Chapter 197 Distrust (2)

The base cities in this plan, the base city of the imperial capital, the base city of the demon capital, the base city of the magical capital, the base city of Tianjin, and several other base cities, are all leading large cities in China.However, these cities cannot provide for themselves.

In peacetime, these cities cannot produce the food and other daily necessities they need, but must rely on supplies from other regions.And in the war years, transportation capacity must be tight, because these cities have deployed at least [-] more troops!

The military's consumption is staggering, and during wartime everything is given military priority. The government does not have extra funds to repair infrastructure, dredge rivers, and lay railways.The continued overload operation of the transportation system will continue to reduce transportation efficiency.

I repeat, these big cities cannot produce the food and daily necessities they need in peacetime.This is even less true during the war years.You can say that you can reduce material consumption and make supplies sufficient by implementing wartime rationing.

This is only theoretically possible.There are too many big aristocratic families in the country. It is hard to say whether these aristocratic families will cooperate with the government, and Kepf is not optimistic about this matter... Let's assume you can do it.

So, if Kepf was the Pacific Emperor, he would not forcefully attack these big cities.Instead, they will choose to start around these big cities.

The army is certain, and the military supplies are certain. If there is more here, there will be less there.If you give a large number of elite troops and sufficient supplies to these base cities, then other cities along the coast will lack defense capabilities!If he were the Pacific Emperor, he would not rush to attack these base cities, but first attack the surrounding weak cities and villages that lack defense.

Seize control of these cities, towns, railway hubs, and rivers.It rains to flood these areas to utilize the Kraken's mobility, and at the same time completely destroys transportation. Then tell me, what should we do with the base city that has been surrounded and turned into an isolated island?
The Kraken is even more powerful, and its actions to seize surrounding weak cities, towns, and transportation hubs will definitely succeed. It is just a matter of time and how much will be lost.After taking it down, the base city will trap itself to death.Send some emperors and some powerful monarchs to surround and not fight, just wait for the army inside to trap themselves to death!

The plan he saw said that at least 150 million troops should be concentrated in six base cities... The six base cities of 150 million troops are the graves of 150 million soldiers!And after losing one million of the most elite troops in one fell swoop, how will we fight next?

This thing is so terrible that it can silence these people all of a sudden.Kepf is right. Big cities that cannot be self-sufficient in peacetime are even less likely to be self-sufficient in wartime. The Kraken does not need to smash the turtle shell head-on, but only needs to control the transportation hub, although it will hoard supplies before the war. , rationing is implemented, but these big cities will still die of hunger!

And after that, they failed.All the southeastern coastal areas were truly lost.Because there is no power to fight back, the Kraken will occupy these areas forever.Both the old man Bao and Han Ji believe this, the sea monster is more powerful, once occupied, it will be occupied forever!
"So I don't trust these guys. I won't put my strength into a battlefield that is bound to be defeated. Fighting with the Kraken in the lowlands and rivers along the southeast coast is simply harmful and useless!"

"What's your opinion?"

"Our country as a whole is stepped. And in the lowlands along the southeast coast, the sea monsters are born to take advantage. There are many rivers, the climate is rainy and the terrain is generally low-lying, and the water can easily overflow."

"But as you go inland, the terrain gets higher and higher, and the Kraken's advantage becomes smaller and smaller. Because the Kraken needs water to move freely, in the inland where the terrain is getting higher and higher, you want to lower it for the Kraken to move around. It’s not easy to get water levels at your fingertips.”

"This is really a shocking statement!"

Old Man Bao pinched his beard and responded with a frown.The subtext of this sentence is to abandon most cities on the southeast coast, take away people and things that can be taken away in the years before the war begins, and move them to higher ground inland.What was left to the Kraken was an empty city, and they fought the decisive battle with the Kraken in a higher-lying area where they had an advantage.

"Not entirely correct. Even inland, the Kraken's strength is still dominant. Therefore, before a decisive battle, we need to wear down the opponent's attack power as much as possible."

"Then how to do it? You said that the opponent's power has the advantage."

"Ordinary troops cannot do it. They are not strong enough, and they do not have enough speed. To achieve this, there are two requirements. The first is that they are strong enough to not be easily killed by the opponent. The second is that they are fast enough to prevent being killed by the opponent. We can retreat calmly before being surrounded by a large force."

"Use such a small number of elites to implement dynamic defense. Use constant attacks to consume the overall strength of the Kraken."

"Ordinary troops are not good, but your Valkyries are just right?"

"That's right!"

Old Man Bao somewhat understands this meaning.The opponent's strength is too strong, and the result of a head-on collision is to be crushed directly.Then we can only change our thinking and engage in mobile warfare!
Just like the Mongolian cavalry dealt with the European knights who first saw them.Use your mobility to hit and run, and use such attacks to constantly wear down the opponent's strength, making the opponent pay the price for every step forward.When encountering a monarch, he invades and plunders like fire; when encountering a king, he turns around like wind!

Although this does not conform to the general strategy of using troops, that is, one large attack wave is better than several scattered attack waves.But the gap between humans and sea monsters is a bit big... Concentrate your strength on the wild land battle, and you will most likely be crushed by a big score, so the only reliable troops are this kind of air knights. I can beat you, but you can't beat me. Got it!
"So if these mages are the most elite, they must have the best equipment and the most powerful power. Is that right?"

"But this new military branch is not so easy to pass. Other factions are unwilling to do it, so I have to do it myself. And the current number is not enough."

This man's views on military should I put it, are very unique.It was completely different from the military education Shi Zheng had received.But he can't refute it now, and you can't solve the problem Kepf raised.This is the reality.

Then you can only act according to what he says.Compete with opponents with advantages in mobility and overall strength, and fight the Kraken in the highlands.And, to cover the people migrating inland and the retreating troops.As the saying goes, don’t hit the southern wall and don’t look back. Shao Zheng would not agree to let the army and people retreat inland before being hit by reality!

(End of this chapter)

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