Chapter 106 Yuri Ellie
This is OK.But Apasi is too weak. Judging from his experience after meeting Simona and meeting Apasi, Apasi is only a quarter as strong as Simona.

Simone is an invincible monarch, no matter how hard she tries, she will not be far away from the sub-emperor.Euryale might be a little bit close, but judging from her ability to confront Simone head-on, even if she's close, it's not much different.

And what about Apasi?It's really pitiful, a big level behind Simone!At most, he can be regarded as the supreme monarch, and he is not even considered the strongest among the supreme monarchs!And such a weak Queen Medusa is not good news for him...

Some veteran Scorpion King Medusa would probably dare to challenge her, right?This is a new problem. The bloodline is there. After Simone and Euryale die, she will be the Queen of Medusa.But this does not mean that she will definitely be able to command those snake and scorpion armies, because Apasi itself is really a bit weak...

This is not good news.But fortunately, he still has a way to solve this problem. There are no other magicians in the Xingyue World. They can compete with each other in their ability to play with evil...

Many magics from the lunar plane would definitely be considered evil magic in this plane.And he was going to use a magical technique to solve this problem and strengthen Apasi's power in a short time.

The first target is Euryale.In the holy city, no one can hide from the priests.The sad thing is that since Archangel Gabriel himself is not in the Holy City and his political influence is relatively weak, Euryale thought it was Archangel Raphael who was doing something.

So, when she was blocked by the three Kepfs at home, she still didn't understand what happened.However, there is no need to understand.

In a very confined space, blocked by three opponents whose levels are far superior to his own, and unable to escape, the outcome of this battle is destined to be tragic!
The sorcery has no effect. Erquit ignores the sorcery, but Kepf and Saga say that sorcery is just sorcery, and I can handle it!Therefore, she had no choice but to bite with her teeth...

Trying to poison your opponent with this.This move cannot be said to be ineffective, but it can be imagined that the attack range of this move is very terrifying.As she charged, Arquitect slashed and punched her hard, breaking Eurielle's jaw and making her faint.

She still kept it, it was useful.Erquet is fearless, but only Zelrich and Kepf are more fearful and respectful.There was no need for her to go overboard in this matter.

"Fine. I'll do the rest."

"How are you going to deal with it?"

"Goug out the eyes as evidence to win Simone's trust. There are also useful materials, recycle them. I have already thought of a good way to use the rest."

As long as she saw Euryale's eyes, Simone was sure of her sister's death.Moreover, this Mind's Eye is very valuable and can even be used as a magic tool after processing.Other useful materials must also be recycled.

Euryale's fangs, blood, scales, and feathers.He even shed tears because of the kick from Arquette.Medusa's tears are the best anti-curse medicine. Let's analyze it and synthesize it industrially.He should be grateful to Erquette for that kick...

"You didn't kill her?"

Apasi was surprised. This man's behavior and thinking were different from everyone she met.

"Although I also like to kill all enemies, I can also squeeze enough benefits out of captured enemies."

It's true, all magicians in the world of Xingyue know this skill.It is almost a required course for magicians.After all, the Xingyue world is a mysterious and dying world. Except for China, which is particularly wealthy, magicians in other places are poorer than the other. Squeezing enough benefits from capture is a required course!

"Do you know what it means to cook a cow?"

"Then I'd love to see it."

Apasi pretended to be indifferent, but she was actually very curious.Kepf was her collaborator, but he was markedly different from anyone she had ever met.She wanted to see Kepf's methods.

"First of all, we need to use magic this to get them."

He also has Shion's battle attire, nanofiber.However, Shion's costume is five kilometers long and can be used for fighting.And his one is purely used to obtain information and cannot be used for fighting.However, it is possible to obtain Eurielle's memories and store them. This is the first step.

"Absorb Eurielle's memory, and then her entire life, memory, and personality will be lost, and her mind will be as chaotic as a piece of paste.'s so beautiful. Just like a newborn child. "


Is Apasi afraid?To be honest, I'm scared.If you don't take action, it will be fine. If you do, it will be a big deal.However, she felt it wasn't over yet.She suppressed her fear and looked down.

"Then, we have to use our little magic, which is called..."

"Cue magic!"

Arquette answered quickly.She has dealt with Roja a lot and knows a little bit about magic.I don’t know how to do it, but I know a little bit.Although it is implied that magic is generally used to scare away ordinary people when magicians fight, this type of magic actually has huge potential!

It is impossible to influence a normal magician with suggestion magic.Because people will automatically exclude these hints.However, in other cases there is much to be gained.For example, using suggestion magic on a comatose magician can drastically change his mind.Or the sleeping, dying magician.

Euryale was like this at this time.Passed out and had no mental activity at all.Suggestion magic is very convenient, and you can succeed by directly using suggestion magic to tamper with your common sense.

"Let me think about how to change it...Yes! You are a pair of beautiful boots..."

"What's going on?"

Although she couldn't understand it, Apasi felt a trembling feeling.Losing her common sense and transforming from a heir to Queen Medusa into a pair of boots, to be honest, even if Euryale was her enemy, she would be scared!
"The last step is to mold her into a pair of boots. A pair of beautiful boots. Come on, let me measure the size for you..."

"Then just do a magic trick."

Really, as a magician, he knows the most magic.Merlin can transform the tide of chaos into flowers with illusion and transfiguration magic.Then he can use Transfiguration to turn Euryale from a Medusa into a pair of boots!What's wrong!Nothing wrong!
It seems to be too insignificant, but Yuri Ellie is not in itself.And Kepf was not in the habit of pitying such things.

 The protagonist is also a typical magician from the Moon World, and he can do everything the Clock Tower Magician can do.The only difference is that he has a certain bottom line compared to other magicians. Don't hurt innocent people at will, and don't kill the elderly and children.He would consider such a thing a shame and other magicians would be proud of it.See Atramgari Ashtar for this behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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