Chapter 89
The three of them are film set assistants.

This time, in order to celebrate Ken's birthday, Big B and Xiaobo decided to take him to the beach. Because the company had not paid wages for three months, and with a limited budget, they could only choose a civilian resort——


Find a remote corner, camp, fish, and have a midnight barbecue to simply celebrate the birthday of a good friend. In addition, they also prepared a special program for Aken: copying tombstones.

Of course, Aken didn't know about this. He felt that he was unlucky. He made fun of the policeman, but was forced to apologize. Moreover, the man in charge was just as handsome as himself, and his girlfriend was still so beautiful.

not far away.

"Boss, can you predict the future?"

Dasha was a little disbelieving and lowered his voice:

"These three little bastards are a bit arrogant, but they don't look like that."

At this time, Jin McGee secretly wiped his eyes with grapefruit leaves that had been soaked in psychic talismans in advance.

"Everything is normal. Although it is not a good fortune, it is not that bad. As long as you don't commit suicide..."

Halfway through, Kim McGee paused.

Judging from the appearance of these three guys, they don't look like the kind of people who come to fish and vacation in a well-behaved manner.

He would see Uncle Feng soon, so Meng Fan was in a good mood and suggested:
"How about a bet?"

"Okay." Dasha agreed immediately.

To be honest, Meng Fan felt that there was a high chance that the three of them would meet ghosts, but what if it was just malicious speculation.

"I bet that they will hit ghosts. If I lose, after I return to the island, I invite you to go to Yong Kee Restaurant for late-night snacks for a month."

Yong Ji is a mid-to-high-end restaurant, and with Dasha's appalling appetite, each meal costs a base of [-] Hong Kong dollars, which can be as little as [-] Hong Kong dollars a month.

Therefore, it is considered very sincere.

Because of this, Dasha said proudly:

"Let's do this. I'll bet against you. If I lose, I'll buy you a sports car. How can driving a Land Rover pickup truck be as impressive as a sports car?"

He said this without lowering his voice.

Immediately, it attracted everyone's attention.

This stupid big guy has money to buy a sports car?

Ken, who had been paying attention here, curled his lips in disdain. No police officer at the inspector level had that much money. He must be a fool to brag and not draft.


Dasha is really rich.

The millions of dollars I spent on the counterfeit banknotes for the electrical panel remained intact, and the Thai guy called me another 30 in dividends on time. They were in U.S. dollars, not some other miscellaneous currency.

However, Meng Fan was a little embarrassed.

In terms of probability, he has a significantly greater chance of winning, and the cost to both parties is disproportionate.

Thirty thousand Hong Kong dollars, late night snacks for a month.

Starting at $[-], sports car.

"Forget it, you can't do this if you have money." Meng Fan said half-jokingly: "Sir, I live in a villa in Repulse Bay and it's already very high-profile. If I drive a luxury car in the future, don't attract people from the Independent Commission Against Corruption."


Dasha had a look of disdain on his face, he didn't know the power of his boss, he made promises to protect people, the Department of Justice didn't even give a damn, and the first brother even led the team to salute.

"What a man says is like spitting, so stop it, mother-in-law!" Dasha said firmly.

Before Meng Fan could express his position, Amin couldn't help but laugh out loud. She felt that the big guy was so funny.

Jin McGee regretted a little: "Is it alright to join now? I will make a bet with my brother. If I lose, please eat supper for three months."

"Okay!" Dasha waved his hand.

Such a generous elder brother can't be found even with a lantern. He looks like he is rushing to give them a sports car. If he refuses, he will not be happy.

Such kindness can only be rejected as disrespectful.

Just like Dasha said, at this point, we have been through life and death together, so there is no need to be polite.In fact, money is no longer important to him. There is so much more than money. It is better for everyone to be happy than anything else.

"I feel a little embarrassed. From now on, my junior brother and I will take care of your midnight snacks." Meng Fan suggested.

Instantly, Kim McGee echoed.

In this way, a group of four people got off the boat in a lively manner and arrived at Dongpingzhou.

Although this is just a relatively large island, it has mountains, streams, and several small islands and reefs around it. The scenery is really good.

"No wonder Uncle Feng doesn't want to come to this island for development."

Meng Fan said half-jokingly.

Now, everyone was pointing at him to make decisions, so Meng Fan did not hesitate and used the Heavenly Eye Technique he had learned the night before. A slightly illusory eye fell to the ground and silently followed Aken and the others.

Not only for fun, but also with the intention of protecting the Taoist cultivators, so that they would not watch something happen to them if they had some minor conflicts.

"Let's go find Uncle Feng."

After everything was done, Meng Fan led the way towards the island.

It is worth mentioning that the trio really look like brave people seeking death.

Most of the people who got off the ferry went straight to the beach on the west side, because there were fishing grounds there and there was plenty of fish to catch. The east side was not developed much and looked particularly deserted, filled with a deep sense of primitiveness.


There are not many households in Dongpingzhou, and the main targets of the police station are mostly tourists, so the work is very easy.

In addition, Uncle Feng's current honorary police rank is higher than that of the director. If he wants to take a long leave, no one will dare not approve it.

"Fourth, are there guests at home?"

"I want half a fan of mutton, oh, and all kinds of seafood. I haven't seen you buy so many vegetables in how many years."

"Well, there are juniors coming over."

Looking at the enthusiastic neighbors, Feng Si responded with a smile, and then continued to push the car home.

People are happy when they are happy.

Even if he has a withdrawn personality and doesn't like to socialize with others, he will feel very happy when meeting like-minded people come to his door, not to mention, these like-minded people are still his own juniors.

Frankly speaking, after sending his niece away, Uncle Feng always felt that something was missing.

outside the courtyard.

Meng Fan and others were waiting with large and small bags, which contained household appliances and supplements. In order to show his sincerity, Dasha specially bought a 50-year-old wild ginseng. This was already a treasure that could be bought in the market in a hurry. .

"You guys..."

Uncle Feng came over pushing a cart of ingredients and said in an unhappy tone: "Just come, what are you doing with this thing?"



Meng Fan and Jin McGee said in unison.

Dasha didn't say hello, but he was smiling and didn't forget to shake the ginseng box in his hand.

"Uncle Feng."

Amin waved reservedly.

"Okay, okay, everyone, come in."

Uncle Feng took the key to open the door, while Meng Fan freed up one hand to help push the cart.

"Actually, I also have a gift for you."

Listening to Uncle Feng's words, everyone's faces showed joy. After all, Uncle Feng is not an ordinary person, and his gift is definitely not an ordinary object.

Canopy Ruler, Samadhi True Fire Talisman, and a peach wood sword that is better than nothing.

One story goes that as a disciple of Maoshan, Meng Fan felt that he was "poor" and in urgent need of help from his elders.

(End of this chapter)

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