Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 174 The Bishop's Proposal

Chapter 174 The Bishop's Proposal

In the final analysis, Salan is concentrating her efforts to create a big event, making a name for herself, attracting knowledgeable people from all over the world to join her, and then seek high positions.However, there is a slight problem with this.

It's not a problem with her men. The more important one among her men is Yan Qiu, the extradition chief.But she's not here, she's staying at a manor in Italy.As for the Black Medicine Master, nothing will happen to him. He stays in Greece.

Sitting next to her was her head coach Wu Ku. Although Wu Ku stayed by her side in order to implement the plan, she had already prepared a way for him to escape.The six executioners have been adjusted through black magic to be exactly the same as Wu Ku, and they used their lives to cover the retreat of the master.Wu Ku’s risk is not great either.

Then there is herself, who has the most connections, and is now disguised as Ling Xi, an elder of the Hunter Alliance who died in her hands in the early years.It's not a big problem to escape as an elder.As long as Kepf doesn't catch her.

Do you want to tell me why it won’t be a big problem for her if Kepf doesn’t arrest her?Because the bureaucracy is very cumbersome, even if she made a big news in the ancient capital, it would still be impossible for the bureaucracy to catch her seamlessly!Salan knows this very well!
It's impossible for the Forbidden Magic Mage to catch her. These guys are strictly controlled.Next is the semi-forbidden spell mage known as the top ones, but the possibility of catching her personally is not high!

Because these guys are the security chiefs of various super cities or large areas, they cannot be easily transferred.Otherwise, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?The person at the top is not a big cabbage, he can just pick it up and make a pile of it.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the Forbidden Curse Mage and the Top One will come to catch her in person.Then the threat is the super mage.But the super mage involves another factor.

That’s the delay nature of bureaucracy!Super-level mages are not directly subordinate to the Forbidden Magic Mages, but are led by the top ones.The Forbidden Curse Mage has one or several top-ranking masters under him, and the top-ranking masters lead a number of super-level mages, layer by layer.

After she caused something big, if she wanted the super mages to arrest her, she would have to go through procedures and get approval at all levels.It takes a long time to react by sending the highest-level political decisions from the top to the middle-level where super mages belong.Does anyone think that after receiving the call, the super mages can directly set out to catch her?
Although not like the top ones and forbidden spells, super mages are also the guardians of a city.Although there is room for maneuver, or room for maneuver, it is not rich enough to draw out a group of useful people at any time.After they received the order, they had to hold a meeting first and argue about what to do about defense when they were away and who would be responsible.

After all, the demon empire is more terrifying than ten salangs!And Sa Long's escape will be very fast, and she will slip out of the country in a few days. Wherever she ends up in Europe or America, how will you catch her?
Not to mention that after the ancient capital incident, there were still internal conflicts at the highest level. There were many factions in the Asia Parliament, and Shao Zheng could not be the only one. The first thing Shao Zheng had to face was the criticism from other factions.And these things determine that even if something big happens, the response of the bureaucracy will still be very slow, so slow that Salan will have enough time to run away.

Of course, do you think any of Shao Zheng's personal dead soldiers or secret service agencies came to arrest her?Of course there will be.But how many people does a secret service agency like the Tribunal have?And China's national border is so long, it is impossible for so many people to build an iron wall around China's border.

Moreover, her own strength is not very weak.Even if you are caught on the spot, if the opponent is not a top person or a forbidden man, and does not have a large number of advantages, then it is not certain who will fight whom!

So she has no fear of big, slow bureaucracies.They may even laugh at and despise the latter in their hearts.However, she was very afraid of Kepfu.

There is only one reason for this: this person is not from within the system.Belongs to idle personnel.And since such idle workers do not receive salary from the government, they naturally do not need to consider government agencies.Just do what you want to do.And Shao Zheng or some other faction in the Asia Parliament only needs to give a suitable price, and Kepfu can catch her personally!And this will be over very quickly.

He is too strong, too strong for Sa Long to defeat.He also understands black magic, so he can't escape easily.Then there's plenty of free time for a long game of cat and mouse.Therefore, Salan can give those superior men a loud slap in the face, but facing Kepfu, she is too weak and has no countermeasures!
And what should we do in the face of this untouchable existence?Of course I gave in!Regardless of what she was thinking and how it would develop in the future, Salan's attitude at this time was very upright.It looks like you can kill me at will, but in fact it is true.

"As long as you decide to let me live and let me go abroad with the respected Celestial Master, you can set any price you want."

"As long as I can do it, I will do it."

Of course, the conditions cannot be too excessive.After all, the basis of blackmail is that the other party can take it.If Sa Long couldn't get it out even if she was beaten to death, then she would have to consider some extraordinary measures.However, Kepf's response satisfied her.

"Two things."

"I will give whatever I can afford."

"You know about the Dark Plane, right?"

"I know a little bit about it, but I haven't been there myself."

"Human beings have been dealing with the dark plane for a long time. I need a sacrifice that can resonate with the dark plane. And a roster of the supreme rulers of the dark plane."

Well, Wu Ku, who had not spoken before, felt that Kepfu had a big appetite.He didn't know who Kepf was, but Bishop Salan never did anything stupid. Since she wanted to stabilize Kepf, she had her reasons.

The Dark Plane is the source of power, arcane knowledge, endless resources, and terror.Those who succeed can gain nearly unlimited power, while those who fail are permanently banished to hell.A sacrifice that resonates with the Dark Plane itself is extremely valuable.

Note, not with those dark princes, but with the dark plane itself.Plus a roster of princes from the dark plane.Although Wu Ku didn't know Kepf's ultimate goal, he also knew that Kepf had a big appetite.

Of course, it is Salan who feels more deeply about this condition!Wu Ku just thinks that Kepfu has a big appetite, while Sa Long thinks that this man is very ambitious!She knows about some changes in the dark plane!
(End of this chapter)

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