Chapter 352 Rise and Fall of the Country
The imperial capital is boiling.

Countless young people with the dream of "ranging in Chang'an and galloping horses in the bustling city" responded to the call, prepared their own weapons and horses, and prepared to go to the frontier fortress.

The desert is vast and windy and sandy.

The two armies faced each other, and the people screamed.

A handsome young man jumped out and jumped into the enemy's formation. Dressed in a spotless white robe, he fluttered like a butterfly through a flower. Wherever he went, the enemy soldiers were overturned and their positions were in chaos...

Since ancient times, men have had this kind of ideal in their hearts. Although most of them have been defeated by reality, it does not prevent passionate young people from joining the military camp, eager to make achievements, become marquises, and become prime ministers.

Even Lou Shide, the supervisory censor at the time, specially put on a red smear on his forehead on the day of Xiu Mu, and went directly to apply for the army to show his life and death aspirations.

This is a national war!

It is about national honor and interests.

This is the case in Chang'an, and even more so in other areas of Guanzhong. As soon as the imperial edict reached Liquan County, some people stopped and went home quietly to pack their bags.

Zhou Lang, 21 years old.

The family has [-] acres of fertile land, several cattle and horses, and three brothers. They all had military names as early as their grandfather's generation, and they were included in the local military register.

Both brothers have been on military expeditions, but Erlang has not returned yet. If a fellow villager hadn't brought back a letter from home last year, everyone thought he might have died.

As for my father, he died in the last battle of Dafeichuan, and several uncles also died in the subsequent chaos. Counting further ahead, my great-grandfather also died on the battlefield.

There are only a few men in Guanzhong who can die on their own bed, and they are ashamed of it.

The mother, wife and sister-in-law calmly helped to pack and prepare all necessary things, from horses and weapons to daily necessities, as well as food and money.

A bow, thirty arrows, a quiver, a sword, a flint, and an awl;

Felt hats, felt clothes, leggings;
Nine buckets of fried rice and two buckets of rice.

Since his family has been in the army for generations, Zhou Lang knew a lot of inside information. For example, for ten people, a fire must be equipped with six horses and a donkey to carry injured brothers. Everyone who has money will contribute money and those who have no money will contribute equally.

And if I have the conditions, I am willing to pay more.

At night, the young wife was crying secretly, and Zhou Lang also cried with her, but he knew in his heart that he was very firm and he was willing to join the army and fight.

My grandfather said during his lifetime that one winter, when the autumn wind blew through the white grass and filled the sky with smoke, Turkic cavalry from outside the customs came roaring to their hometown.Although the family took their livestock and as much food as possible and hid in a nearby fort in time, the smoke cleared and when they returned home, only a few dark beams remained on the earthen walls.

The nest that the ancestors had finally built was gone.

All the goods that were not taken away were burned. The farmers in the fields were eaten and trampled by the horses. The neighbors and villagers who were not able to escape were plundered by the foreigners and used as slaves and driven to the north.

The commander in charge of the county's military office said that the emperor sent two generals, Li Jing and Li Shiji, to lead the Guanlong and Hedong disciples to attack the Turkic Khan. Once the aliens were defeated, the wolf army would never come to ruin the countryside again.

Grandfather stood up: a certain willing to go.

In addition to the pleasure of revenge, he also said that there were other things in his heart at that time.

Because someone from a neighboring village made meritorious service and became a general in the capital of Suwei, a distant cousin made meritorious service and was decorated. Although he did not become an official, he became a general in the county's military mansion and was assigned sixty acres of land. It is said that he brought it back to The family also gained a lot from the war.

Training, reorganizing, marching headlong, leaving Guanzhong, crossing the Yellow River, leaving Mayi in the north, and attacking Wuyang Ridge...

Then, participated in the first battle.

In a place called "Baidao" in the prairie, I heard that there were Turks ahead. The brothers listened to the drum orders, shouted and charged with spears, but they didn't even see the enemy. They were victorious.

It turned out that General Li Jing and his cavalry had been rushing in front of the infantry and had driven the Turkic Khan into the desert. That year, the wind and snow were overwhelming in the middle of winter outside the Great Wall, while firecrackers were being burned in his hometown to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Later, the general led three thousand horsemen to attack the Khan's tent in the night fog. The Turkic princes and nobles became prisoners of the Tang Dynasty, and their country was subjugated.

My grandfather said that at that time, he thought fighting was that simple.Five years later, he was drafted into the army again and followed General Li Jing to conquer Tuyuhun. The battle was so tiring that my grandfather said he almost thought he would never come back.

First there were endless mountains, then there were thousands of miles of uninhabited grasslands, and the vast blue lake turned out to be undrinkable salt water;
We were walking hard, but suddenly we couldn't breathe. Everyone was the same, but no one was left behind, closely following the general who was over 60 years old.

To defeat, to pursue.

He chased through snowy mountains and into the wind-swept desert, thirsty for horse blood and ate horse meat raw, until he hanged King Tuyuhun, who had rebelled against the Celestial Dynasty, and captured the princes, concubines, and generals alive and returned to Beijing as prisoners.

From then on, it was Tangtu.

The corpse of the former king is the landmark!

Five years later, my grandfather walked out of the fields and set out again to conquer Gaochang with General Hou Junji.

This old king from the Western Regions disliked the fact that the Tang Dynasty was poor and weak, and had a disobedient heart. In the end, the catapults were fired, and the royal city was reduced to dust. He was frightened to death, and the new king knelt down and prayed for surrender.

After more than ten years of military service, my grandfather became the captain of the county Zhechong. He was half-official, half-citizen, and highly respected, but he still did not forget to kill the enemy. In the 18th year of Zhenguan, he accompanied the emperor on a tour of Kanto, attacking cities and villages along the way, and defeated Goguryeo. I have to cry for my father and my mother and run away.

It was also in the late autumn of that year that he froze one leg in the ice and snow of Liaodong and wandered back to his hometown in Guanzhong.

The emperor of the Zhenguan Dynasty failed to raise any more troops. He died and was buried in his hometown.

When the weather is fine, my grandfather sits in front of his hall, caresses his broken leg, and looks up at the Zhaoling Mausoleum of Mount Jiuyu.

As for the new emperor, he is today.

Under his leadership, the country continued to expand outwards, and many of his fellow villagers died or became disabled. Many returned home after making a fortune, and some stayed in the capital to serve as ministers.

In Zhou Lang's memory, his grandfather was happy for a while and liked to toast to the Zhaoling Mausoleum on Mount Jiuji, but his smile became less and less after that.

I heard from men who returned home that frontline officers unfairly counted merit, withheld military rations, extorted property, and even sent sergeants to die in order to devour their own military qualifications and rations.

It is also said that military discipline is becoming more and more lax. Soldiers are injured but no one cares about them. After they die in battle, their bodies are not even sent home for burial.

In addition, there is indeed no unowned land in Guanzhong that is awarded to soldiers.

Seven years ago, a piece of thunderous news made my elderly grandfather furious. He threw his stick and stood up.

Tens of thousands of Chinese troops faced off against the Tibetan people in Tuyuhun Dafeichuan, where my grandfather had fought before. Almost the entire army was wiped out. The famous general Xue Rengui and others returned after negotiating a peace, and four towns in Anxi fell!
Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there has never been such a defeat. My grandfather has always said that the heavenly soldiers of the Tang Dynasty created by Emperor Taizong Wen are protected by the gods and can never be defeated.

But the four towns of Anxi did fall, and his father died in the war.

My grandfather angrily cursed Xue Rengui and other defeated generals for being like dogs and rats, scolded the current young men for their unwillingness to contribute, shouted that he, a seventy-year-old man, was going to join the army to avenge his humiliation, and even used a cane to beat his uncle who came to dissuade him.

In the end, he was given a bowl of soothing drink. From then on, he was bedridden and started talking nonsense.He said that he saw the aliens once again plundered Guanzhong and captured Chang'an. Some brave men were still there, but when he opened the arsenal, he found that the long bows were scattered, the blades were rusty, and the gun shafts were rotten.

The men were unarmed, facing the drum-beating charge of thousands of troops, sitting on the ground holding their heads and crying, and allowed the aliens to chop off their heads with swords.

The mountains and rivers withered, and Tang Jun died.

"The son of Guanzhong died in his own bed. He had no future and was going to die on the back of a war horse conquering foreign tribes!"

After saying these words, my grandfather shed tears while looking at Emperor Taizong Wen's Zhaoling Mausoleum on Mount Jiuji, and then died on the bed in his old house, surrounded by his grandchildren.

Now, the day of revenge has arrived.

Datang's war machine started.

Civil servants joined the army, knights prepared their own weapons, and people outside the country did not stay aloof.

Meng Fan no matter what the relationship between his sons and daughters is, he is standing on top of the temple at this moment, expressing his willingness to join the army.

(End of this chapter)

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