Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 373 Ning Caichen: If there is no role, then I should leave?

Chapter 373 Ning Caichen: If there is no role, then I should leave?
"I don't know how to call this brother?"

"Ning Caichen, I am really penniless and can't find a place to stay. Can you allow me to stay for one night?"

After hearing what the bearded man said, Ning Caichen looked at Meng Fan expectantly, and his pleading was beyond words.

Compared to Yan Chixia, who looks rough and arrogant, Meng Fan has a kinder face and is easier to gain the trust of others.

"Just call me Jiuru, or Meng Daoren."

And Meng Fan did not disappoint, with a gentle smile on his face, he responded: "Brother Ning wants to stay here, of course there is no problem, you can choose the monk's house on the east and west sides, and there are beds inside."

"Thank you sir."

"It's okay. We just sat down and warmed up by the fire together. The dishes here are quite delicious, please."

In fact, Meng Fan didn't care too much about Ning Caichen. The world of A Chinese Ghost Story had been changed beyond recognition by him. Now that the Sophora japonica tree spirit was dead, the fate between Nie Xiaoqian and this belated scholar was completely over.

I don't know if these changes are good or bad.

Anyway, the two were not together in the original drama. Not long after Xiaoqian was reincarnated, when she was still a baby in her arms, Ning Caichen wandered around the world with Fu Qingfeng, who looked exactly the same and had gone through many hardships together.

While Meng Fan was thinking about it, Ning Caichen couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the sumptuous dishes on the table. He handed over his hands and thanked her again. Then he remembered something and complained angrily:

"I heard from passers-by in Guobei County that there are female ghosts in Lanruo Temple who harm people. Now I see it with my own eyes and I know that they are bullying me, a foreigner!"

"There are so many gods and ghosts in the world. They are just people in the world spreading rumors to defraud money."

As he spoke, he took off his slightly wet robe, looked at the dense cinnabar talisman printed on the back of his heart, and shook his head helplessly.

Talisman to cure evil.

The details of the talisman gallbladders and talisman feet are all complete, and there is a hint of mysterious magic operating independently.

It was so true that it couldn't be truer. When Yan Chixia saw this, she couldn't help but cursed: "Idiot! If you don't know enough, don't talk nonsense!"


Ning Caichen was so cute and stupid that he didn't even realize that Yan Chixia was scolding him. He thought he was agreeing with him. In order to integrate into the circle as quickly as possible, he quickly added:

"Those idiots always lie to people and say that there are monsters and monsters in the world, and they have to spend a lot of money to buy talismans to ensure safety."

"Not long ago, I was walking on the street wearing wet clothes. I accidentally got a few yellow charms on them. As a result, I was chased for several streets by the stall owner and scolded. I really couldn't explain it. Now I carry it on my back. It’s all covered with cinnabar seals.”

Meng Fan: "..."

Those who have eyes do not know Mount Tai.

In the original show, these cinnabar sigils did protect him for a period of time.

Across the way, Yan Chixia didn't like weak people. Seeing this scholar talking non-stop, she couldn't help but get a little angry and cursed directly:
"You nerd, I was talking about you just now. Don't run around at night if you have nothing to do. It's best to keep your clothes as they are. Maybe a ghost will come out of nowhere and eat you on the spot!"

The sound almost shook the beams of the room. Ning Caichen was so frightened that he trembled on the spot. The chopsticks he raised to pick up the vegetables trembled, and the pheasant meat slipped off on the spot.

"Brother, please don't scare me. If there really is a ghost here, how can you and Taoist Meng still drink in peace?"

Ning Caichen was obviously very scared, but he still responded stiffly, refusing to give in at all and sticking to his own principles.

"I'm really blind, this place..."

However, before Yan Chixia could finish her words, she was directly interrupted by Meng Fan, saying: "Hey, Zi Bu Yu has strange powers and chaos, Brother Ning is a person who reads books about sages, let's not talk about this, let's continue to eat. "

It can be stopped for a while, but it cannot be stopped for a lifetime.

Next, the two argued again. At first, Yan Chixia could yell a few times, but later she was restrained by Ning Caichen's soft-spoken personality and strong-willed personality, and was unable to express her temper at all.

There was a lot of noise at the dinner table, and it was not until Xiaoqian played the piano and sang that things became peaceful.

After speaking once, Meng Fan ignored the two of them and sat quietly aside, his mind running elsewhere.

There is still a long way to go before the Black Mountain old demon marries Nie Xiaoqian, but this incident will definitely be similar to the original drama, and conflicts will break out in advance——

Take the death of the tree demon grandma as the dividing line.

In the original drama, the tree demon was just sealed, but Montenegro received the news early and assembled a wedding team.

In six days' time, it will be the Ghost Festival, when the gates of hell will be wide open, the Yin and Yang realms will be connected independently, a fight will be inevitable, and the old demon from Black Mountain will not be able to let Nie Xiaoqian go.

How could a demon who had been cultivating for tens of thousands of years become obsessed with women so easily?
I'm afraid there's something fishy about it!

With his mind racing, it was already past midnight. Ning Caichen had had enough wine and food, and soon became sleepy. His face was full of exhaustion and he was yawning non-stop.

Meng Fan didn't leave him alone and said, "Come here, take Brother Ning to find a monk's house to stay."

"Remember, no one is allowed to disturb his rest!"

The last sentence was specially mentioned separately. The female ghost naturally understood the meaning and responded quickly:

"Yes, I will never dare to disturb Master Ning. Others will also keep this in mind."

"Thank you, Brother Jiuru, for the hospitality." Ning Caichen, who was still able to remain somewhat awake, said with a cupped hand.

However, just after he followed the female ghost a few steps, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He suddenly turned back and said to Yan Chixia:

"Big Bearded Man, you should learn more from Taoist Meng. Being vicious is innate and cannot be compensated for, so speak kindly and don't act like you're going to eat people whenever you open your voice!"

"Humph, you!"

Yan Chixia couldn't help but get angry, and her temper became violent. She immediately wanted to take action, and then she immediately put down her raised wrist.

Whether he is executing corrupt officials or slaying demons, he will not show mercy. However, he really has no temper when dealing with such a powerless scholar.

He had no choice but to hold back his anger, grab the unopened wine jar on the ground, and drink it in big gulps.

Ning Caichen was also a smart guy, he would give up when he was ready, and leave as soon as he finished speaking, without giving Yan Chixia a chance to speak again.

"Brother Yan, he is just a mortal. Don't be acquainted with him. Let's open the spiritual wine and continue drinking!"

One thing falls one thing.

Some people are born to be enemies, such as the cute scholar. When he met the rugged knight with a sharp mouth and a cruel heart, Meng Fan couldn't help but laugh.

"This scholar is really stupid. If fellow Taoist hadn't appeared in time to eradicate the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit, I don't know if he would still be so arrogant in the face of Lanruo Temple where ghosts are rampant."

"It's really... let's not talk, drink and drink!"

With Taoist Meng saying hello in advance, the female ghosts who were already well-behaved did not dare to disturb them.

Therefore, Ning Caichen, who lived in Lanruo Temple for a short time, lived a very stable life. There were no passers-by who were drained of Yang Qi and turned into skeletons, and there were no beautiful female ghosts playing the piano for him.

Of course, because of Nie Xiaoqian's sad singing, he took the initiative to go to the water to take a peek. After hesitating for a long time, he still didn't dare to strike up a conversation. Finally, he slept peacefully and returned to Guobei County early the next morning to continue collecting debts.In this way, I went out early and came back late for several days in a row, but every time I came back empty-handed.

"It will take ten years for scholars to rebel!"

"It's just a debt collection. It's been so many days without a splash. It's really stupid."

Yan Chixia cursed a lot, but she was actually vaguely inclined to help him collect debts.

Of course, facing Meng Fan's half-smiling look, the bearded arrogant declared that he had had enough and hoped to send this annoying nerd away as soon as possible.

One day, one night.

On the wine table.

"The innkeeper owes the most. He used the unclear account book as an excuse to not pay back the money. Later, he heard that I have been staying at Lanruo Temple, so he will give me an extra 60 taels today."

"Then why don't you go?"

Hearing this, Ning Caichen couldn't help but sigh, and said with a frustrated face: "Other families in the county also owe Jibaozhai some silver, but I don't know the amount."

"In addition, they are all poor. Some families have become extinct, while others have suffered sudden changes and lost all their labor, leaving only a few children begging on the street.

The last house I went to when I came back, a little girl was selling her body on the roadside to bury her father. I didn't have the heart to say anything, so I gave her the money I overcharged from the inn. "

After opening the conversation, Ning Caichen began to talk. His debt collection process during this period can completely illustrate what suffering is in the world.

Families were broken up and people were killed everywhere.

Being alone is not uncommon.

Business in the inn and coffin shop was good, and he took advantage of the prestige gained by staying at Lanruo Temple to get the only huge amount of money, but he relented and got involved again.

Yan Chixia couldn't help but ask: "Then what are you going to do, continue to waste it?"

"The court is dark, the world is difficult, the people are in dire straits, and life is not easy for everyone. I don't want to collect these debts."

Ning Caichen had a simple meal, pointed to the backpack placed casually in the corner, held his hands towards the two of them and said:
"Thank you both for taking care of me these days. I'll leave tomorrow morning. See you again in the future."

Soon, Ning Caichen went back to his room to rest. Yan Chixia, who was quarreling with him and expressing her feelings, sighed deeply and said, "The scholar is stupid, but his personality is kind. I'm really afraid that he will die on the road accidentally." Alas, this damn world is full of jackals, tigers and leopards!"

It is true that they did not experience the things of life and death in the plot, but the two still developed a deep friendship without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan thought for a while and said seriously: "Since Brother Yan is worried about him, then I will give him a magic weapon before we say goodbye. As long as he does not encounter a thousand-year-old spirit and has to go to death to get it, he can be protected. Life is safe.”

Due to his own appearance, Ning Caichen lacked a relationship. In addition, Ning Caichen had a good personality and was one of the few compassionate people in the dark and troubled times, so Meng Fan decided to give the treasure to him.

"Fellow Taoist, your merits are immeasurable."

"Just do it and don't talk about it."

The next day, early in the morning.

A lightning-strike wood pendant engraved with a cross scripture and subjected to repeated sacrifices was hung around Ning Caichen's neck. Ordinary evil spirits would not dare to approach it after seeing this thing.

With it protecting her, Yan Chixia felt at ease. In order to avoid being said to be stingy by the scholar, the bearded man also carved a sheathed sword out of iron wood in advance, and sealed three sharp sword auras in it. When used up, it can be regarded as a simple magic weapon in the later stage.

"Alas, he actually has a tragic love affair with you. It's a pity."

After sending Ning Caichen away, Meng Fan returned to his room and said to the corner.


Nie Xiaoqian emerged, pointing her finger at her face, with disbelief on her face, and denied on the spot: "How could I like such a weak scholar?"

"Ten miles of Pinghu is full of frost, and every inch of blue silk is worried about the new year. I only look at the moon and protect each other, and I only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals."

Under her curious eyes, Meng Fan told the story one by one. He thought Xiaoqian would look moved and sad, but unexpectedly she just smiled casually.

"Daoist, compared to the so-called fate, what is happening now is real. To be honest, I think I like you."

"Haha, the poor man knows that he is as rich as jade, and he saved you from the sea of ​​misery. It is normal for the girl to have a good impression of you."


In terms of relationships, Meng Fan is much more free and easy. There is a huge difference between having a good impression and a life-or-death commitment. There is no need to be afraid of him like a snake or a scorpion.

Time passes day by day.

The Hungry Ghost Festival is just around the corner.

With the help of Yan Chixia, Meng Fan arranged some measures in advance to make himself calm no matter what unexpected events occurred.

The night before, he did not let the female ghosts prepare meals. Instead, they all gathered together, took out all the urns containing their ashes, and said:
"The door of hell is about to open. The old monster from Montenegro and I are in the same boat. Please bring your urns and leave now!"

"Those who want to be reincarnated should settle their bones and be reincarnated as soon as possible. Those who don't want to suffer the pain of reincarnation and continue to be born in troubled times should find a quiet place to practice peacefully and hold their destiny tightly in their own hands. Remember not to do evil.”

In addition to their good looks, the talents of these female ghosts are actually very ordinary. In addition, they were used as tools to seduce men and absorb yang energy by the dryad grandmother in the past, so their auras are mixed, and there is almost no chance of achieving immortality. possible.

And Meng Fan's move also completed the friendship between each other during this period of time.

Hearing this, the female ghosts looked at each other in confusion. After a while, a leader came out, kowtowed to him seriously, then picked up her ashes and disappeared in an instant.

"Thank you, Taoist Master! Mercy to save ghosts!"

With the leader in charge, the other female ghosts believed this and quickly picked up their urns.

After several kowtows, the area around Lanruo Temple became completely deserted, and the Ghost Festival was just around the corner.

This is the Ghost Festival, a day when the gates of ghosts in the underworld are wide open. If there are immortals and Buddhas to suppress it, and there are rules and regulations in heaven and earth, everything will be fine.

The world right now...

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Good Friday for the living. There are lonely ghosts wandering around with no one to pay homage to. Not to mention physical abnormalities, even a 30-year-old pig-killing man who bumps into something unclean may encounter unreasonable disasters.

Just after noon on that day, the dark wind was already blowing, and the dense fog swept across the entire world. Countless ghost money paper flowers were swirling in the air, looking particularly penetrating and weird.

Outside Lanruo Temple, on a beautiful and deserted mountain peak about a hundred feet high, Meng Fan sat cross-legged in silence, his azure robe fluttering in the strong wind.

Under the gaze of Dharma Eyes, in the mist that covers a county for hundreds of miles, there are hordes of lonely ghosts.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are not as many living people in the surrounding five hundred miles as there are ghosts seen in a moment today. This is an inevitable phenomenon of the rise and fall of yin and yang, and the chaos of the world.

On the side, Yan Chixia, who had greatly improved her cultivation, held up the wine gourd without any fear on her face. Instead, she gulped down the clear wine, which really answered the previous joke:
After drinking so much wine from my fellow Taoist, I can’t even think about not working hard, otherwise I will feel really uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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