Chapter 38

The master looked surprised. He really didn't expect that the young man in front of him would actually stick the talisman inside his robe for use at a critical moment.

After all, this is a trick he came up with after experiencing danger many times.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The female ghost's shrill wail brought the master back to reality.

A cassock covered with scriptures, and a Taoist robe full of talismans. Under the attack of the two, she had no way to escape, and was directly squeezed in the middle, screaming desperately, with unwillingness written all over her face.

"Dust to dust, dust to dust."

The master opened the Buddhist scripture bag and walked up step by step. Seeing her face full of pain, he added:

"Female donor, this world no longer belongs to you, why are you so reluctant to leave?"

Meng Fan didn't have much sympathy for the ghosts that harmed people's lives, no matter how beautiful they were.

At this moment, he carries the Bagua Mirror on his back, the Canopy Ruler in his left hand, and the Kneading Secret in his right hand. As long as the female ghost makes any movement, thunder will immediately come down.


"This world owes me too much, so I won't leave..."

After the unwilling roar, the screams continued.

Seeing the female ghost in such a state, Meng Fan remained unmoved. A miserable life experience during life did not mean that he could harm others after death.

The master also knew that talking was useless, so he put a cloth bag on the head that poked out of the robe, and while packing it, he sighed at the bulging bag: "Debts after death are gone, and the sufferings suffered in the previous life are gone. You will be compensated in the afterlife.”

"..." Meng Fan.

Buddhism and Taoism not only have different paths, but also have different destinations.

What past life and afterlife?
He only respects the present moment!
Now I am practicing Taoism, firstly to slay demons and uphold justice, secondly for merit and increase in Taoism, and ultimately, I hope to live forever.

Immortal life!

Of course, it is too difficult to live forever, and it is too early to tell now, but as a Maoshan disciple with meritorious deeds and the care of his master, it is not a bad idea to become a yin after death and hold the power to enjoy a different kind of immortality. A beautiful thing.

"Thank you, Taoist friend Xiang, for your help."

"It's okay, without further ado, let's go to the underground ghost cave now and seal off the evil door."


With that said, the two put on their clothes again and walked out the door.

And the other side.

The landlady, who was stimulated by the female ghost's shriek and scream, secretly ran to the corner to hide with a cloth bag all over her body——

There were at least twenty bags hanging around his neck, just a few more on his back, and a dozen in each hand.

In fact, the condensed ghosts are not heavy, but there are too many, and together they take up a lot of space, and the landlady is very timid. When she thinks about herself being covered with ghosts, she gasps for breath and is highly nervous. .

Inadvertently, three or four bags fell to the ground.

A ghost hand stretched out from inside, and its sharp, dark fingertips lifted up and slid around her ankle, as if trying to grab it.

The landlady didn't know where the thing came from, she reacted instantly, kicked the black palm underneath with her high heels, and cursed:
"Damn ghost! Damn ghost! You dare to stretch out your hand, please pull it back!"

The owner of that palm seemed to be scared, or perhaps because he had been beaten to the point of losing all his strength by Meng Fan and the master, he retracted most of his arm without any resistance.

The landlady survived the disaster, but she did not dare to relax. She immediately sealed the bag tightly and carefully checked the condition of the other two bags. After confirming that they were fine, she picked them up again.

Jingle Bell……

Not long after, the sound of the iron ring on the Master's Zen staff came from around the corner.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Fan appeared in front of the landlady's wife and took the bag from her hand.

"There's still half an hour before midnight, let's go to the underground ghost cave quickly." The master urged.

"Oh oh oh..." The landlady quickly agreed and hurried to follow.


While running, an inaudible sound sounded. Meng Fan, who was rushing in the middle, seemed to feel something. He immediately stopped and turned around to look.

It turned out that a bag slipped from the landlady's shoulder. It seemed that no one had noticed it, and it dragged the bag in the opposite direction.

"You evil beast, if you dare to run away, you will never be reincarnated under Pindao's thunder method!"

Before he finished speaking, the bag immediately stopped moving, and then flew back to the landlady's hands.

"You, walk side by side with me." Meng Fan was secretly alert and reminded the landlord.

Although it was easy to catch ghosts for the first time, it would be difficult if one or two were released halfway through and they became alert.

After all, this time, a master set up the formation in advance, so that the ghosts could only move around in the building!

"Okay, okay." The landlady swallowed her tight throat and nodded immediately.

Ghosts are all afraid of Meng Fan, the god of death, which shows its intimidating power and the sense of security it brings.


None of the ghosts in the bag were left behind, and they were all thrown into the iron door of the basement.

clang clang...

The movement continued.

The long Buddhist scriptures written in advance were nailed to the iron gate by the master.

"Congratulations, Master, on your successful meritorious deeds."

"I won't bother you anymore. Can you give me a business card? I'll pay you a visit when I have time."

After confirming that no more accidents would happen, Meng Fan stopped waiting and decided to leave.

The master temporarily put away the hammer, took out a business card from his arms, and handed it over happily.

[Qingshan Zen Monastery, Master Yuantong]

Meng Fan had a strange expression on his face, but he quickly calmed down, exchanged a few polite words with the master, and then turned around and left with a smile on his face.

Could it be that there is also Master Yunda?

These two names are indeed quite Zen-like.

clang clang...

As Meng Fan left, there was movement in the basement again. The landlady stood watching, feeling a little dry in her throat, and thought to herself:

I was probably too nervous. After I went upstairs, I drank half a glass of water and had a good sleep.

The entrance of the corridor.

The four girls playing the role of dancing ladies were waiting for the elevator to come down. They all looked very excited.

"Just now I was so afraid that my Japanese would be broken."

Amin leaned against the outer wall with a faint smile on his face.

Next to them, the other three people said in unison:

"He's more afraid."

"When I bluffed him, this guy didn't even dare to fart. He was just pretending." Jun Ru folded his arms and said proudly: "What a big fool, huh."

clang clang clang.

The knocking sound spread from the basement to the elevator entrance, and gradually became distorted. Jun Ru put away her smile and said with emotion:
"Aren't you tired of doing things so late?"

"Of course I'm tired."

Meng Fan answered as he walked along the stairs to the first floor.


"Brother Fan?"

"What are you wearing?"

The four policewomen who were dressed as Chengdu Beauty spoke in unison.

A light-colored Taoist robe was opened, revealing a short stick and a ruler-shaped weapon underneath.

Wearing a black hat with a strange shape, there are nine gaps like roof ridges on it, and white jade is dotted in the middle.

Not only that, he also held a mahogany sword in his hand.

"Wearing Taoist attire, of course it's for catching ghosts."

Facing the curious gazes of the four of them, Meng Fan continued: "If I hadn't come here specially, you four would have bumped into ghosts tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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