Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 404: Soldiers are valuable and fast, entering Shu Mountain

Chapter 404: Soldiers are valuable and fast, entering Shu Mountain

Once your realm reaches a certain level, you are less willing to interact with ordinary monks. This is not because of contempt, but simply because you feel it is not necessary.

If it wasn't for the blessing of the original plot, Meng Fan wouldn't have too much contact with Xu Changqing and others.

The same is true now.

After chatting for a few words, we went straight to the topic, hoping that they could contact the Five Elders of Shushan. After all, Meng Fan was born as a Taoist priest and did not have the overbearing style of the Demon Lord. In most cases, he followed one rule -

This guy rushed directly to the demon-locking place, slashed twice, took the magic sword, turned around and walked away, while despising the old man Qingwei, the leader of Shushan.

As for the mess?
What are you doing to me!


Five elders who slay demons and protect the order of the world gathered together. Qingwei, the leader, counted with one hand, his face full of confusion and solemnity.

"Master, what happened?"

The hot-tempered elder spoke quickly. Seeing that his expression was wrong, he asked directly.

"Variables, lots of variables."

"I don't know if it's good or bad."

After saying this, Qingwei fell into silence. He had once calculated the fate of Shushan, and it stands to reason that there would be a catastrophe involving the Demon Locking Tower.

Unexpectedly, this matter was not only blamed on Demon Zunzhenglou, but also happened some time in advance.

In addition, the Beidou Star Territory became extremely active, even triggering the Ziwei Emperor Star.

Coupled with the mysterious ghost mountain outside Yuzhou City and the subsequent poisoning incident, it always gives people a feeling of troubled times.

Now... Changqing received a message saying that an unknown person wanted to go to Shushan. I tried to figure it out, but came up blank. Fortunately, the other party was very respectful to me, and his demeanor and conversation were both dignified and upright.

"Get ready, there will be distinguished guests coming."

"Dignified guest? Where are you from?"

"Senior Brother, must I have forgotten that Chang Qing and Chang Yin have all been sent out to hunt down the demons. We are the only five old guys left to sit at the mountain gate and seal off the crumbling Demon Locking Tower. How to arrange it."

the other side.

The turbulent city of Yuzhou.

Jing Tian felt that he was always unlucky. First, he was a mysterious lunatic. When they met, he threw a handful of them over and said something inexplicable in his mouth——

"Pick it up and fight me!"

"Hey, hey, hey, I told you, I'm no match for you. How about I admit defeat? Please let me go."

He was kneeling on the ground with despair on his face.

Fortunately, this guy is crazy, he is actually quite generous, and sold him a peerless sword for a penny.

However, it didn't take long for them to be happy, and poisonous people broke out in the city. Fortunately, there was a white bean curd, no, it was a group of white bean curds, otherwise the situation would only get worse.

"Brother Meng, do you still have those kinds of talismans? Can you give me a few?"

At this moment, Brother Jing clings to Meng Fan, hoping to get the talisman to protect himself. The detoxification function alone is enviable enough.

Especially after personally experiencing the poisoning incident, he has deeply realized the seriousness of this aspect.

"Okay, there are a few Sanadhi True Fire Talismans left, and Mount Tai's Pressure Talisman, take them all."

"Thank you brother, let's go have dinner together, ignore the white tofu." Calling him a nickname when we first met?

The relationship definitely grew by leaps and bounds quickly.

It seems that destiny is something mysterious and mysterious in this world, but it actually exists and affects the six realms.

As his thoughts whirled around, Meng Fan ended his thoughts, nodded to Shushan and his party, thanking them for contacting the sect master, and then was dragged by Jingtian to Yong'an for dinner.

One thing to say is that this guy is a bit stingy. It would be fine if he had no money in the past. He just got his 50 taels of silver not long ago, but he still refused to go out to the restaurant and said he wanted to cook himself.

Looking at Meng Fan being hugged by Jingtian, Chang Yin was silent for a moment. After there was no back in his sight, he finally said:

"Senior brother, I just separated a ray of soul and checked the human records in the Sutra Pavilion. I couldn't find any records about this person at all. It was like he appeared out of thin air."

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples immediately lost their composure and became more and more wary of Meng Fan. They didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, and why they went to Shu Mountain.

You must know that Shushan is the spokesperson of the human world, and their status in the human world is almost the same as that of the immortal world and heaven.

All life, old age, illness and death, as well as sins and merits, can be found. Even Sedum, who was once a heavenly being, is no exception and can find relevant information.

But now a person with unknown origins appears, which naturally arouses curiosity and vigilance.

"Since the head and the elders agree, then there won't be any problems. Besides, the other party has helped us before, so don't talk about it."

"Yes, brother."

Xu Changqing grew up in Shushan since he was a child, and received the teachings of the master and elders. He perfectly interpreted what it means to be a humble gentleman. If he were asked to sacrifice himself to save the common people, he would not even blink an eyebrow.

Because of this, he has a high prestige. He is the senior brother now and will definitely be the leader in the future. All his disciples of the same generation admire him, including his second senior brother Chang Yin.


Soldiers are very fast.

After having a meal with Jingtian and others, Meng Fan unexpectedly watched Tang Xue beating bean sprouts, and Meng Fan said goodbye and left.

When mentioning Shushan, the first thing that comes to mind is the Demon Locking Tower.

It can be said that this is the most iconic building of the sect. However, it was not originally built for demons, but for a group of Shushan monks.

In the past, Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasties believed in Buddhism and complained that Shushan was a perverted path of evil spirits. Therefore, he summoned countless eminent monks and magicians to build a Taoist Lock Tower in Shushan, with the purpose of imprisoning Taoist priests all over the world.

Finally, it took more than twenty years to complete the diamond and white jade all over the world, and the eminent monk cast a sealing spell on the Demon Locking Tower.

However, Shushan was the leader in upholding the right path and had many sword immortals in its sect. After struggling hard, the troops organized by Emperor Wu of Liang were defeated miserably. The pagoda he built was also taken over by the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect on the spot and turned into a demon locking pagoda as a way to imprison demons. use.

In the future, the gods will reward Shushan for its efforts in eliminating demons and protecting the Tao, granting demon water and lowering the barrier. The demons in the tower will no longer be able to escape. Over time, the Demon Locking Tower has become a symbol of the divine power of Shushan.

According to Xu Changqing's introduction, combined with movies and TV dramas, Meng Fan knew that the Demon Locking Tower was an extremely special building. To enter this tower, you need to enter from top to bottom, instead of from bottom to top as usual.

In addition, although Shushan's sword cultivation method is famous in the world, he is also proficient in talismans. The outer layer of the Demon Locking Tower is tied up with iron chains, and there are countless talisman papers affixed to the tower.

Demons are everywhere inside. There are ten floors including the top of the tower. Each floor has a different structure. There are countless iron chain mechanisms, Tai Chi floating boards, and demon water is everywhere. The water channels on each floor are connected with each other, and are protected by the power of the five spirits. Big array.


The five elders of Shushan were no longer leisurely and calm. They all sat cross-legged in front of the tower and chanted the magic formula together. The immortal power in their bodies continued to flow and was injected into the Demon Locking Tower simultaneously.

Countless runes were seen circulating, turning into golden chains, and manifested in the Demon Locking Tower, trapping a black mist.

If we want to classify the monsters in the tower, the Demon King is just a scabies disease, and it is undoubtedly the biggest disaster!

(End of this chapter)

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