Chapter 50 Ending ([-])

The junior brother left, drove a slightly old black Volkswagen, picked up the four girls, and sent them home one by one.

Not long after, the master left.

Meng Fan was half successful.

At first, he invited Master Yuantong to join the ghost-catching team, promising a high salary and bonuses based on the difficulty of solving the case.

After all, the master seems to be short of money.

But he still refused, on the grounds that people who shave their heads and become a monk are not suitable to join official organizations.

However, if the ghost catching team encounters any trouble, they can go to the temple to find themselves at any time.

"It used to be that two people were responsible for handling all supernatural incidents in Hong Kong, but now there's an idiot who is half-assed."

"Well, something is better than nothing."

The ancients said: There are no messy ears of silk and bamboo, and there is no laborious shape of documents.

Meng Fan was tied up with all kinds of official duties and felt physically and mentally exhausted. It was better for him to be free and happy than his junior brother who went out to work all day long to eliminate imps and destroy black zombies.

"In ten hours, Uncle Feng will come across the sea. At that time, please invite this great god back to the department."

"The sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up."

After only a few days of busy work, Meng Fan felt that he was under too much pressure——

Superintendent Ashin pointed at him.

The whole department pointed at him.

Among the dwarfs, Meng Fan, who had no choice but to be at the forefront, took advantage of his junior brother Kim McKee.

the other side.

Police Building, sixteenth floor.

The clerk on duty finished taking notes, and the two reporters looked shocked.

[Bengal and Robert Robertson are salesmen for an electrical appliance company. They went to the suburbs of the New Territories to sell outdated electrical appliances the day before yesterday and encountered a ghost in a white villa.

A vampire who behaves strangely and likes to touch men.

The other ghost was the housekeeper of the villa, who was extremely vicious and chased them with an axe. Fortunately, the driver who came with him opened the curtains in time to let the sunlight in, and the two barely escaped.

However, when he returned to the company at night, he found that the manager had been bitten by a female ghost and turned into a vampire.

After a struggle, they finally lit the air freshener bottle and blew up their boss to death. After escaping outside, they saw the driver and the truck burning together, killing him.

Then I met a Taoist priest at the corner. He used his magic to protect Bengal and Luo Bazai, and warned them not to look back if anything happened on the way. However, the female ghost used strange methods and turned into a policeman and showed her police officer ID card, asking the two to turn back. , the spell was broken...]

"You two are so lucky to be rescued by that mysterious Taoist priest twice."

One of the interrogating police officers sighed.

Then, push the two bento boxes over.

"Here, thank you for cooperating with the investigation. Let's take a luxurious midnight snack for each person."

"Thank you officer, thank you officer."

With a smile on his face, Bang Bang ate the barbecued pork rice and sighed with emotion: "That Chief Zhong is really a good man. When we turned around and saw the patrolman turning into a female ghost, we both thought we were going to die, but he came out in time. Beat the female ghost away."

"It's a pity that I don't know where this Zhong Daozhang lives. When he becomes prosperous in the future, I must repay him!"

Robertson said with regret on his face.

"Yes, yes, let's find a new job quickly and work hard to make money." Bengal swallowed the barbecued pork, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

The door of the interrogation room.

Meng Fan, who originally planned to go back to the office, stopped because he heard a very familiar voice.

【My admiration for adults is like a surging river】

[Master Wei, you guessed it right, I betrayed you again]

[Is dragging illegal? Is there any law that stipulates that people are not allowed to drag?]

[The worst case scenario is that I swear a vicious oath. If I gamble again in the future, I will let the ugliest woman in the world torture me every night until my body is completely broken and crumbling. Is that okay? 】

Gold medal player, Chen Baixiang.

Come back to life.What is it this time?
Meng Fan pinched his eyebrows and pushed open the door of the interrogation room.



Several police officers immediately stood up and saluted.

Meng Fan waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be so serious: "Sit down and let me read the transcript."


An officer handed over the document.

Under the gaze of several eyes, Meng Fan quickly scanned the content.

A very strange case.

However, the Taoist priest named Zhong...

As his thoughts whirled, Meng Fan took out his wallet from his trouser pocket. Inside, there were thick and large banknotes, some red and some gold, which made Bangladesh swallow secretly.

"Does the Taoist priest who rescued you two look like this?"

As he spoke, a photo was placed on the desk and pushed over.

On the photo was a group photo of the master, his junior brother, and Meng Fan in the yard of the grocery store.

"Yes, yes, it was this Taoist priest who saved the two of us." Bengal was surprised.

Luo Bazai asked: "Police officer, what is your relationship with him? Where does the Taoist priest live?"

"Master doesn't like to be disturbed, as long as you have the intention."

Meng Fan took the photo back and took out two Hong Kong dollars of [-] yuan denomination from his wallet: "Take it for emergencies. When everyone is in trouble, remember to contact us if you encounter any supernatural events in the future."

"Wow, two big bucks. Sir, you are so kind. Treat us to a midnight snack and pay us back."

Bengal's tone was exaggerated, he took the two red supports and continued:
"Is there still a shortage of people here? Both of our brothers have received higher education..."

The fox tail is exposed.

But Meng Fan's words shut him up instantly.

"Can you catch ghosts? If you join, you have to go to the front line. When daybreak, this department will join forces with other departments to launch an operation to catch ghosts in the country house in the New Territories that you mentioned."

"Forget it, I'm a loser. I feel weak when I see ghosts..."

Bengal looked sincere and said that he was a waste very naturally.

"..." A group of police officers.

Robertson asked curiously: "Sir, how do you catch ghosts? There are vampires and ghost housekeepers in that villa, they are very vicious."

"Whether they are vampires or traditional ghosts, they are all afraid of the sun. When daybreak, we will bring a few excavators to remove the ceiling of the villa where they live, and then let the demolition team blow up the wall in the process."

Meng Fan's thinking was very clear.

In broad daylight, destroy the hiding place of the fierce ghost, let the sun shine everywhere, no matter how fierce it is, you still get a box lunch.

After all, times have changed, and technology is not useless when it comes to dealing with ghosts.

"As expected of you, Sir, you are truly wise and powerful, like a jade tree standing in the wind. My admiration for you is like the endless stream of a river."

Facing the compliment from this old face, Meng Fan felt strange.

Finally, he added five more red-shirted fish to the two of them and sent them away, telling them to contact the ghost-catching team as soon as possible if there was any situation.

"After a while, a burly guy with a fierce look on his face, who is not very bright, will come in. Let him go directly to my office."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone saluted.

We will dismantle the haunted house in the morning and pick up Uncle Feng in the afternoon.

During the process, he coordinated various departments to save Dasha and arranged for the crew to clean the Maplewood Building.

Meng Fan returned to the office and poured himself a cup of herbal tea. He had a strong feeling that he would be so busy for a long time to come.

 For the new book issue, I beg you to invest, read, and vote. I hope this book can advance to the third round of recommendations. If it can advance, there will be an update next weekend~

(End of this chapter)

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