Chapter 378 Purdue Cihang
Everyone in the world likes to worship idols, so why fight against them?

Bah, it’s because of the ignorance of the world that monsters like you take advantage of it!

You monster, if you keep pretending, you will even believe it is real.

The Dharma is boundless, if you don't follow my light, there is only one dead end!
I mistakenly believed in a monster and mistakenly killed a loyal minister and righteous man. To atone for my crime today, I will fight with him.If I don’t go to hell, who will?


To this day, Meng Fan is still deeply impressed by some of the lines in The Way of the World.

"The evildoers in the temple are far more harmful than the evil beasts in the rivers and lakes."

"When animals eat money, people will live in poverty. It is said that officials lead animals to eat people."

Thinking of the virtual shells filling the hall, he couldn't help but sigh. Then, many thoughts were suppressed. He wanted to learn from Yan Chixia, ignore those flies and dogs, and just concentrate on killing demons.

Just like that, time passed day by day.

In the prison of Jinhua Mansion.

Ning Caichen often stares at the cross scripture in confusion. The beard on his face is getting longer and longer, making him less delicate and more mature.

One day, at midnight.

The jailer, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared and brought a bowl of sumptuous dinner, including vegetables and meat, especially the white rice, which was particularly precious in a place like hell.

"Old man, there are chicken legs."

"We don't have to eat cockroaches."

"Hey, you can eat it."

Hearing this, Ning Caichen did not hesitate and swallowed half of the oily chicken leg between his mouth.

Then he saw that his name had been crossed out by Zhuge Wolong. After some questioning, he was finally told the truth. This was a decapitation meal. After eating it, you had to go on the road.

The execution in the middle of the night was to deceive others and serve as a scapegoat for the rich and powerful.

Because they had been together for so long, Zhuge Wolong knew Ning Caichen's temperament and that he was a rare good person in the world. After hearing a few words of sincerity, he finally decided to release Ning Caichen.

"A great scholar, who has cultivated great righteousness in his heart, is willing to be imprisoned. This world... is probably hopeless."

"Let's go."

In the film and television drama, there is no final conclusion about whether Zhuge Wolong replaced Ning Caichen as the person who asked to beheaded. Anyway, the jailer likes to listen to stories and is reluctant to kill him. This kind of statement is not credible.

From Meng Fan's point of view, if Zhuge Wolong is unwilling to die, then no one in the world can force a great scholar who has already mastered the secluded and mysterious methods.

If he is completely disappointed with the world and is willing to let the executioner take the opportunity to kill him, no one can stop him and make him change his mind.

Because of this, Meng Fan did not choose to intervene. He just used a ray of spiritual thought to follow Ning Caichen, who hurriedly climbed the tunnel to leave. Using his magical power, he followed leisurely, looking forward to meeting his junior brother. .

Among the waist cards, Nie Xiaoqian was particularly curious.

During this period of time, the Taoist priest talked about his junior brother the most, and as if he could predict the future, he concluded early that Ning Caichen would be able to leave alive and meet and get acquainted with him.

the other side.

Beizhili, Tiandu.

The solid city wall, which is more than ten feet tall, is still towering, and the imperial city buildings are even more exquisite. The Liuli Palace reflects the morning glow in the sky, making this place as magnificent as a heavenly palace.

It's a pity that the gold and jade are ruined.In the eyes of Taoist priests and eminent Buddhist monks, this feeling and scene have already faded away, and there is no way to even talk about the return of light!

After all, the emperor's dragon energy, which was supposed to be majestic and majestic, and was used to suppress the fate of the Nine Provinces, is now extremely thin. Let alone the whole world, it is not the king's land. Even the capital of this country cannot suppress it——

Countless ghosts, ghosts, and even ferocious demons have taken root here. They wear human skins, walk struttingly on the streets, and even go to the imperial palace to discuss state affairs.

What a scene where there is no distinction between transvestites and monsters!

Let alone talking about a human kingdom, talking about becoming a demon is obviously more realistic.

No one will make a last-ditch effort for Ming Dynasty.

It was another morning at court. The emperor, whose eyes were sunken and his body was hollowed out by wine and sex, was sitting on the majestic throne like a clay and wood sculpture.

Behind him, a golden curtain hung, but the person sitting was not a member of the harem, but an old monk wearing a plain cassock and a hat of immeasurable merit.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the futon, closing his eyes and chanting sutras. An indescribable strange sound was slowly echoing in this palace that could balance Yin and Yang and determine the general trend of the Yang world.

The emperor didn't feel strange or inappropriate at all, let alone those humiliators of the country who were wearing human skin and didn't even bother to cover up their stench and came directly to court.

"The Yingtian Mansion in Nanzhili sent people to escort Fu Tianchou, the former Minister of War, to Beijing for trial."

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were monsters.

The emperor is not only stupid, but there are also evil spirits living in the harem. Does An have any reason not to agree?
Pudu Cihang could have as many imperial edicts as he wanted. He could even write one on the spot and stamp it with the emperor's seal.

After a while, the pale emperor felt a little disgusted with the boring atmosphere, and then he thought of something, and an abnormal flush appeared.

In an instant, he waved his right hand gently.

The eunuch who thought human skin was not breathable and had a crack on his forehead immediately lowered his head and shouted in a high voice: "There is nothing to do today, all ministers please withdraw from the court."

Following the eunuch's shrill shouting, the emperor slowly stood up and walked towards the harem with hurried steps.

"I'm waiting to send you to Your Majesty!"

Afterwards, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded through the hall, and they yelled to go to the prime minister's mansion to eat meat together.

When the demons dispersed, only the Imperial Master was still chanting the sutra seriously behind the curtain. However, the sutra was always in disarray, with no preface and no follow-up words, and it was extremely confusing.

However, if someone listens carefully, they will find that there is actually an alternative charm in it, which makes people addicted and chant the name of Buddha together.

The golden dragon of luck, which was entrenched in the sky above the imperial city, was aging and shrouded in black energy. It could not even cry out and became increasingly bleak.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Pudu Cihang's face, and he was about to read another scripture before getting up and leaving the palace. To be honest, it couldn't wait to eat the last minister, and then devour the emperor, turning into a heavenly dragon in one fell swoop.

"Stop reading this nonsense, Centipede, something happened."

Suddenly, a dark and gloomy voice interrupted the chanting. Compared with Pudu Cihang's concealment, it was not concealed at all, and the wails of thousands of evil ghosts and innocent ghosts echoed in the hall.

at the same time.

A strange shadow appeared in the golden curtain, communicating face to face with Pudu Cihang.

"Why do fellow Taoists from Montenegro have time to come here?"

The national teacher gave the other party a lot of face, stopped the sinister chanting, and when he raised his eyes, he opened his pair of compound eyes that seemed to be composed of thousands of tiny beads, and asked: "What happened so that you You are willing to come out of the city of futile death."

"Without further ado, a Taoist master from the south of the Yangtze River has appeared. His strength has already set foot on the immortal path. Not to mention killing the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit in Lanruo Temple, even the clone of me who welcomed the bride has been wiped out. If you want to achieve perfection, I'm afraid you must first Get past him."

(End of this chapter)

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