Chapter 388

The red-eyed ghost king did not dare to disobey Meng Fan, so he knelt on the ground and said:

"The Great Master of Black Mountain commands the Eastern Region of the Underworld, and the three masters who govern other directions respect him very much, and I am one of his subordinates."

"And the City of Fusi is about [-] miles away from here, in that direction..."

Meng Fan nodded as he listened to the narration.

"In your underworld, even if there is no judge of hell, how can those ghosts and ghosts become demons and dominate the order of the underworld?"

"Master, you..." The red-eyed ghost king was stunned for a moment. He noticed that the fire dragon wrapped around his body became hot, and he quickly gave up his doubts and said: "About 1000 years ago, a demon with mysterious origins called Bo Xun was born."

Meng Fan frowned.

Seeing this, the Ghost King thought that he had said something wrong, and subconsciously did not dare to speak. It was not until he was asked to continue talking that he honestly restored the truth of the past.

"This demon named Bo Xun first went to heaven, but within half a day he slaughtered all the upper realms."

"Afterwards, he turned back to the Netherworld, and without wasting any power, he killed Emperor Fengdu, Yama of the Ten Palaces, and even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and wiped out all the judges and commanders."

"When I finally attacked Lingshan alone, Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc. could not resist..."

"From now on, there will no longer be any gods or Buddhas in this world!"

Bo Xun?

This guy is indeed a great demon known in the heavens.

It's just that he is no match for the Three Pure Ones and Four Imperials. He actually easily slaughtered all the heavens, underworlds, and spiritual mountains. It can be called a dimensionality-reducing strike...

Dimensionality reduction attack?

For a moment, Meng Fan seemed to have thought of something.

Frankly speaking, he had always felt that his current state was like following a stream leading to a river and finally merging into the sea.

It is similar to following the trend and being vigilant at every step.

Nabo Xun will not come from the Great Thousand World. For some purpose, choose to go against the current and carry out a dimensionality reduction strike on the Middle Thousand World.

Logic, pass!
As for how to operate and why, offending so many important figures, and how to avoid being liquidated after returning home, it was beyond Meng Fan's ability to guess.

"Go on, I asked you to tell me everything about the underworld."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Next, the Ghost King spoke in great detail. After all, he had thousands of ghost soldiers under his command, and his understanding of the specific situation in the underworld was far beyond ordinary.

According to him, the current forces in the underworld are mainly divided into three parts.

The first part is about the existences that emerged from the eighteenth level of hell after the order collapsed. This group of demons and ghosts directly occupied the halls of the underworld by virtue of their home field advantage and control of the situation.

At this time, the old demon of Black Mountain who was born in the netherworld came out. After confirming that he would not be punished by the immortal Buddha, he forcibly gnawed at Fusui, the Palace of Wheel-turning King, the Palace of Pingping, as well as Naihe Bridge and Huangquan.

Belongs to overwhelming the whole audience and becomes the second part alone.

The third part is the human monks. They came too slowly, and because of their stance, they were jointly resisted by various ghost kings and demon kings.

In the end, he could only barely control the Six Paths of Reincarnation to ensure that some souls could be reincarnated normally and the order of the world would not completely collapse.

It is reported that Longhushan is the leader.

"Master, this kind of division is only based on stance, race, and heel. In fact, except for the monks from the human world who are relatively united, the other forces are not in harmony with each other. They all want to expand their territory and have more ghost soldiers and demon generals under their command. .

"According to what you said, the old Black Mountain demon is considered to be the highest level of existence. He can control one party alone."

"This... this... the small one is really unclear."

Facing Meng Fan's probing gaze, the red-eyed giant ghost didn't dare to vouch for it. He hesitated when speaking. After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and said: "Anyway, there have been four wars in the past thousand years. Only the Black Mountain Lord has annexed other forces. Who dares to take the initiative to stroke the tiger’s beard?”

"That's it?"

Ghost King: "..." However, Meng Fan was very determined and wanted to get a precise word instead of being vague.

The fire dragon became slightly fiery.

This giant ghost was afraid of being beaten to death on the spot, so he hurriedly analyzed: "There is chaos in the world of the underworld, and there are the most people who belong to the vain death. But Grandpa Heishan can firmly occupy the vain death city and have the most soldiers and horses. He must be standing at the top of the underworld, otherwise this big fat The meat has long been given away to others.”

"In addition, every time a battle breaks out between the major forces, the kings seldom do it, and basically leave it to the ghost soldiers and ghost generals under their command to fight.

There may have been secret battles, but the strength of the small one is here. I really don't know which king is more powerful and is not qualified. "

Speaking of this, Meng Fan knew that the Ghost King had given up all his powers, so he told all the information he knew.

"Okay, you can go..."

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

After learning the important information from the other party, Meng Fan did not continue to face difficulties and prepared to recite Taoist scriptures orally to save the thousands of little ghosts and reincarnate them.

Suddenly, a chill ran through my body, and the warning from my spiritual sense hit me instantly. Before I had time to think about it, it immediately turned into a stream of light and fled away into the distance.


A towering stone tablet fell from the sky, like a mountain, and instantly killed the Ghost King and his subordinates without even letting out a mournful cry.

The fire dragon that was originally used as a deterrent did not last long. It only blocked the tombstone that was stained with the strong aura of underworld for about three breaths, and then completely exploded.

"You Taoist!"

"Heaven has a way to go, but hell has no way to break in. How dare you go wild in this deity's territory!"

An indistinguishable roar came from the stone tablet.

Obviously, Montenegro is too cautious and has refused to fight in person.

Meng Fan looked up and saw a figure in black robe standing on top of the majestic tombstone. His appearance was similar to the one he had in the past when he went to Lanruo Temple to welcome his bride.

old acquaintance.

Not much to say.

The clone of Heishan immediately controlled the huge tombstone to hit it, and this thing suddenly rose from the ground, dexterous as a living thing, and the strong wind rushed towards his face.

Even though Meng Fan was full of blood, he was not so stubborn that he could stand there and receive such a blow.

Big and fierce.

There is no doubt about it.

In terms of speed, it doesn't seem to be slow, but depending on who the target is, the red-eyed ghost king and his like will definitely be unable to escape, and Meng Fan is not among them.

After dodging the blow, mana surged throughout his body and he immediately retaliated.

"The Big Dipper, kill!"

In an instant, the world changed color.

The dim sky with the blood moon hanging in the underworld seemed to be pierced open, and bright silver stars emerged. The seven stars were arranged in an orderly manner, and they all projected an extremely condensed beam of light downwards.

Then, they merged into one in the air.

The dazzling beam of light fell, and the black mountain avatar disappeared as expected on the spot, but the stone tablet remained motionless, without any influence.

Meng Fan couldn't help but feel surprised and stared at it carefully, and finally found two simple and vigorous characters.

Yellow Spring!

"What a beast, you dare to dig out the boundary monument that suppresses Jiuyou. Do you really think you are Bo Xun?"

After saying that, he used the power of the Five Elements to temporarily suppress it to prevent it from being manipulated by the old demon again.

(End of this chapter)

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