Chapter 202 Adjustment
I feel a little confused!As usual, isn't it right for a girl to come up and ask for her cell phone number and then have some communication at night?What, why did you pull out the gun?

And the result of this battle is destined to be tragic!A high-level mage, two mid-level mage, facing a top person, Mochizuki Mingjian and other instructors of the Japanese National Pavilion just closed their eyes, unable to bear to see the tragedy that followed, and at the same time put their mental strength aside. Open and see how strong this guy is.

Well, it turns out that it is very strong, very strong, even if it is better than the average top person, I don’t know how strong it is!The moment the confused referee announced the start, Mo Fan, Guan Yu and Jiang Yu fell to the ground, and no one even saw clearly how this guy made the move.

And, to be honest, the fight was a bit miserable!
"Did he use three super-level magics in one-third of a second? Well... this guy is considered particularly powerful among those at the top!"

Generally, when you reach the level of a top person, you can cast high-level magic instantly, but some particularly powerful ones can also cast super-level magic instantly!And this pink hair can do it!The stabbing blows against Jiang Yu and Guan Yu were super-level light magic, concentrated on one point.

It was a heavy punch to Mo Fan, with huge space power attached to it, which is an internal force that hurts people. Although the appearance is a little better than Jiang Yu and Guan Yu, not like a blood gourd, but the famous sword of the moon knows this The guy was more seriously injured, and some of his internal organs were probably directly shattered!

Of course, Han Ji would not let anything happen to these guys.To get it, you need to get a complete set. Since you have created the Valkyrie, you must also have matching items. He also got the swan costume that both Gungnir and the Valkyrie have, so there is no shortage of this.The Swan Ceremony has the ability to heal and regenerate, and its effect is no less than that of a super-level three healing mage!
I'll explain it later... Mochizuki Mingjian thought, it's okay to play with female college students, but it's ok to tease big leaders... I can only admit that I'm unlucky.

Although there were big problems in the end, at least the seal of approval of the first national pavilion in Osaka was obtained.Then, the national team will go to Tokyo for training.Just like China's national pavilion is in Shanghai, and this year's training ground is in Xi'an...

Then, then, not only the Chinese national team was very busy at this time, but also the Chinese defenders were very busy.And for some special reasons, Kepf was temporarily called to Shanghai by Shao Zheng to watch the performance of this wave of defenders...

Kepf originally wanted to say that he was so busy, moving in and out of billions of dollars every minute, how could he have any free time to watch what Lao Shizi was doing?But, Shao Zheng said that some people wanted to see him, and they still came with benefits.Then he could only run patiently.

Then when I came here, I realized that it was indeed extraordinary!Someone is coming to challenge the National Pavilion!It’s not just one country’s national team, but several countries coming together!National teams from more than ten countries including the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Italy, and Greece gathered together!

"What a surprise today! I don't know what happened? National teams from more than a dozen countries came together?"

In addition to the above-mentioned circle, there are many other countries, such as Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Norway and other second-tier countries...the national teams of more than a dozen countries Come together!Even Bai Dongwei, the instructor of the Chinese National Pavilion, has never seen this scene!

What's even more amazing is that after these guys gathered together, they didn't challenge the National Pavilion for the time being. Instead, they ate and drank in the National Pavilion first, saying they were waiting for someone.This made Bai Dongwei even more confused.Then two days later, when Kepf came from the ancient capital to the Shanghai National Pavilion, he could see the captains of the British national team and the German national team coming up to say hello to him in a friendly way.

"Are you okay here?"

"It's fine, it's fine."

"Your career has also gone a step further. Here, we only represent our family to offer you our highest respect. Being able to confront an emperor and protect the border of a big country is the highest honor of a mage's life. The same is true for my uncle. Thought."

Jolson, the captain of the German national team, congratulated him with great respect and admiration.This young man really admired Kepfu immensely. He was able to fight against the emperor repeatedly and protect a big country. Only the most powerful mage could do that.Johnson did look up to him.

And the last line, which would make it clear to Kepf that this was not just a courtesy, but that they were coming with a proposal.However, there were too many people in the national embassy and it was not convenient to discuss these matters, so he could only return the favor first.

"The same goes for you. Germany is lucky to have such young people."

"If you have time, please be sure to come to my family, where you can try authentic Munich sausages and dark beer. You can even go to the Swan Castle."

"And Balmoral Palace. The Victorian family will always open its doors to you."

"I would like to thank you for your kindness here. However, it is better to complete the National Pavilion Challenge first. After it is over, we will have time to talk."

Well, when it comes to this, it can be said that the picture is poor.At least the British and Germans came with a deal and had the idea of ​​forming a deep alliance with him!Otherwise they wouldn’t say this!

Where is Swan Castle?That is the private property of the highest-ranking German nobles, the Wittelsbach family. Where can you just go there?Where is Balmoral Palace?That is the private estate of the British royal family!Being invited to a place like this, the implications can be seen by even a fool!
"Yeah. Yes. You should indeed complete the National Pavilion challenge first. But this time the Chinese National Pavilion team doesn't seem to be able to do that well."

Well, the captain of the British national team, Grand Duchess Irene, also showed no mercy.At least the stronger countries among these dozen or so, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Sweden, all have high-level teams.But there is no high-level mage in the Chinese National Pavilion yet?

Of course, the national tutor Bai Dongwei was not blind. He made his own judgment under the pressure of his strength.Forget about the few particularly strong countries, but China's national team cannot lose to second-tier countries like the Netherlands and Romania, right?In these countries, the captain is high-level and the other team members are also mid-level.There is a possibility of winning!

As for what to say afterwards?He also had to write reports to the government mentors.He dared to say that Song He, Fengli and the others would go crazy after this was reported!However, if you are angry and mad, the punishment may not be severe.Because the situation is like this now. If you are a reserve team playing against a powerful team, the loss will not be controlled by Bai Dong's power.

(End of this chapter)

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