Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 75 Life is not easy, the master is doing tricks

Chapter 75 Life is not easy, the master is doing tricks

When the master does this, he must have his own deep meaning.

Therefore, Meng Fan did not ask the reason.

"It turns out that Daochang Zhang is Inspector Meng's master."

Jian Meizhi's face was full of joy: "With you here, our company's troubles will definitely be solved."

As she spoke, she looked at the man in a slightly greasy suit with appreciation in her eyes.

"Manager Cao, you did a good job."

“It’s all about the company.”

After saying this, Charlie Cao smiled and opened his suit slightly, revealing a corner of his vest underneath.

【I love Jane's investment company】


Meng Fan had thought this guy looked familiar before, but now that he was so exaggerated, he took a closer look and saw that he had seen him in the mall last night. He was the four-eyed guy next to Zhu Tao now.

It's probably another actor I don't know.

Of course, there is no connection between the two identities of the drug lord's lackey and the investment manager. The former is still in the detention center and eating public food, and it is impossible for him to escape and become a company employee.

"Afan, where is Ji Zai?"

"The department is on vacation, this kid should be at home with his mother."

Unlike Meng Fan, an orphan, Kim McGee's family still had concerns, and he didn't usually have time to see each other. Now that there is a holiday, he would go back and see him for reasons.


Hearing this, Zhong Fabai nodded.

With the master at his side, Meng Fan became more courageous, and since he was carrying a canopy ruler with him, he proactively suggested: "Let's go in and see how ferocious the ghosts are inside."

"A newly-formed ghost club is far from troublesome." Zhong Fabai nodded, "It's far inferior to the Japanese clubs we encountered before."

Manager Cao and Jian Meizhi followed them closely.

Among the ghosts, it is difficult for the sun to penetrate.

Unless an external force takes the initiative to bring in sunlight, this place will always become a paradise suitable for ghosts to live.

Miss Jian thought it was a psychological effect. Knowing in advance that an evil spirit was occupying the company made her feel shuddering. However, the fact was that she was actively resisting due to her human instinct.

Next to him, Charlie Cao hugged his arms and looked around cautiously. He felt that the heat in his body was draining away little by little, like a fire without firewood to support it.

Only two practitioners, Meng Fan and Zhong Fabai, were not affected because they had magical support.

Meng Fan, who once broke into the ghost world and fell ill afterwards, has the best say——

This place is far inferior to the club where the ghosts of Japanese and traitors are entrenched. Regardless of the attacks from ghosts, ordinary people will feel uncomfortable at most if they stay in it. They only need to bask in the sun for a while the next morning.

"Ms. Jane, is this the only elevator in your company?"


When passing by the elevator entrance, Meng Fan got the answer and pressed the button, waiting for the elevator man to appear.

However, the ghost who claimed that the elevator could only go down in the future and could not go up refused to come out.

After a long time, the iron door never opened. Meng Fan felt helpless. Lacking the means, he could only look at his master.

"Let's go up the stairs first and then take a look at the overall situation." Zhong Fabai was not in a hurry.

Meng Fan had a hunch that his master might have figured out that the ghosts were not formed naturally. To be more precise, someone cast a spell to bring the evil spirits in.

If you catch a thief, you have to catch the stolen goods, and if you catch a traitor, you have to catch both.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?
In order to completely solve the troubles of Jane's Investment Company, the mastermind behind the scenes must be caught.

But if you want to catch the culprit, it will be difficult to succeed in a short time, and the evidence is also very important.

On the way, Charlie Cao reported work to Jian Meizhi: "Second Miss, before I asked Master Zhang, I went to the newspaper office to ask them to help publish the recruitment notice."

"I believe it won't be long before someone reports it, and the company will be able to continue operating soon."

Running?Meng Fan shook his head secretly.

Thirteen floors.

General Manager's Office.

"What a sin, those missing employees are already dead..." Zhong Fabai sighed helplessly.

Meng Fan, on the other hand, became increasingly disgusted with the people behind the scenes.

Although there was no direct evidence, he relied on experience to determine that Jian Meizhi's unlearned eldest brother was the culprit of all tragedies.

It's just a group of beaten workers, so what's the crime?
Even if he shoots this guy, it will be easier for him.

"Your place has a strong yin energy. After you clean up the ghosts outside, you will continue to attract more dirty things."

"Moreover, there are hints of heresy behind this incident. Has anyone been offended recently?"

After saying that, Zhong's white eyes turned to Jian Meizhi.

The master and apprentice asked the same question.

In this way, Miss Jian also began to think about it, and thought to herself: Could it be that he is really the eldest brother?

This kind of approach is completely harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself. You must know that he gets a lot of dividends in the company.

Will it be our company's competitor?

In a flash of thought, Charlie Cao, who was sitting on the office chair, stood up and made a request: "Master, let's do this. Please be our company's anti-ghost security director, and your salary will be tripled on the basis of the original negotiation."

reward?Master is short of money?

Facing Meng Fan's curious gaze, Zhong Fabai shook his head and said helplessly: "Ji Zai, this little brat, hasn't gotten married yet. He may also want to buy a house in the future."

"..." Meng Fan had mixed feelings in his heart.

The apprentice is so incompetent that he has to worry about the master and his elders even if he wants to start a family or start a business.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​Zhong Fabai is actually very simple: a bowl of water is flat.

There are two magic weapons passed down from the ancestors.

The eldest apprentice is extremely talented and determined to conquer demons and eliminate demons, so he obtained the offensive-biased Canopy Ruler.

The young apprentice has a loose personality and is not good at academics, so he needs a Bagua mirror to defend himself.

One person and one thing, impartial.

Two days ago, he heard that his eldest disciple wanted to buy a house, and he immediately took out 50 yuan to support him.

What about the little apprentice?
No matter whether there is a shortage of gold or not in the future, the master will have to pay another 50.

Poor parents in the world, Zhong Fabai has no children, he has regarded the two as his own, and has considered everything for them from cultivation to life.

For a time, the four people in the office had different thoughts.


There was noise outside.

Zhong Fabai and Meng Fan did not hesitate and walked out immediately because there were still ghosts to clear out.

However, before the two of them could take action, the old ghost outside that stretched out its claws to grab someone exploded, accompanied by a girl's scream.

Bengal, Robert.

Two guys who reported crimes to the ghost-catching unit!

At the same time, Bangladesh also noticed Meng Fan walking over, waved and said hello:
"Officer, I didn't expect to see you here."

"And Master." Luo Ba quickly walked up to Zhong Fabai and said, "Thank you very much for rescuing us twice that night."

However, Meng Fan and Zhong Fabai's eyes stopped on another woman.

Just now, Li Gui reached out to grab her, but before he even touched her, it exploded on the spot.

Do mortals have this ability?
At this time, Ayun, who had been frightened by the ghost before, came to her senses. She realized that the danger had disappeared, and slowly turned to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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