and saw Meng Fan's unhappy expression, she immediately understood.

The sponsor is gone? !
The handyman monk who was responsible for carrying the basins and collecting the offerings was not willing, so he invited the three of them to stay for another vegetarian meal, telling them about sunflower leaf soup and palace jade dew dumplings.

Who cares about this stuff?
However, Shangguan Wan'er was an exquisite person. Although she didn't like the monks here, in order to avoid entanglement, she still gave them a silver leaf and sent them away.

Seeing this, pity flashed across the faces of the monks. With such generous spending and such delicate leaves, he must be a noble person...

In fact, Li Lingyue didn't like the temple's secular lectures in the past, but she never resisted. Now that she sees Meng Fan hating such activities, she hates them too, feeling that they are really vulgar.

The princess is such a double standard.


After leaving the temple, the group found a restaurant that provided accommodation and asked the doctor to serve them a pot of tea.

In the Tang Dynasty, waiters were not called waiters, but doctors. This was a title for people who were engaged in the service industry or middle- and low-level technicians. This was the case for those in the Taishi Bureau who specialized in a certain field.

The astringent aroma of tea is mixed with the spicy flavor of onions, ginger, and pepper, the sweet aroma of jujube and cinnamon, the cool flavor of orange peel and mint, and the milky aroma of cheese.

With so many smells mixed together, it hit his face. To be honest, Meng Fan was a little lucky that this store didn't add meat oil to it...

Especially in the palace, there is even butter!

Of course, he was particularly resistant to adding lard and mutton fat to the tea.

Therefore, the tea in this shop is quite enjoyable to drink and can leave a fragrance in your mouth.

Seeing his brows relax, Li Lingyue's mood improved as well, and she happily told all kinds of interesting things in the palace again.If you really want to talk about it, it actually doesn't matter. She is still young and has been living in the forbidden palace. Every time she travels, she is taken with her by the two saints.

But Meng Fan still listened carefully and did not dampen the little girl's enthusiasm. From time to time, he would express a few comments and follow up with further questions.

On the side, Shangguan Wan'er smiled at An Ran. She was delicate and knew personal taste, so she made a pot of tea herself.

[The dew is fragrant and cold, the moon falls on the brocade screen] This is her poem that has been passed down to later generations, called "Resentment in Colorful Books". Now she has not yet developed the spirit of resenting women in the palace, and she is in her youth. Compared with the image in history, only the thoughtfulness and the indelible cocoon of holding the pen can completely correspond.

At this moment, sitting quietly in the position of the tea doctor, patiently making tea with slender hands, it looks pleasing to the eye, similar to what Lu Yu, the tea saint of later generations, praised -

Break the tea cake into pieces and roast it twice on the fire to make the tea flavor more intense. Then put it into a paper bag while hot to prevent the aroma from leaking out. After it cools down, grind it into powder...

Then came various tedious operations.

However, if it is made by a beautiful woman, it will have a different effect. It will look like flowing clouds and water, which is pleasing to the eye, and the historical bonus must be included.

The authentic Tang-style sencha made by the heroine Shangguan Wan'er is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Dr. Tea, who was secretly learning techniques not far away, was stunned. After eating this bowl of rice, he realized for the first time that there are so many processes for making tea, which are almost Taoist.

When Lu Yu was born, he disclosed various skills to the public, and when the tea ceremony became popular among noble officials, it would also be learned by Dongying. It lasted for a long time and was regarded as a national treasure.

Sensing Meng Fan's gaze, Shangguan Wan'er smiled sweetly and handed over the porcelain cup that was as warm as jade.

There is a saying in the palace that one pot of tea can only be poured into five bowls at most. Any more will be too much, and the tea will become a stupid thing like drinking cows and mules.

Now, when the lid was opened and the tea foam appeared in the shape of a flying crane, Meng Fan was even more amazed. This technique that did not involve Taoism was really eye-opening and required a pair of skillful hands.

Listening to the praise, more smiles appeared on Shangguan Wan'er's face, which also made Li Lingyue secretly make up her mind to practice tea ceremony seriously when she goes back!

A rainy night, a Taoist temple, a fire, the fragrance of tea, a Taoist priest as rich as jade, and himself...

Taiping has always been good at making up brains.

Since he tasted Tianjie Royal Wine in the Taoist Temple, even though the hotel restaurant currently offers various drinks, such as Shaochun Jiannan, Yingzhou Fushui, Xishiqiang, Xinfeng Wine, and Lang Guanqing, Meng Fan is not interested in it. .

Before leaving Longshen Water Mansion, he brought back a lot of clear spirit wine. Shangguan Wan'er and Li Lingyue drank a lot of it, and their taste improved greatly.

Sometimes they would even bring some back to the palace. Unfortunately, for mortals, the spiritual wine, which has many magical effects, was drunk by the two saints, but the taste was reminiscent and allowed for a good sleep.

This is the case for the Supreme Being of Humanity. He speaks of the Heavenly Constitution and can be canonized as a god, but he himself can never live forever and must experience various illnesses and tortures of mortals.

Two plates of cakes, a piece of high-quality tea cake and matching tea sets cost a total of [-] cents, which is not a low price.

Sit down and drink wine at Pingkangfang. The venue, furniture, food, music, band, and beauties are all provided by the brothel, and you only have to pay three cents.

Of course, if you play too fancy, just three words: you need to pay more!

Ahem... Meng Fan is a serious Taoist priest, so naturally he has never been there, but all the officials in the Imperial City Office are experienced drivers. Just across the intersection is a place where beauties gather. It is perfectly normal to drive on the way from get off work!

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he also knew the market situation.

[Pingkangli people are from the north gate, east to Sanqu, where all the prostitutes live. 】

[There are those who clank among prostitutes, mostly in Nanqu and Zhongqu.It is located along the wall of Yiqu, where a despicable prostitute lives, and is quite criticized by Erqu. 】

The common saying is that if you have money and the right to go to the south or play in the middle, the girls are talented in literature, proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the key appearance is pretty.

 It’s not hydrology. Pujie will always mark the words “daily life” in the chapter names. The next chapter can be skipped. It is about the daily life of real life in Chang’an of the Tang Dynasty. At most, it integrates various modern ridiculing languages ​​and tries its best to write interesting words. In case any reader You really have traveled through time~
  The reason why I write this is because for most readers, the background of the Tang Dynasty will be unfamiliar, and the characters can't stand up without these descriptions... Of course, the next world will be much better, and this copy will speed up the progress. .

(End of this chapter)

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