Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 121 Industrialization Layout

Chapter 121 Industrialization Layout
"That's true. As long as the Himalayas finally fall, we will have endless resources. The resources in those fertile mountains can be turned into enough funds for our use."

If you don’t have money, don’t say anything.And if Kepf wants to succeed, the first step is to get money first.There are endless minerals in those mountains, and Kepf is also very powerful. Once occupied, it will be occupied forever.

In addition, in addition to endless mineral resources, those polar regions, mountains and deserts also have powerful monsters!Although there are some tamed animals in modern times that are used by the military, most of them are things like Sky Eagle.

Speed ​​and stamina are not very promising, bloodline is very low, and the flesh is not thick enough so it cannot be used in hand-to-hand combat.The only advantage of this thing is that it is cheap.Some big forces have some pretty good beast tamers. For example, the Parthenon has a 200-meter-level Silver Moon Titan.

But the quantity is too small and the price is too expensive!However, these polar monsters are different. After industrialization, these monsters will quickly transform into powerful forces.

Not to mention the various special products of the polar regions.These are inexhaustible.Attacking the Himalayas will give him an advantage later.After all, the one with the gun in this world is the master!

"This is actually step-by-step. After all, I have been in a serious academic class. I have also learned the so-called emperor's art and the way of governing a country."

"You said you once worked in a great group and served as one of its leaders?"

It's not what he said, it's actually not that difficult.There are many examples in the past that can be referenced, especially since he spent a long time with those immortals.Don't think that immortals can't fight in politics, they can fight too, and they can fight even more fiercely...

"Instead of focusing on the distant future, why not do the things at hand well now! How is the solvent? How is the reaction of the solvent I synthesized?"

He has a lot of good things in his hands.Because Arquette's flying kick knocked Euryale out of tears, he took advantage of this rare resource.Not only minerals and cultivation, but also medicines and animal taming must be carefully prepared.

Medusa's tears have the effect of lifting the curse.He analyzed the components of Euryale's tears, tried to make a few bottles of reagents, and asked Saga to give them to others for free trial.I just don’t know how effective it is at breaking the curse.

"Among the eight vials of reagents, the reagents labeled No. 90.00 and No. [-] are more effective. The effective rate reaches [-]%, but more clinical trials are still needed."

"How is Apasi doing now? We will take her to catch Simone soon."

As expected.This kind of magic potion has to go through many tests.However, he did not have time to find patients.There are so many people who are simply troubled by the curse, so just let Sharja find and distribute these reagents for free and record the results.

Another important thing is Apasi.He was not worried that Simone's men would recognize Apasi when she stayed in BJ. The fact that this person could escape for hundreds of years proved that this guy had a lot of skills in survival.

The key is that he is more interested in that magic.This time I asked Shajia to go take a look, and next time he would have to pay attention in person.

"It's very effective. The energy residue is 80.00%. Apasi's cultivation has increased by 30.00% year-on-year. She has risen from a crane in the Supreme Monarch to the level of a very powerful Supreme Monarch. It is expected that after complete absorption, she can reach the level of the Invincible Monarch. The level of a strong person.”

"If it can devour Simona, then it will surely reach the level of Medusa Patriarch Asia's emperor level."

Sakya was also quite emotional.Demons have greater potential than humans, but unless they are a very special race, they have to become stronger little by little.It is really rare to swallow a whole thing at once like this.

"That's natural. If this Medusa Queen is too useless and can't even suppress the Medusas and Vipers under her command, then her significance will be greatly reduced."

"Teacher, are you ready?"

"It's almost there. Come and see how perfect it is..."

This plan requires Euryale's eyes and a fake corpse grown from Apasi's blood.At that time, Kepfu held her down and collected blood and the needed hair from Apasi's body.And this thing is indeed ready.

It was placed in the closet of the professor's office. There were no clothes in the closet but this large glass jar that could not be seen.In the culture fluid was a body exactly like Apasi's, but without any vitality.

All you need to do is make some battle wounds on this body when using it.very perfect.Even Sakya, who has seen such performances, is amazed.

Of course, she paid more attention to these eyes.Even Apasi's replica has petrified eyes.Just like the black dragon's training material also has the dragon's resistance to magic.

"Do these eyes really work?"

"You want it? It can be used, but in order to use this magic tool, you need to take a spoon and dig out your eyeballs first."

"Uh...I suddenly don't want to use it anymore."

How can I put it, hearing this sentence is really off-putting.Saga suddenly didn't like these eyes again.However, this is the case for magic eye transplantation in the moon plane.He didn't think there was anything wrong.

"I also had a magic eye transplant. My right eye was dug out and a magic eye was transplanted."


Sakya was a little surprised.After spending so long with him, I didn't realize this!Are everyone around Kepf blind?Dean Xiao doesn’t know either!

If you look closely, they are slightly darker than the brown eyes of East Asians, and the rotation is a little stiff, but they really look like an ordinary eye.It's really different from Apasi's eyes that look different at first sight.

"I've never seen you use it."

"It's not an attack type. The effect is just to offset the enemy's magic resistance and immunity. Since it has no attack power, it's very cheap."

"Isn't this actually more perverted?"

This is actually very abnormal.The human shield in front of him was only flesh and no shield.If the black dragon had no resistance to magic, its combat effectiveness would decline exponentially.

As for how did Kepf get this thing?Well, in the Xingyue world, this thing is basically regarded as useless.After all, in modern times, there are almost no fantasy species or gods about magic anymore.The Magic Eye, which counteracts magic and immunity to magic, is therefore of no value.Kepf took this thing because he wanted to visit the FGO world line.This thing is also on sale at [-]% off...

"After all the magic equipment has been repaired, let's repair the magic eye. This thing is very expensive, so it's not as good as the armor magic equipment."

A decent silver-level magic eye costs over [-] million U.S. dollars, and in this world it would only be even higher.This is really not as good as buying magic armor equipment.After all, the price of this thing is only suitable for equipping a small number of elite troops.If the entire army is equipped, the economy may be overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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