Chapter 118 Old Feng
This gene called Captain Marvel is really powerful.He can also use powerful mental powers to distort and predict reality.She thought that someone interesting would come soon, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Dean Songhe, and dean Xiao. The principals from Mingzhu and Imperial Capital are here. I wonder what you need to do?"

"We two old guys just had a cup of tea and left. There is a young man who wants to visit us and talk to you and your husband about the development prospects..."

"Oh. Understood. Go through the back door. Let him come. But I'm going to say it first. If I'm too incompetent, I can't help him."

Going through the back door is not a common behavior at Atlas Court.Because the Atlas Institute examines actual performance, if it works, it means it works, and if it doesn’t, it means it doesn’t work.The inspection has clear indicators and leaves no room for ambiguity.It can be said that there are very few people like Kepf who try to make a sideline through political marriage.

However, the mages of this plane are still largely stuck in the feudal era.The phenomenon of using the back door to get through the relationship is too common.It’s just that Ziyuan doesn’t know which family’s young master is coming to find her...

After the others walked in, Ziyuan was a little surprised.Not what she imagined, a young lady from a big family like Dongfang Lie or Mu Ningxue.Instead, he is a middle-aged researcher.

She lost all her hair and wore a wig.The beard was completely untrimmed.This person also came in pajamas, but luckily he didn't add slippers.There are dark circles and long-term wrinkles on the face, as well as sallow skin due to excessive fatigue.

The hands are not calloused like those of military mages or magic weapon masters.When he saw himself, the middle-aged researcher could still show a friendly smile when he saw her.

"Nice to meet you, Professor. My name is Feng Zhoulong, and I am a group leader of the Guangzhou Research Institute."

"Nice to meet you. Could you please drink some coffee? You look terrible."

"It doesn't matter. I came here to buy an important magic item. Please be kind to me."

This old Feng was unambiguous and directly stated his appeal.He is a researcher like Shion, and he came here for the precious magic item that might be the only one left in Shion's hands.

"Although I know my request is rude. But I hope to get the brain of Yamata no Orochi. Don't worry about money. I just sold the villa assigned to me by the Guangzhou Yansi Society, and then I borrowed it from various aristocratic families. Even if it is not enough, I will find a way to make up the amount."

"You don't have to tell the truth about this. This thing is very valuable. What do you want it for?"

Ziyuan is not short of money, she just needs to eat Kepfu.Of course, magicians can make money.She really doesn't value money that much.What she wanted to know was what this person wanted to ask for Yamata no Orochi's brain.

"It came from an idea. An idea that can make magic take a big step forward."

"Okay then, let's talk about it and I will measure its value."

Ziyuan is also engaged in research.For this kind of thing, she knows nothing about it.Even though Shion is not as involved in almost all magic as Kepf is.

Feng Zhoulong said, taking out some documents and diagrams that he had brought with him.She just looked at it and after talking for more than an hour, she got a rough idea.

A kind of magic is a kind of magic that comes from a kind of star.However, because Feng Zhoulong had seen two types of stars stitched together in the past to be able to use natural talents to produce special magical effects, he hoped to spend the rest of his life studying this kind of magic.

Change the original magic system.Sounds pretty good.Shion happens to have done some research on this.

"You go find my husband. He is in Mingzhu. The thing is in his hands. But you have to be prepared for the benefits. His things are really not cheap."

"Also, I can personally give some modification suggestions and development directions. What would happen if instead of casting a spell through a single star, a pre-charged magic weapon is triggered by a star?"

"That was interesting. Taught."

Interesting!Feng Zhoulong is not a magic tool maker, and he doesn't know much about magic tools.Ziyuan's argument is very interesting. What if instead of combining two Xingzi together, a prefabricated magic power is stored in a magic device, and then Xingzi activates it instantly when he uses magic?

He hadn't thought in this direction.But after I go back, I really need to find a good magic weapon master and ask.Apart from anything else, as far as Feng Zhoulong knew, the magic devices that could store magic energy were small and portable magic devices, or magic tools, which were really not cheap...

If you can't find it, come back and ask Ziyuan. If it doesn't work, you can form a new working group with her.Judging from just now, Feng Zhoulong can understand that Ziyuan is definitely the kind of researcher who has real things in his belly.They are definitely not those guys who live off the big pot.

He also has a lot of people under him... I just don't know what Ziyuan's husband does.Lao Xiao told him that this mage killed Yamata no Orochi and should be a very powerful battle mage.

Hope he's okay with talking.Many battle mages don't pay much attention to this precious magic material, and they just sell it for money or process it to make magic tools.It's actually quite wasteful.

Of course, like everyone else, Feng Zhoulong was shocked when he saw Kepfu.Because this person is very inconsistent with the entire background.

The figure is small, the face is very young or even young, and he has no beard or is clean shaven.Then, he wore a professor's uniform that was too wide and stretched all over the floor, and wore white sneakers.When he opened the door to let him in, he clearly saw the name tag in front of him.

That's right!However, Feng Zhoulong doesn’t quite believe it yet!Could this be the professor's child wearing the professor's clothes?

"Kid, I'm here to see Professor Kepf. My uncle traveled from Guangzhou to BJ and then to Shanghai. He has something very important to do to find the professor."

"How about after uncle finishes talking, uncle takes you out to eat KFC?"

"That's right. You are the interesting researcher my wife said. Sit down, I still have time to entertain you."

"Um...sorry, Professor."

But that’s really it, right?Is this professor too young?It turns out that Feng Zhoulong thought that a powerful battle mage in his prime was married to a beautiful researcher who is much younger than you.

result?what is this!A young researcher married a beautiful woman who was older than him!This marriage is really... impossible to guess!
Then, suppressing his slander, he paid attention to the brainstem soaked in the big glass jar.There is no doubt that it must be the brain of Yamata no Orochi.Because only a monster of the size of Yamata no Orochi would use a glass jar that is eight meters high and three meters wide, which is called a tank, to hold part of the brain.

(End of this chapter)

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