Chapter 61

Zhong Fabai, who was carrying a fine steel magic sword and hanging a Sanqing bell on his waist, walked over first.

Taoism says: Take the emperor bell in your hand and throw it into the fire for thousands of miles, and the bell will flow eight times.

This imperial bell refers to the Sanqing bell.

According to legend, during ancient sacrifices, the officiating person would hold an instrument called a cymbal in his hand, and the imperial bell was a scaled-down cymbal.

Therefore, just shaking the Sanqing Bell gently can alarm the ghosts and gods, but when people hear it, it sounds crisp and sweet, and they feel extremely at ease.

In other words, this thing has the effect of calming the mind, restraining evil spirits and demons, and specializes in transforming corpses into evil spirits.

The reason why he brought this thing with him was related to Meng Fan. He had told Jin McGee in advance to bring all the things with him.

At this moment, Meng Fan looked at the master wrapped in various magic weapons and felt at ease.


Zhong Fabai came to the door, reached out and pushed the door gently, only to hear a burst of movement.

Apparently the country house was unlocked.

Then, a group of people walked in in a mighty manner.

Uncle Feng explained the secret to everyone as if he were out on a field trip: "The entire garden is covered with black mud, and not a single blade of grass grows. If you guessed it correctly, it must be lime ground."

As he spoke, he tapped the ground gently with his toes.

The top layer of black floating soil was pushed away, revealing the white lime inside.

Dasha was full of surprise: "What's the use?"

Among everyone present, he was the only one who didn't know this.

Jin Maiji spoke quickly and said: "Charcoal powder prevents moisture and lime prevents corrosion. It is the ancient method of raising corpses."

After speaking, he looked at the master.

Zhong Fabai nodded:

"Yes, I told you."

Hearing this, Dasha silently wrote down the knowledge points. He would inevitably have to deal with gods and ghosts in the future. This little knowledge may not be able to save lives at critical moments.

Meng Fan did not participate in the discussion.

The spacious villa yard is empty, with only a row of grass and trees, and an exquisite Japanese-style two-story house.

The place he paid attention to was the stone pillar at the door of the house. There was a chrysanthemum pattern engraved on the front, which represented the cultivation level of the owner of this place——

The spiritual world turns to the devil's path.

In addition, the witch should have known about it the moment they pushed the door open.

How will the opponent make moves?

While Meng Fan was thinking in his mind, Dasha and his junior brother Jin McGee had already squatted down, holding a handful of lime to feel the difference of the corpse raising ground up close.


"It feels like my body is resisting."

Although it was a little unreasonable to say this, Meng Fan really wanted to laugh when he came back to his senses. This scene was a bit like a kindergarten child recognizing things under the guidance of a teacher.

Of course, compared to Master and Uncle Feng, he is also a kindergarten kid in terms of Taoism.

At this point, Meng Fan restrained his mind, squatted down, put his hands on the burial ground, felt the breath inside, and said at the same time:

"There were shards of glass."

"I guess it's to condense the mist and gather the essence of the sun and moon."

Meng Fan, who had read the script in advance, received the approval of the two teachers without any surprise.

"Brother Dao, what are your plans?"

After saying that, Zhong Fabai suggested: "When the two pillars outside are blown down and the Feng Shui situation arranged by the evil heretics is broken, let's just rush in."

"Okay." Uncle Feng nodded.

Meng Fan looked serious.

Confidence is self-confidence, you must not be careless, you must go all out, be cautious and cautious.

So he suggested: "Master, why don't we open an altar here first, and kill the vigor of the cult members first, so as to show the demeanor of my famous Chinese family."

"What's more, the Jiuju sect was originally a sect established by the Japanese who secretly learned their skills in their own country during the cultural exchanges between the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Today they came to Hong Kong Island to transport poison and raise corpses. They should let these evil heretics pay homage to their ancestors! "

When he was fighting with the ghosts in the Imperial Army Club in the past, the master did not hesitate to take action and directly suppressed the Japanese ghosts and traitor ghosts inside until they could not move. The three old ghosts were also in extremely poor condition. He and his junior brother, who had not yet entered the Tao, easily Kill.Therefore, if you have the ability to kill enemies from a distance, there is no need to be so reckless.

Taoist priests are also a type of wizard, not a warrior.

There is a saying, the master is good at everything and has great abilities, but he is unlucky and always meets pig teammates, plus he has an impulsive personality...

Let the Jiuju faction pay homage to their ancestors.

Hearing this made him angry, Zhong Fabai said immediately: "Okay!"

"I will ask the Eastern clowns to see my Maoshan authentic mystical method. Ji Zai will go to the car outside to bring the altar table over. I will set up the altar in front of them."

Hearing this, Uncle Feng's interest also rose.

Decades ago, this group of Japanese invaded China, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. Now they have come to Hong Kong Island to do evil again. They must be killed!
Frankly speaking, if he broke into Jiuju's lair alone, he would definitely not act like Meng Lang, but would test every step of the way.

at the moment……

I can't find a reason to lose.

Therefore, facing the enemy with a crushing attitude is a good thing, just to release the bad breath in your heart.

"Borrow your body."

His eyes turned to Dasha.


Dasha was stunned for a moment, then replied:
"Okay, but master, don't mess around."

Although he didn't know what his body would be used for, he still decided to lend it to Uncle Feng.

at the same time.

In the Japanese room separated by a door and several gauze curtains.

Michiko Nisigata knelt gracefully on the futon, gently stroking a white cat with blue eyes.

This cat with snow-white fur seems to be very tired, lying quietly under the palm of its owner.

Not far away, stood a tall man wearing a silver combat shirt, his eyes filled with evil intent.

On the ground, Eddie, who was covered in muscles, was already dead without Meng Fan and others taking action or legal sanctions.

This guy came to Michiko Nisigata in a hurry, thinking that everyone was a grasshopper on a rope and wanted to take money to go out and avoid the limelight.

As a result, he overestimated his own status and underestimated the Jiuju faction.

In Michiko's eyes, if something is worse than a dog, just kill it, there is no need to hesitate——

The mirror captures the soul and takes away Eddie's soul.

The demon pet absorbs the soul and draws it to itself.

And she only had to move her fingers gently to wrap the red rope around the white cat's neck and strangle it to death.

After a while, the white cat was safe and got up from the ground. It was just a little depressed. Eddie, the idiot, was not so lucky. He could not die anymore.

"Here comes Mr. Refagau from the police station, accompanied by four attendants."

Michiko Nisikake murmured.

The "expert in the art of thunder" she refers to naturally refers to Meng Fan. The other four were ignored and classified as policemen responsible for killing people.


Fortunately, Meng Fan didn't know.

How can he, a junior, be called a master in front of his master and uncle?

Uncle Feng took out a stick of incense, flicked his finger, and it spontaneously ignited without fire.

Then, he threw the blood essence, hair, and the yellow talisman he had prepared from Eddie's eyebrows into the glass bottle.

Throw in the incense head.

Smoke rose.

As the glass bottle was slammed on his mouth, Dasha's eyes were blurred and he successfully became a tool man.

Not far away, the master, with the cooperation of his junior brothers, quickly set up the altar.

"Afan, I can use the Patriarch's Canopy Ruler."

 There will be another update later, and I will add another update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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