Chapter 609 Finale, the end of the book
"He is...the owner of Huangta."

"The Desolate Emperor!"

Finally, the emperors saw clearly a mark, which was like a name, leaving endless reveries to future generations.

A period of annihilation, longer than the age of mythology, has never been recorded, and no one knows what kind of period it is.

Only the Nine Heavenly Venerates once said that it was the era of chaos that disappeared, a period of reincarnation was forgotten, and a period of glorious years that was annihilated in the long river of time.

"Has the Huangtian Emperor become an immortal?"

One of the Supreme Beings was stunned and asked a question that left the people who followed him confused. After all, that person had been here before, but the forged desolate tower was still left in the human world.

So, did he succeed?
For Meng Fan, this was not a problem at all. Emperor Huangtian had not only become an immortal, but his realm had surpassed imagination.


Suddenly, a burst of blood flashed, and Ye Fan, who had already walked closer, was attacked by a sneak attack. His left rib was opened and a bone was torn off.

It was a huge beast's claw. Taoist Baihu attacked him with ruthlessness and precision.

This kicked off a prelude.

The attacks by the emperors continued and became more intense, because if you step over this monument, you may become an immortal, and the number of places is only two or three!
How can we not let them face each other life and death?

In fact, not only Ye Fan was injured, but everyone was already covered in blood. They were all scarred and mad after being bathed in royal blood in such a fierce fight.

In the attack just now, Taoist Baihu transformed into his true body, and his huge tail was broken off. He was caught in the hand of Ye Fan, the great holy body, and used as a whip.


The gold-plated phoenix wings collided with the beast god, and there were thousands of celestial lights and blood rain flying between them.

The Supreme from the Immortal Mausoleum was fighting with the Wanlong Emperor, the terrifying aura was everywhere, everyone was bloody, and the weapons were all broken.

As a result, in an instant, the situation changed again.

The five ancient emperors rioted at the same time. Without any shame, they killed Yi Yanwan, who was an alternative enlightenment. They all moved in unison to kill her!

These guys are deeply afraid of Meng Fan.

Because he is the great emperor in the world, with unparalleled physique, he can fight for a long time, and his trump card is unpredictable, but they cannot, their time is limited, and they are afraid that their success will be in vain in the end.

And pick the soft persimmons!

He spread his hands on the girl, trying to capture her.


Meng Fan had anticipated this and never overestimated the integrity of these old guys, so he took action immediately.

A burst of blazing fairy light burst out, blocking the front of Yi Yanwan. That kind of aura shocked the past and the present, making the five supreme beings pale in horror.

You know, the emperor has not come out, the empress has not appeared, the immortal emperor is confronting the Wushi Emperor, the Qing Emperor is trapped in the Desolate Tower, Meng Fan is the strongest in the world!
I saw chaos surging into the sky, and near-immortal laws flying around, almost shattering all heavens and realms.

At the same time, there was a buzz.

The two most powerful Tao laws swept forward and joined forces with Meng Fan to fight against the five supreme beings without losing.


Blood rained down, and Taoist Baihu suddenly suffered a heavy blow. It turned out that the ancient emperor Qilin had returned, and he took the lead in attacking him.

Almost instantly, the Lingbao Killing Formation and the Four Immortal Killing Swords enveloped the world.

Let me ask you, who in this world can resist?
The Great Holy Body, the Immaculate Ancient Emperor, the Chaos Body of the Enlightenment Level, and an alternative enlightened person are in charge of the Immortal-killing Sword Formation, which can kill even true immortals!
"Force them into the great realm ahead."

Everything is under control.

The ancient emperor Qilin gave up the road to immortality, and Meng Fan made peace, and Ye Fan would lead him into a strange small world in later generations. The environment there was special, there were immortal substances, and it could last for millions of years, enough for an emperor-level person to create his own world. The method of becoming an immortal!
In this way, driven by the Zhuxian Sword Intent, the five supreme beings entered the front with complex emotions and looked around the world.

Here, there are ancient trees and sky, great rivers are surging, divine birds are flying, and fairy beasts are roaring.

"Have we become immortals?"

Taoist Baihu transformed into his true form and couldn't help shouting to the sky. He stepped on a mountain and collapsed the world with his terrifying body. It looked extremely shocking.

"No, our physical condition hasn't improved. Although the breath here is many times stronger, it's not a fairyland." Beast God said.

"Haha, how can the Chaos Body be so kind? Let's try our best to sublimate and fight a bloody path."

Wanlong Emperor even closed his eyes, sensing with his heart, wanting to know where this place was.

"Don't forget it. It's not a fairyland, it's a law. It's just too real. It can almost be hidden from supreme figures."

Meng Fan told a cruel fact.

For a moment, the five supreme beings were silent, forgetting their own situation, and all were silently deducing, wanting to know how far they were from becoming immortals and where their bones would be buried.

"I figured it out, this front of the fairy world, we are almost there!"

Not long after, these guys opened their eyes and burst into divine light, including Ye Fan and Ancient Emperor Qilin. After all, they were not chaotic bodies and could understand all the secrets of the world in advance.

Just ahead, there is a heavenly gate. Stepping into it will lead you to immortality.

The five supreme beings who were originally trapped by the Lingbao Killing Formation and fell into despair rushed into the depths of the world together.

The law of the emperor's way was surging, but all failed in the end, and no one could shake it.

It is like an immortal monument standing at the end of the world and cannot be opened at all.

"Words appear!"

"This door will only be opened with the sacrifice of... the master of the imperial way. This is the only way to the Immortal Realm."

That was the emperor's text. Although it was profound and unpredictable, it could not stump them. This made several people look at each other with a cold light in their eyes, and they immediately knew Meng Fan's intention.

"Everyone, it's time to hit the road. Let me make sure you understand before you die."

"Haha, now that we have come to this step, is there any way out?" The beast god was unwilling to accept it, and said to the whole body: "Work together to kill them, use their blood to sacrifice, as long as you enter, nourished by the laws of immortality, no matter how serious the injury is, It doesn’t matter!”

In an instant, the war broke out.

The sky and the earth shattered, and this world of laws almost collapsed. If it were not for the proximity to the fairy world and the flickering of the supreme runes, the battlefield and the fairy road would disappear.

The outside world is filled with formations of heavenly punishment, the universe is trembling, and various beams of light are flying, as if it is about to suffer a catastrophic catastrophe.

At this time, Fuso Ancient Star burst out with a bright light. After being a coward for such a long time, facing the temptation of becoming an immortal, the Golden Crow Emperor finally couldn't hold back.

He had an unobstructed path, and while Meng Fan and others were suppressing and killing the emperors, he attacked the Immortal Realm.

"court death."

Meng Fan didn't take it seriously. After whispering, he continued to concentrate on presiding over the killing array.


The Golden Crow Emperor secretly rejoiced at the moment when he rushed in, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. It was stuck in it, and the immortal runes flickered and disappeared into the body.


This is a kind of tragic pain, which actually wants to wipe out his original Dao, and replace it with the order from another world. But how can the Great Emperor's Dao Fruit be destroyed at the drop of a hat?Fierce confrontation!
During the whole process, the flesh and blood all over his body exploded, runes flashed, and the Golden Crow Emperor almost exploded on the spot.

During this period, a sea of ​​blood surged into the sky in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the origin of the Imperial Way and the Supreme Blood flew everywhere. The Beast God, the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor, the White Tiger Taoist, etc. were all killed.

The four killing thoughts simultaneously targeted the Golden Crow Emperor who was still stuck but still refused to give up and was trying his best to adapt to the strange laws of that world.

"If fellow Taoists don't come out, then go on the road with them and leave the Blood Sacrifice Immortal Sect behind."

Meng Fan said coldly.

All those who become emperors are psychic, and the Golden Crow Emperor was baptized by the Tao. He suddenly realized that he could not become an immortal now, and if he delayed any longer, he would be in great trouble. He had no choice but to turn around, looking like a the same time.

The original essence of the five enlightened beings spilled and poured directly on the Immortal Gate. Then, it opened completely with only a gap exposed, revealing a strange, vast and unpredictable world of the Immortal Family.

The mountains are vast, as high as the sky, and the vines and fairy trees grow, ancient vicissitudes, as if they have grown for tens of millions of years.

"Go ahead and wait for me."

"We'll see you again eventually."

Without any hesitation or any childish behavior, Meng Fan pushed Yi Yanwan in.

With almost no effort, she stepped through the heavenly gate with runes all over her body flashing and successfully entered the fairyland!
His eyes turned to Ye Fan and Ancient Emperor Qilin.

"The effect of the blood sacrifice to the five supreme beings must be extraordinary. It was originally able to pass four people, but now it seems that it should be able to allow five unenlightened people to step into it."

The two understood each other immediately.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Ziyue and Xiao Zi were picked up by Ye Fan across the universe and sent to the fairy world.

The ancient emperor Qilin had high hopes for his son and kept him by his side, while the princess was pushed into the fairyland.

All are women.

They started to glow from head to toe and quickly completed the baptism, which was sacred and noble.


By this time, the Tianmen was already unstable and showed signs of collapse, perhaps allowing the two of them to pass through again.

No more.

In fact, Meng Fan wanted to pick up the nominal master of this world, Bajinggong Laozi, but he searched the universe and found no trace.

Not only that, the Emperors Yan and Huang, Sakyamuni, etc. all disappeared. This matter, inside and outside, revealed something unusual!

But he didn't want to worry about it. Seeing that the Immortal Gate was about to close and there was still no suitable person coming, he simply formed a big hand, grabbed his wife's direct disciple Yao Xi, and threw him directly in. As the years passed, it was too late for the two of them to be companions. good.


Talk about the path to immortality, and talk about immortality.

In the past 500 years, the world has been noisy, and all the monks are talking about it. Becoming an immortal has become the hottest topic.

Someone has become an immortal, breaking the eternal myth!

This incident shocked the human world, and even the supreme beings who had not yet been born did not believe it at first. However, once investigated, and many facts came from heaven, it directly shocked the entire universe.

The unattainable immortal world has been successfully broken into by others. In the past, it was impossible to pass the threshold, but now it is difficult to stop it. How can it not make people tremble? !
At the same time, all the monks were excited. Like travelers who had been stumbling in the darkness for a long time, they finally saw the beacon of hope and were strongly encouraged to have confidence.

"Where is the Taoist Master? The Emperors Yan and Huang are not here either."

"The ancients on Earth who have not yet attained enlightenment but are famous throughout the world have also disappeared."

After resolving a matter on his mind, Meng Fan never returned to the Mountain of Immortality, but instead searched in the vast universe.

It wasn't until 2000 that he gave up completely and stopped worrying about what happened. He lived in the Zhetian world life after life, always walking ahead of Ye Fan.

When will it return?

To be honest, he didn't know either.

Maybe we have to go from Zhetianhuo to the Shengxu era?

During this period, Meng Fan, the Chaos Emperor who was admired by the world and respected by the Lord of Heaven, teamed up with the Empress to defeat the Emperor who wanted to refine the universe, and also quelled the dark turmoil that was no longer worth mentioning.

When seven 10,000+ years have passed.

The time is so long that it makes people numb.

"Partners who have fought side by side, I have come to fulfill my promise!"

"I once said that I will not only lead you to eliminate the restricted area, suppress the eternal turmoil, and create great glory, but also lead you on the road to conquer immortals. It will be a more vast and magnificent battle map."

"I am coming!"

One day.

There was a loud noise in the forbidden area of ​​​​the heaven.

This is about teaching someone to become an immortal...

Meng Fan, who had sat cross-legged on the Immortal Mountain without moving for 10 years, and whose blood was still incomprehensible, sighed secretly.

The next moment, the whole universe was trembling.

The current heavenly soldiers and generals, boundless and boundless, followed the heavenly emperor and a group of great emperors, preparing to ascend to the sky, and they covered the vast universe.

The battle song resounded throughout the universe, they ascended to the sky, and the army covered the sky!
There is also boundless divine source there, which seals the veterans and veterans of the past, and everyone protects them in the center.


Ye Fan took action, and the monks in this life finally got to see his unparalleled methods.

With just one punch, he blasted open the cosmic barrier, penetrated a huge passage, and entered a strange world.

"Is this... the Immortal Realm?"

Everyone trembled.

There was light and rain flying, and there were thousands of rays of light. It was not at the right time or the right place, but the Emperor of Heaven blasted it away.

"It's the Immortal Road, but it hasn't reached the Immortal Realm yet. I'm going to invite two seniors!"

Some great emperors, such as the Ancient Emperor Qilin, Qilin Zi, Sheng Prince, Dao Yi, Zhang Bairen, etc. saw a break at the end of the immortal road, leading to another world.

After Ye Fan confessed, he immediately came to visit the Immortal Mountain.

Meng Fan, who originally wanted to enter and reunite with his wife and children, hesitated for a moment, but seemed to sense something and asked them to take the first step.

Although he didn't know the reason, Ye Fan did not hesitate and invited the empress to come in.

The mighty, endless army, stepping on the fairy road, entered a strange world.

"Not at the right time, not at the right place, only by entering this world first can we penetrate the fairyland." The Empress whispered.

Then, she suddenly raised her eyes, made a roar, clapped her palm, and dueled with a person.

However, people are not worried about the ruthless emperor. No one in the world dares to say that he can kill her.

"The mortal world is an immortal. Obviously this is not the true manifestation of our level's combat power."

Withdrawing his gaze and whispering something, Meng Fan slowly stood up and descended on the ancient star that he had not returned to for a long time.

Kunlun Mountain, the land of immortality.

Thousands of dragon-headed peaks stand side by side, forming a fairy valley, filled with light and mist, and three ethereal figures stop beside the old fairy pond.

"I didn't expect that one of my clones would be wiped out here."

"I originally thought that this world was incomplete and barely ranked among the great thousand. But now it seems that it has some merits. The disciples of the next generation can practice here to reach Daluo."

"Then let him stay and return to the prehistoric world after he regains his former status."

As the three of them talked, the fate of the Emperor of Chaos, who had been deified by the world, was decided.

(End of this chapter)

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