Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 147 The harbinger of snowstorm

Chapter 147 The harbinger of snowstorm

As soon as they went out, they encountered a powerful demon, which greatly slowed down the journey of the Jin Zhan Hunter Group.They had originally planned to hunt for treasure for a week, but they were afraid it would end early.However, they are still experienced hunters and will not shrink from such a trivial matter.

But when he got up the next day, Ge Ming was in a daze.Because this scene is really a bit hilarious!
"Dude... Am I right?"

"Yes. It's snowing. And it's heavy sleet. In this environment, the visibility is too unfriendly!"

That’s why it’s weird!Although Tianshan Mountain is close to the pole, it is April, how can it snow?And it was very violent sleet!
The storm blew against their ears, which was only slightly more pleasant than the storm element they encountered.If he said this was Tianshan in January, Ge Ming would still believe it.But what can they do in this environment?

Hunters usually don't go out in such an unfriendly environment.Because the visibility is too low, it affects the release of magic and combat.Extremely cold weather can quickly drain your energy.In addition, it is easy to be attacked by sneak attacks in this harsh environment.

"Regiment, commander, are we still leaving?"

The hunters of the Jinzhan Hunter Group were also in a daze.Such a heavy snowstorm in April is something none of them, veteran hunters, have ever seen.Some of them were shivering from the cold and had runny noses.

"Here, man, what can you do?"

Ge Ming had no idea.There was such a heavy snowstorm, and he couldn't think of a way to stop the snow.And if you die trapped in the camp, not to mention what will happen to the harvest, even the prepared food and clean water sources are not guaranteed.After all, they have several pseudo-dragon tamers, and these guys need a lot of drinking water.

"I can't help it. I only have my own winter clothes. Besides, I think this snowstorm is very likely to disappear."


He had faced exile at any time during his time in the Clock Tower.Therefore, he always prepares battle attire and seasonal clothing, and uses space magic to carry as much of his belongings with him as possible.Set up traps in the laboratory to ensure that you can remotely clear all records in the laboratory after escaping.And he still maintains this habit to this day.

He brought a change of winter clothes, several sets of them.However, it is all his own.Others definitely can’t.Moreover, looking at the terrible flow of magic power in the air, the almost chaotic flow, made Kepf feel that this weird blizzard would never end.

"There's no better way. We have to keep going, keep going through the storm. But there are things I can do."

"what is that?"

"The local demon tribe in Tianshan must understand what this damn abnormal celestial phenomenon is about. Through the flying demons in the sky, I will try my best to understand the origin of this weird climate."

"Then please, man."

Of course, this is actually just to appease Ge Ming.He said that he must move forward as soon as possible, but Kepfu was ready to use any method to send this group of hunters back.

This group of hunters is pretty good, and the group leader Ge Ming can be considered a kind person.If you can, try to save it.He already knew quite a bit about the origin of this strange snowstorm.

A high-level emperor, like the Extreme Southern Emperor, can influence the global situation.Although it is not as good as Goetia, it is not weak.Again, Khufu can affect the situation on a continent.

A sub-emperor like Apasi is at the bottom of the imperial class.However, it would still be easy to create a blizzard of this level!Especially this Ya-Emperor is from the ice system and belongs to his own profession.

And this guy probably hasn't gone back now, but is wandering around outside... And judging from the information they found, this guy is also surprisingly big.If you want to look for it, you will definitely find it in the end.

And what will happen when such a monster meets a human being... In fact, the result is very clear, right?Why not send all these hunters back, and then a few of them go fight with this Ya-Emperor!After the fight, stop this damn blizzard, otherwise they won't be able to enter the mountain!
Therefore, in the next process, Kepf played a little trick.Create space nodes through space magic.Fortunately, this was during a snowstorm, so visibility and perception were poor.Otherwise it wouldn’t be so easy to cover up!

Make them think they are going in a straight line, but actually they are turning.And after going around and around, I finally have to return to the town at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.There, Apasi will give them sweet dreams.

"Deal with it. Don't hurt anyone."

"Yes Master."

Apasi is dedicated to her duties.When he was about to reach the ground, he used his spiritual power.It's just a hypnosis.However, it was not just the hunters of the Golden Hunter Group who were hypnotized, but also the entire town.

Looking at the heavy snow in the sky, the sleet and sleet are almost freezing in April.And, both Apasi and Kepfu could feel the sound from a distance.

It's very far away, about [-] kilometers away.However, the energy response of the sub-imperial level is indeed like a firefly in the dark night, which is eye-catching enough.This battle must be fought even if they don’t want to!

"You stay here first. Ning Xue, this is not the battlefield you should face."

"But I am already strong enough."

"But you're not sophisticated enough. I can't afford to lose you."

Well, the sudden flirtation from Kepf, a man from science and engineering, made her face turn red all over in the snowstorm, and she appeared embarrassed.Although Kepf's understanding of this matter may be somewhat different from Mu Ningxue's.

Mu Ningxue has been growing up, but if it dies now, wouldn’t all the investment be in vain?Moreover, it is really difficult to find a collaborator who is compatible with you and has no conflict of interest.It is really rare for a young lady from an aristocratic family without so many connections like Mu Ningxue!

And a Ya-Emperor... Look at Apasi, this guy will only become more powerful.After all, he is a veteran, and he is definitely better than the newly advanced Yadi King like Apasi.

Mu Ningxue always felt like he was going to die.that's all.The only ones who can go up are him, Youlandel and Apasi.Sakya did not come. Just like Ziyuan, the less Sakya appears in front of outsiders, the better.She is an archangel and cannot act at will.And if you don't rely on the power of angels but rely on yourself to fight, Sharjah won't be much stronger than Mu Ningxue.

(End of this chapter)

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